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Operating Systems Notes
Chapter – 1
Zeroth Generation: Charles Babbage designed the first digital computer. It used some
mechanical parts like wheels, gears, etc. It was slow and UN reliable. There
was no operating system for this type of computer.
First Generation: - (1945-55)
Akien, van nenumeann & Others Succeeded in designing calculating
machines with vaccum tubes as central components.
These vacuum tubes generate heat and they huge in size. The
programming was done in machine language. (First Generation Language)
There were no Operating Systems. These machine were Single-User and were
extremely unfriendly to User / Programmers.
Second Generation: -(1955-65)
Transistor replaced the vaccum tubes. Hence the size and the cost of the
machine were reduced.
Next Job
Data Cards
Program Cards
Control Cards
Structure of batch job
Assembly Language (2Gl) and FORTRAN emerged during this period.
Concept of Batch Job was introduced. But the CPU time was wasted as the user
himself had to identify the end of job discount (“Teardown Operation”) it and
mount the tapes cards for the next job (“Setup Operation”). This problem was
rectified in the later periods in IBM-7094 (satellite Computer).
7094 actually processes the job
The machines were Single User. Master Control Program (MCP)
operating system was produced which had the features of Multi-programming,
Multi-processing and Virtual Storage.
Third Generation: (1965-80)
IBM / 360 series were announced which were based on IC’s rather then
The cost and the size of the computer reduced to the greater extent and
the performance was improved at the same time.
The Major features and problems of this computer (IBM / 360) and its
operating systems. Were
(a) Integrated Circuits: Reduces the size of the computer improved the performance.
(b) Protability: The Operating Systems were written Assembly Language. The routines
were complex and time-consuming. As the operating systems were written for
a specific machine, they were not easily protable to machine with different
(c) Job Control Language: JCL was developed to allow communication between the User /
Programmer. Hence the interruption is decreased. By using JCL, a user /
programmer could instruct the computer and its OS to perform the tasks in a
specific sequence.
(d) Multiprogramming: -
Operating System
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Physical memory in multiprogramming
The physical memory was divided in to many partitions. Each
partitions holding a separate program.
In a Uniprogramming environment, the CPU was idle when any I/O for
any program was going on, But in a multiprogramming environment, when I/O
for a program was going on the CPU switched to other program for processing
and hence the increase in throughput was achieved.
(e) SPOOLING: - (Simultaneously Peripheral Operations On-Line)
All the jobs could be read in to the disk first and OS would load as many
jobs in the available memory could accommodate them. After many programs
were loaded in different partitions of the memory, the CPU was switching from
one program to another program to achieve multiprogramming.
a b c d
1. It allowed smooth multiprogramming operations.
2. All the I/O of all the jobs was essentially pooled together in the
spooling method and therefore, this could be overlapped with the
CPU bound computations of all the jobs at appropriate time chosen
by the OS to improve the Throughput.
(f) Time Sharing: It enhances the multiprogramming using software called “Scheduler”
the OS is able to identify the higher priority process with the ordinary process.
IBM first gives its user a program called “Customer Information Control
Systems “ (CICS) which provided Data communication between the terminals
and the computer. Scheduled various inter active user jobs the CICS function
as a “Transaction Processing Monitor” (TP), “Time Sharing Option” (TSO)
software deals with scheduling.
Compatible Time Sharing System (CTSS) was the first time sharing
system. Multiplexed Information and Computing Service (MULTICS) was the
next to CTSS.
Fourth Generation: - (1980-90)
Large Scale Integration Circuit came in to existence. Thousands of
transistors could be package on a very small area of a Silicon Chip.
Control Program for Micro Computer (CP/M) was the OS on the
microcomputer platform. It is Single user OS. It was developed on Intel 8080
(User friendly).
Multi Program for Micro Computer MP/M was a 16bit multi-user, timesharing OS. CP/NET was released to provide Networking Capatilities with
MP/M as the server to serve the requests received from other CP/M machines.
File Server
MP / M
CP / M
CP / M
CP / M
In Intel 8086, IBM had released PC-DOS operating systems and
Microsoft released MS-DOS as its OS.
Q DOS, another OS was potential than CP/M which later because PCDOS & MS-DOS.
So many other OS with their different features were introduced. UNIX,
Were released.
In 386 and 486 computers, bit mapped graphic displays became faster
and hence Graphical user Interface (GUI) became popular. MS-WINDOWS is
a user-friendly graphical user interface.
MS-WINDOWS did not level a true multitasking capability to the OS.
WINDOWS NT incorporated this capability.
When the concept of ‘Distributed Processing’ became a reality, there
arose a need for an OS. Which satisfy this Network Operating System (NOS)
and Distributed Operating System (DOS) satisfied this needs.
The difference between NOS and DOS is, NOS the users are aware that
there are several computers connected to each other Via a network.
Eg: Novell’s Netware
DOS makes the whole network transparent to the user
1. All the resources are shared amongst a no of user’s who are not a
ware of such sharing.
2. DOS allow Parallelism i.e., a program can be segmented into
different machines.
3. The OS must hide the hardware differences which exist in different
computers connected to each other,
4. It should provide high level of fault tolerance i.e. if one computer is
down the OS could schedule the tasks on the other computers.
Chapter – 2
What is an Operating System?
“The OS is a set of software programs supplied along with the Hardware
for the effective and easy use of machine “.
Benefits of OS:  Provision security / confidentiality of information.
 Elimination of duplicate effects by programmers for developing tedious
Security: The OS takes care of allocating / deallocating the storage are a on the
disk for different user for different files. It secures the data form overwriting on
the same sector OS instruct the Hardware to write data from memory onto a
pre-specified locating on the disk. The OS provides a no of system calls to
perform various I / O functions such as read, write, open, close, seek, etc. The
complied program must contain these system calls to get the I / O task to be
Confidentiality: The OS helps in maintaining the privacy there by protecting the
unauthorized access to file, by the external code or user.
Elimination of duplicate effects: Once the as developers write the routines for all the I/O operation each
application programmer does not have to code them again & again. They’re by
the programmers.
When the application program writes “Read / Write Instructions”, the
complier generates the appropriate system calls in their place and at the time of
execution, the OS carries out the instructions on behalf of Applications using
the appropriate routines already developed.
Direct Memory Access: It is the hardware unit, which consists of its own memory and
instruction set to take care of the I/O operations.
It needs an instruction specifying the address of the sector(s), which is to
be read, and the memory location where it is to be written. When the OS
supplies this instruction to the controller, the controller can carry out the data
Transfer on its own, without the help of the main CPU.
CPU is free to execute any other any other program when the I/O is
going on for some other program.
The operation of transferring the data directly by the controller without
the help of CPU is called Direct Memory Access and the controller is called
DMA controller. DMA forms a very important basis for a multi-user, multi
Programming OS.
Steps in Multi Programming: 1. Application program (AP-1) contains an instruction of the type
2. Complier generates a systems call for this instruction.
3. At this time of execution, when this system call is encountered, AP-1
is blocked (Until I/O is Over). The OS then schedules another
program (AP-2) for execution.
4. OS takes up AP-1, while CPU takes up AP-2 for execution. OS finds
out the address of the physical sectors where customer record is
located. This is called ‘address translation’.
5. OS issues an instruction to the DMA controller, giving the address of
the source sectors, the address of target memory locations of OS
buffer and the no of bytes to be transferred.
6. The DMA reads the data from disk sectors in to the OS buffer. The
OS have multiple memory buffers for different programs.
7. Data is read in to OS buffer reserved for the program (Ap-1). Then it
is transferred.
8. Beginning is possible (i.e. Transferring of data from disk to memory
without through OS buffer). It is complicated.
9. Currently executing machine instruction of AP-2 is when completed,
the “Interrupt Service Routine”(ISR).
10. The OS finds out the disk drive, which has caused the interrupt then
finds out the program for which the I/O was completed.
11. The OS reactivates Ap-1 by making it ready for execution.
12. Both AP-1 &AP-2 are in the list of ready process. The OS chooses
any one of them based on scheduling policy.
Privileged Instruction: The instructions which can be executed by the not by the user program
is said to be a privileged instruction.
Modes: CPU can execute only one instruction at a time. If it is executing any OS
instructing, the machine is said to be in the ‘System mode’. If the instruction is
from the application program, the machine is said to be in the ‘User mode’.
Different services of OS:  Information Management (IM)
 Process Management (PM)
 Memory Management (MM)
Information Management: It refers to a set of service user storing, retrieving,
modifying or removing the information or various devices.
The IM organizes the information as directories and files
allocate and reallocate the sectors to various files and
enforcing the access controller is managed by it.
Some of the calls in this category are
1. Create a file.
2. Create a directory.
3. Open a file (read, write, etc).
4. Close a file.
5. Read data form file to buffer.
6. Write data form buffer to disk.
7. Move the file Pointer.
8. Read data return a file’s status.
9. Create a pipe.
10. Create a link
11. Change working directory.
Process Management: The services provided by PM are very important, if the OS
is a multi-user OS. It is less significant in a single user,
Uniprogramming environment.
Some of the system calls in this category are: 1.
Create a child process identical to parent.
Wait for child process to terminate.
Terminate a process.
Change the priority of a process.
Block a process.
Ready a process.
Dispatch a process.
8. Suspend a process.
9. Resume a process.
10. Delay a process.
11. Fork a process.
Memory Management: -(MM)
The services provided by MM are to keep track of
memory and allocating / reallocating it to various process.
The OS keeps a list of free memory locations.
When the program is loaded in the memory from the disk,
this module (MM) consults this free list, allocates the memory to
the process, depending upon the program size and updates the list
of free memory.
Some of the system calls in this category are: 1. Allocates a chunk of memory to a process.
2. Free a chunk of memory from a process.
User Of System Calls: In the some HLL such as PL/1, C the system calls are embedded in the
Midst of the statements. This makes then more suitable for writing or system
In some other HLL, the complier at proper places substitutes these
system calls, wherever necessary. For Example: When there is a
STOPRUN statement, the complier substitutes it by a system call to “Kill or
Terminate the Process”.
The compliers for same language under two different OS, a Substitutes
different set of OS calls for the same source statements. The format,
functionality, scope, parameters passed and returned results or errors differ
quite a lot between the two OS.
The Issue Of Portability: When the same complied binary program id executed in different
architecture computer, it will not be executed properly as the instruction set
differs to a greater extent.
Example: When a COBOL programming is complied under UNIX on PC / AT. It
cannot be run on a VAX machine under UNIX.
When we take Tue it complied binary program to the same machine but
under different OS, it will not execute properly as the system calls are
completely different.
Example: COBOL under MS-DOS on a PC / AT cannot run directly under UNIX
on the same PC / AT. It needs recompilation.
Object Code Portability is achievable only if the instruction set of the
machine as well as the OS is same.
Source Code Portability can be achieved by allowing the same source
statements for two different compliers for different machines / OS
User View Of The OS: OS is a set of Command Interpreter. These command interpreter (CI)
constitutes command language (CL). Which is otherwise called a user
Interface. Some of the facilities provided by CL are,
Create a file in a directory.
Delete a file from a directory.
Copy a file.
Compile a program.
Link all the procedures in a program.
Execute a linked program.
Format a disk.
List the contents of a directory.
Type the contents of a file on the terminal.
Abort a running program.
CI consists of a set of programs, one for each of the commands.
Eg: - These are program for creating a file in a directory and another for
executing a program and so on.
OS consists of a set of CI and a Watchdog Program to check
whether the user has given any command. If there is any command will
initiate to execute of the appropriate program.
A Watchdog Program is given below: Repeat endlessly
Display “>”
Accept the Command
If Command = “CRE”
Then Call “CRE” Routine
Else if Command = “DEL”
Then Call “DEL” Routine
Display “Wrong Command”
End if
As soon as the user types in any command, this watchdog program
checks whether it is one of the valid commands, and it so executes the
particular program corresponding to that command.
If the command is invalid, the watchdog displays an error message and
prompts for a now command.
An Example for the execution of a command “RUN” is given below.
> RUN Payroll.
“RUN” is equivalent to execute command is same OS. Steps involved in
executing this command are
1. CI Watchdog Prompt “>” a screen and waits for the response.
2. When the user types “RUN Payroll”. This command is transferred
from the CI for analysis.
3. The CI Watchdog Program examines the command and finals
whether the command “RUN” is valid or not. The parameter passed
to the command is PAYROLL.
4. The RUN routine, with the help of a system call in the IM category
locates a file and finals out its size.
5. The RUN routine, with the help of a system calls is the MM category
checks whether is free memory available to accommodate this
program, and if available “MM” allocates memory to this program.
If not, displays an error message and waits or terminates depending
upon the policy.
6. If there is sufficient memory, with the help of a system call in the IM
category, it actually transfers the complied program from the disk
into these available memory locations.
7. It now issues a system call in the PM category to schedule and
execute this program.
The Significant points to be noted are,
 The system calls in the IM; PM & MM categories have to work
in close Co-operation with one another.
 The commands are executed with the help of a variety of system
calls inter-nally.
Macro Facility: The CL provide for a Macro facility, which allows the user to create a
list of commands and store then in a file.
Macro facility is called
Shell script in UNIX,
DCL procedures in VAX/VMS.
Graphical User Interface: -(GUI)
It provides various menus with colours, graphics and windows the user
does not love to remember tedious syntaxes of the command language, but can
point at a chosen option by means of a mouse. The position of the mouse is
translated into the co-ordinates or the position of the cursor on the screen. The
CI watchdog program maintains a table of routines and the possible screen
positions of a cursor manipulated by the mouse. When the user clicks at a
certain mouse position, the OS invokes the corresponding routine; The OS
essentially refer to the table to translate this screen position in to the correct
option, and then calls the specific routine.
The Kernel: The OS is a complicated piece of software. It consists of a number of
routines. The OS is very large and it cannot be loaded fully as it leaves only
small area for the application programs.
Other O/S routine if
required or other A/P
Other routines
Kernel of the operating system
Hence the OS is divided into two parts. One consists of the very
essential routines, which are required more often and almost all the time, and
the other consists of routines, which are required some times.
The vital portion called the kernel of the OS. This is innermost layer of
the OS close to the hardware and controlling the actual hardware. It is the heart
of OS.
Booting: The loading of the OS is achieved by a specific program called BOOT,
which is stored in one (two) sectors on the disk with a predetermined address.
This portion is called “BOOT BLOCK”. The ROM normally contains a
Boot Block
System disk
Remaining part of the
operating system
The H/W loads the BOOT routine automatically
minimum program, which transfers the control to this program (when the
computer is turned on) automatically by the hardware. The program is a ROM
loads the Boot program in predetermined memory, which in turn loads the rest
of the OS into the memory.
System disk
The BOOT routine loads the rest of the OS
The mechanism of pulling oneself up is called boot strapping or booting.
Computer virus may result in affecting the boot block, so that either OS
will not be loaded or may produce unpredictable result.
Information Management: Highlights on
 File System (FS)
 Block
 Address Translation
 Relationship between AP, OS, DMS & H/W
 Disk space allocation
1. Contiguous
2. Chained
3. Indexed
 Hierarchical file system
 Device drivers
1. I/O Procedures
2. I/O Schedulers
3. Device Handler
4. ISR (Interrupt Service Routine)
Information management consists of two main modules,
1. File System (FS).
2. Device Driver (DD) or Device Management (DM).
Block: A block is a logical unit of data that the OS defines for its convenience.
A block may be equal to a sector or may be twice or 4 times as big OS a sector.
A sector is a physical unit of data on the disk, for the make of
convenience; the block size is normally an exact multiple of sector size.
A block is not a unit of data transferred between the disk and the main
A block is not a unit of data to which the disk space is allocated to files.
A block is not a logical record.
When the file is transferred between the disk and memory, the OS
expects the AP to Supply.
a) File ID
b) Starting position in the file
c) Number of bytes to be read
d) Starting address of memory
where the data is to be read.
A file is a collection of resource of a similar type of information.
Eg: Employee file, Electricity bill file.
If we want to perform various manual functions, the computer must
provide a facility for a user to define and files increases various files of the
same type will be put under one directory. Eg: All files containing data about
sales could be put under sales directory.
A directory can be considered as a file of files. The application program
needs various services for these files as well as directories such as
1. Open a file
2. Create a file
3. Delete a directory Etc.
This is done by file system again using a series if system calls.
ARCHITECTURE OF A HARDDISK: The OS looks at a hard disk as a series of sectors and numbers them
serially starting from 0.
If has 2 cylinders (inner & outer cylinder) and having two surfaces has
several sectors.
So the address can be considered as having 3 components such as
cylinder number, surface number and sector number.
Let us see one example for a hard disk with 2 cylinders, 4 platters and
therefore 8 surfaces, with 10 sectors per surface.
Platter = 0
(Surfaces = 0,1)
Sectors 10-19
On the other
9 surfaces of
platter 0
Platter = 1
(Surfaces = 3,4)
Sectors 50-59
On the other
49 surfaces
of platter 2
Platter = 2
(Surfaces = 4,5) 45
Sectors 30-39
On the other
29 surfaces
of platter 1
Platter = 3
(Surfaces = 6,7) 65
Sectors 70-79
On the other
69 surfaces
of platter 3
1 Cylinder = 4 Platters = 8 Surfaces = 80 Sectors
The numbering starts with 0 at the outer most cylinders and top most
surfaces. Each sectors a numbered anticlockwise, so that if the disk rotates
clockwise, it will encounter sectors 0,1,2,3,4,etc.
When all sectors on that surface on that cylinder are numbered, the next
surface below on the same platter on the same cylinder will be numbered. After
both the surfaces of one platter are over, the other platters for the same cylinder
are continued. After the full cylinder is over, we go to the inner cylinder, and
continue from the top surface.
In our example, the above hard disk is having 2 cylinders, [(i.e.)
innermost cylinder (cylinder 1), outermost cylinder (cylinder 0) ],
4 platters with 2 surfaces for each platter [totally 8 surfaces] and sectors 0-79on
outermost cylinder, sectors 80-159 on innermost cylinder.
Interleaving technique: Some OS follows the interleaving technique. In this method, after
starting from sector 0, two sectors are skipped and numbered that sector as |,
then again two sectors are skipped and numbered the next sector as 2 etc. We
call this interleaving with factor =3. This factor is adjustable. This method
reduces the rotational delay.
Need of interleaving technique: In this method, while processing a file sequentially after reading a block,
should the processed. During the processing of this block by the CPU, the OS
searches the next block in the hard disk.[Due to the interleaving technique, the
next block will be placed somewhere].
with factor = 3
When OS finds the next block, the processing of the previous block also
over, so now the next block can be processed, now.
Process: A program under the execution, which competes for the CPU and other
resources, is said to be process.
A process needs resources like CPU, Memory, files and I/O devices to
perform the task. These resources are allocated to the process while it is created
or executed. So the OS is responsible for the process management. OS creates
& deletes both user & system process scheduling the process scheduling the
process etc.,
Evolution of Multiprogramming: Processing and calculation oriented instructions basically use the main
memory, CPU registers and therefore data transfers or calculations take place
electronically. Whereas I/O instructions are carried out by the OS on behalf of
AP with the help of disk Controller, which finally issues the signals to the
device. This operation is electromechanical in nature.
When the OS issues an instruction to the controller to carry out an I/O
instruction, the CPU is idle during the time the I/O is actually taking place.
This is because; the I/O can takes place Independently by DMA Without
involving CPU. Hence in a single user system, the CPU utilization will be very
To increase the CPU utilization and to reduce its idleness, more than one
process is made to run at the same time whereas one process waits for an I/O
There would be some time lost in turning attention from process 1 to
process 2 called Context Switching. This scheme would work well if the time
lost in context switch is lower than the time gained due to the increased CPU
utilization. The process management portion of OS is responsible for keeping
track of various processes and scheduling them.
Multiprogramming becomes feasible, as the disk controller can
independently transfer the required data from one process by DMA. When the
DMA is using the data bus for one process, the CPU can execute some limited
instructions not involving the data bus for some other process.
The no. Of process running simultaneously and competing for the CPU
is known as the degree of multiprogramming. This increase when the CPU
utilization increases.
Context Switching: P1
When the CPU switches from one process to other process, the OS saves
the state of the old process and loading the saved state for the new process.
When a process (AP-1) issues an I/O system call, the OS takes over this
I/O function on behalf of that process, keeps the (AP-1) away and starts
executing another process (AP-2) after storing the context [CPU registers such
as PC, IR, SP & other general purpose register] of the AP-1 that can be
executed again. But at this time, the CPU may be executing AP-2 and therefore
its registers will be showing the values related to AP-2. The context of AP-2
has now to be saved in the register save area and the CPU registers have to be
loaded with the saved values from the register save area of the AP-1 to be
executed next [for which I/O is complete].
Register Save Area
Process A
Process B
CPU Registers
Process A
Process B
Context switching (from Process A to B)
The process may be in any one of the following states.
NEW: When we start executing a program, i.e. create a process; the OS puts it
in the list of new processes.
RUNNING: There is only one process, which is executed by the CPU at any given
This process is termed as a running process. In multiprocessor systems with
multiple CPUs, there will be many running process and the OS keep tracks of
all of them.
WAITING or BLOCKED: When a process is waiting for some event to occur [Waiting for I/O
completion], the process is said to be in a blocked state.
The blocks process cannot be scheduled directory to the CPU even if the
CPU is free.
READY: A Process which is not waiting for any external event such as an I/O
operation but is waiting to be assigned to the processor is busy in executing
instructions of the other process is said to be in the ready state.
TERMINATETED or HALTED: The process finished its execution.
h al t e d
Time up
I/O Request
I/O Completion
(Wake up)
The process state transition
When we start executing a program, i.e. create a process; the OS puts it
in the list of new processes. The OS wants only a certain number of processes
to be in the ready queue to reduce competition. The OS introduces a process in
the new list.
Depending upon the length of the ready queue, upgrades process from
new to the ready list. Some systems directly admit a created process to the
ready list.
When all the processes, which are previously in the ready lists, are
dispatched then this process will be dispatched in tits turn to the running state
by loading the CPU register save area.
Each process is given a time slice, to avoid the usage of CPU by
indefinitely. When the time slice is over it is put in the ready state again as it is
not waiting for any external event.
Within the time slice if the process wants to perform some I/O operation
denoted by I/O request, a S/W interrupt results and the OS makes this process
blocked and takes up the next ready process for dispatching.
Wakeup operation occurs when the I/O is over for the process, which
was in the blocked state. At this time, the h/w generates an interrupt and the
changes the blocked state process in to ready state process.
This cycle is repeated until the process is terminated. After termination,
it is possible for the OS put this process into the halted state for time being and
removes all the details from the memory.
Process state
Process priority
Register Save Area
For PC, IR, SP, …
Pointers to process’s memory
Pointers to other resources
List of open files
Accounting information
Other info if required (current dir)
Pointer to other PCBs
Process Control Block
It is a data structure and the OS maintains the information about each
process. Each process has a PCB. When the user creates a process, it is created
and stored in the memory and it is removed when the process is killed.
Process-id: OS allocates the no. to each and every process. If there are ‘n’ processes
it allocates 0 to n-1 numbers to each process. Another way is PCB number is
given as the process no.
When a process is created, a free PCB slot is selected and its PCB
number is chosen as the process-id number, when a process terminates, the
PCB is added to a free pool.
Process-state: It gives the status of the process such as running, ready in the codified
Process-priority: It indicates the priority of the process (high or low). It can be externally
by the user (or) set the OS internally.
Register Save Area: It gives information about accumulator, general-purpose register, PC,
SP, IR and status registers. This is needed to save all the CPU register at the
context switch.
Pointer to the Process’s memory: It has the starting address of the process.
Pointers to the other resources: It gives the pointers to other data structure maintained for that process.
[Address for other routines]
List of open files: Using this the OS close those files which are opened after finishing the
Accounting information: It gives the information about the usage of resources. Such as connect
time, CPU time, and disk I/O time used by the process.
Pointers to other PCBs: It gives the address of the next PCB.
Ex.: Parent process has the PCB number of child process. For example, the
OS maintains a list of ready processes. In this case, this pointer field could
mean “the address of the next PCB with state = ready”
Ready = 13, 4, 14, 7
Blocked = 5, 0, 2, 10, 12
Free = 8, 1, 6, 11, 9
PCB Chain in the memory
14 13
First Last
12 2
10 0
6 8
Running = 3
The above diagram shows the area reserved by OS for all the PCBs. If
an OS allows a maximum of ‘n’ process and the PCB requires x by to of
memory each, the OS will have to reserve n x bytes for this purpose. Each box
denotes a PCB with the PCB-id or no in the top left corner.
Any PCB will be allocated either to a running process or a ready process
or a blocked process. If the PCB is not allocated to any of these three possible
states, then it has to be allocated or free. The OS maintains four queues or lists
with their corresponding header for each state.
Only one process can be in the run state and hence only one slot will be
in the run header. Where as for the other state header it has two slots. The first
slot represents the first process in the queue for that state. For (e.g.) In ready
header no. 13 represents the process 13, which is first in the ready queue. The
second slot represents the PCB no of the last one in the same state.
Each PCB itself has two-pointer slot, there are for the forward and
backward Chains. The first slot is for the PCB no of the next process in the
same state. The second one is for the PCB number of the previous processes in
the same state. ‘*’ Represents the end of the chain. These slots are shown at
the bottom right corner for each PCB.
Whenever a process terminates the area for that PCB becomes free and
is added to the list of free PCBs. Anytime a new process is created; the OS
consults the list of free PCBs first, and then acquires one of them. It them fills
up the PCB details in the PCB and finally links up that PCB in the chain for
ready processes.
PROCESS HIERCHY: The OS normally implements the process hierarchy. The OS maintains
separate list (pointer chain) to link the related PCBs to represent the process
hierarchy. Each PCB will have same additional pointer fields as given below.
(a) Pointer to the PCB of the first child process of this process.
(b) Pointer to the PCB of the last child of this process.
(c) Pointer to the PCB of the next twin process of the parent.
A Process Hierarchy
Address of next
child of the same
Address of first
child of this
The OS allow a process to have off springs. The new process now
created is called a child process. This child process in turn creates further child
processes there by creating the process hierarchy.
Create a process (p-id)
Kill a process
Dispatch a process
Change the priority of a process
Block a process
Time up a process
Wake up a process
PROCESSS SCHEDULING: Scheduling Objectives: There are many objectives for the OS to schedule various processes.
Some of the objectives conflict with each other and hence the OS designers
have to choose the set of objectives to be achieved before designing an OS.
Some of the Objective are
Good throughput
Good CPU utilization
Low turnaround time
Low waiting time
Good response
Fairness: It refers to being fair to every user in terms of CPU time that he gets.
(i.e.) All the process (of the users) must be satisfied at the same time by giving
the attention of the CPU to all of them by some time slice. But no job will be
completed in full.
Throughput: It refers to the total productive work done by all the users put together.
(i.e.) no of processes performed in a unit time.
Fairness and throughput are conflicting objectives.
Good CPU utilization: It is the fraction of the time that the CPU is busy on the average,
executing either the user processes or the OS.
If the time slices in small, the context switches will be more frequent.
Hence the CPU will be busy executing the OS instructions more than that of
the user processes. Throughput will be low, but the CPU utilization will be
very high.
CPU utilization will be low, only if the CPU remains idle.
Turnaround time: It is the time gap between the times of submission to the CPU to the
time of completion.
Waiting time: It is the time a job spends waiting in the queue after it is being admitted
into the ready queue and waiting for the OS to allocate its resources.
Waiting time is included in the turnaround time.
Good response time: It is the time taken to respond with an answer or result to a question or
an event.
It is very useful in time-sharing or real-time systems. Response time is
classified into terminal response time and event response time according to the
system in which it is applied to.
Response time depends on the degree of multiprogramming, efficiency
of hardware and the OS and the policy of OS. Response time is extremely
important for on-line or real-time systems.
Concepts of Priority and Time slice: -
As many processes competing for the same available resources like CPU
and memory, the concept of priority is very useful. According to the situation,
the priority can be global (i.e. external) or it can be local (i.e. internal).
The user specifies external priority, externally at the time of initiating
the process. In many systems, the OS allows the user to change the priority
externally even during its execution.
If the user does not specify any external priority, then the OS assumes
A certain priority called default priority.
Some scheduling algorithms use internal priority.
For (e.g.), the OS can set an internal priority as highest for the Shortest
Job First (SJF algorithm). This has two advantages.
1. If short jobs are finished faster, at any time, the no of processes
competing for the CPU will decrease. This results in a smaller no of
PCBs in the ready or blocked queue. The search times will be
smaller thus improving the response time.
2. If smaller processes are finished faster, the no of satisfied users will
The disadvantage is, if a stream of small jobs keeps on coming in, a larger job
may suffer from indefinite postponement.
Some OS instead of using the concept of priority uses the concept of time slice.
Each process is given a fixed time slice, irrespective of its importance.
The process switch occurs if A process consumes the full time slice.
 A process request an I/O before the time slice is over. In this
case, a process switch occurs, because there is no sense in
wasting the remaining time slice just waiting for the I/O to
Some OS was a combination of the concepts of priority and time slice to
schedule various processes.
Scheduling Philosophies: There are two kinds of scheduling philosophies. They are,
1. Non-preemptive
2. Preemptive
A non-preemptive philosophies means that a running process retains the control
of the CPU and all allocated resources, until it surrenders control to the OS (on
its own). It means that even if the higher priority process enters the system, the
running process cannot be forced to give up the control. If the running process
becomes blocked due to any I/O request. Another process can be schedule
because the waiting time for the I/O completion is too high.
A preemptive philosophy allows a higher priority process to replace a currently
running process even if its time slice is not over or it has not request for any
I/O. It is suited for on-line, real time processing where interactive user and
higher priority processes require immediate attention.
Schedulers: Scheduler is a program, which selects any one of the processes from a
pool of processes and allocates the CPU for it. It is like a traffic controller.
Scheduling Levels:  Long term scheduling
 Medium term scheduling
 Short term scheduling
Long term scheduler: - [Job scheduler]
The long-term scheduler selects process from the pool and loads them in
to memory for execution. The long-term scheduler allows only a limited
number of processes in the ready queue, which can be accommodated in it to
compete for the CPU. If the no of ready processes in the ready queue becomes
very high, it is difficult for the OS to maintain long lists and context switching
and dispatching becomes complex. Hence it limits the no of processes to enter
into the ready queue.
Short term scheduler: - [CPU scheduler]
It decides which of the ready processes is to be scheduled or dispatched
next from the ready queue to compete for the CPU.
Medium term scheduler: If a particular process (AP-1) is in its blocked state and another process
(AP-2) is next to this process (AP-1) in blocked state, even after a time slice if
I/O is not completed for AP-1 and completed for AP-2, then AP-1 prevents AP2 to get into the ready state. Hence AP-1 is removed from the PCB chain
(memory) and it is moved to swap out blocked state. I f the I/O is completed in
that state then it will be moved into swapped out but ready state and then only
enters into the ready queue.
When some memory gets freed, the OS looks at the list of swapped but ready
process and decides which one is to be swapped in and after swapping it in,
links that to the PCB chain of ready processes for dispatching. Medium term
scheduler does it.
CPU scheduling: CPU scheduling is a basic concept in multi programming. It deals with
the problem of deciding which of the processes in the ready queue is to be
allocated to the CPU. In a multiprogramming environment all the programs
available in memory. At one time the CPU is allocated to only one job and the
remaining jobs are placed in a queue. If the process, which is in CPU, waits for
I/O completion, the OS takes the CPU away from that process and gives the
CPU to another process, which is in ready queue. The short-term scheduler
carries out the selection process in the ready queue. A ready queue may be
implemented as a FIFO queue, priority queue, a here (or) an unordered link list.
Dispatcher: It is a module, which gives the control of the CPU to the process
selected by the CPU scheduler. The function of dispatcher(a) Switching context
(b) Switching H/W to user & system mode.
(c) Jumping to the proper location in the user program to restart that
The time taken by the dispatcher to stop one process and start another running
is called dispatch latency.
Scheduling Algorithms: (i)
Shortest Job First
Priority scheduling
Round-robin scheduling
Multilevel queue scheduling
Multilevel feedback queue scheduling
FCFS: This is the simplest CPU scheduling algorithm. In this scheme, the
process, which requests the CPU, first is allocated to the CPU first. It
maintains a queue for the ready processes. When the CPU is free, it is allocated
to the process at the head of the queue. The running process is removed from
the queue.
The average waiting time is not minimum.
Burst Time
Average waiting time = 0 + 24 + 27 + 30 = 51/3 = 17
FCFS is non-preemptive (i.e.) once the CPU is allotted to the process; it
releases the CPU either by terminating (or) by requesting I/O.
Shortest Job First: -
When the CPU is available, it is assigned to the process, which has the
smallest next CPU burst.
Burst Time
Using the SJF method the waiting time is reduced. BUT the difficulty of the
SJF method knows the length of the next CPU burst.
SJF algorithm may be preemptive (or) non-preemptive. If it uses
preemptive, during the execution of a process P1, if a new process P2 enters the
queue with small burst time than the P1, the algorithm will preempt the
currently executing process and allows P2 to run in the CPU.
P1 = 8, P2 = 4, P3 = 5
16 / 3 = 5, ms (preemptive)
20 / 3 = 6, ms (non-preemptive)
Priority Scheduling: A priority is associated with each process and the CPU is allocated with
each process and the CPU is allocated to the process with the highest priority.
Equal priority process is scheduled in FCFS order.
Burst Time
Priorities can be defined internally or externally. Based upon the
memory requirements, the no of open files, average of I/O burst & CPU burst
are used to set priority internally. Depending upon the importance of the
process, the department sponsoring the work the priority is set for the process
It can be either preemptive or non-preemptive. The main drawback of
this algorithm is indefinite blocking (or) starvation (i.e.) in this algorithm;
stream of higher priority processes can prevent a low priority process to get the
CPU forever. A solution to this is called aging. This technique increases the
priority of the processes by 1 for every 15min, which wait in the system for
long time.
Round-robin scheduling: This algorithm is designed is designed especially for time-sharing
system. For each and every process, time slice will be allocated. The ready
queue is treated as a circular queue. New processes are added at the tail of the
Burst Time
If the CPU burst is less then the time slice. The process itself releases
the CPU after finishing its execution. Other wise, the timer sends the interrupt
to the OS when it reaches the time slice and the process will be put into the tail
of the queue. The CPU scheduler mow selects the next process in the ready
Multilevel queue scheduling: - [Priority level]
It partitions the ready queue into several separate queues. The processes
are assigned to the queues. The processes are assigned to one queue
permanently based on the property of the process like memory size, process
priority, and process type. Each queue is having its own Scheduling algorithm.
For (e.g.), separate queue for foreground, which uses round robin & separate
queue for background which uses FCFS algorithm. Mostly, the queues use
priority-preemptive method.
System process
higher priority
Interactive process ->
next higher priority
Student process
lower priority
The other jobs in the lowest priority queue will be executed if the higher
priority queue is empty.
Process is permanently assigned to a queue. They do not move between
Multilevel feedback queue (or) heuristic scheduling: It allows a process to move between queues. Based on the different CPU
burst time, processes may be put into different queues. A process with high
CPU burst time will be moved to a lower priority queue. Similarly, a process
that waits for a long time may be to a higher priority queue & prevents
starvation. When the lower-priority queues are empty, the higher priority
queue will be executed.
Time slice = 8 ms
Time slice = 16 ms
Time slice = 32 ms
When the process in Q1 reaches the 8ms, it is preempted and moved in
to Q1. When Q0 is empty, it takes the process in Q1 & when it reaches 16ms,
it is preempted and moved into Q2. When Q1 is empty, Q2 will be executed.
This Queue is defined by the following parameter.
1. No of queue.
2. Scheduling algorithm for each queue.
3. The method to determine when to denote process to a higher-priority
4. The method to determine when to denote a process to a lowerpriority.
5. The method to determine in which queue the process will enter,
when it needs service.
Multiple processor scheduling: (E.g.)
3-reservation counter (Railways)
When the processors are identical (homogenous), any available
Can be used to run any process in the queue. When the processors are
heterogeneous (different) the programs, which uses from the set of a particular
In a homogeneous multiprocessor, some limitations are there on
scheduling. (i.e.) If a I/O device of a particular system is connected to the
processor through bus & the process wants to use that device must be
scheduled to run on that processor. All the processes into a single queue and
scheduled onto any available processor. Each processor examines the queue &
selects a process to execute. But 2 processors do not choose the same process,
for this, one processor is appointed as a scheduler for other processors, which is
a master-slave structure.
Multi-tasking: A process is divided into several tasks and each task will be executed
concurrently in the same way that a multi-user OS supports multiple processes
at the same time.
Program without multitasking
While NOT EOF do
Read a record
Process a record
Write a record
End while
From the above example, 3 tasks are there to read from the disk, process
that and write it into the disk. Their 3 tasks are executing in sequence (one by
one) with out multitasking concept. But the same program can be written using
multitasking concept as follows.
While not EOF do
Read a record
Process a record
Task 0
End while
Write a
Task 1
So, task1 is executed concurrently while I/O for task 0 is going on,
1. When the process starts executing, the OS creates PCB, in addition
with that it also create TCB [Task Control Block].
2. OS maintains a queue for tasks also [ready queue] like for process. A
task can get blocked like a process and hence a TCB needs to have a
register save area for each task within a process.
3. The tasks also have priorities and states. It may be in a ready,
blocked (or) running state and all the TCBs are linked together like
PCBs, regarding with their states.
4. The OS selects the higher priority ready task within that process and
schedules it.
5. If the process time slice is not over but current task is either over or
blocked, the OS chooses the next higher priority ready task within
that process and schedules it. But if there is no task in the ready task
queue, it means that either all the tasks are over or all the remaining
tasks are in blocked state. If all the tasks are in blocked state, the
process is also in blocked state.
Multi-threading: It is similarly to multitasking. Some of the OS uses concept of multithreading. Each thread has a stack, PC and register save area (as in TCBs), but
it shares the same address space with others. Different threads read and write
the same memory locations and hence inter thread communication can be
achieved easily.
Some of the Os has another concept session. Each session consists of
multiple processes and each process consists of multiple thread like a child
process to a parent process.
The idea of providing multiple sessions is to simulate multi window
environment. Each session has its own virtual terminal with a keyboard, mouse
and screen.
If each session have some screen I/O instructions then actual physical
screen and the output of that session, which is running in the foreground is
allocated the physical video RAM, where as the other sessions are allocated the
virtual memory (systems memory).
If any one of the session, which is running in the background, is brought
as the foreground session then the physical video Ram and other physical
memory is allocated to that foreground session.
Arrangement of logical records: The applications program is responsible for creating these records. The
length of each record may be in some bytes [for example record length is 700
bytes]. These records may or may not be in any specific sequence. The OS
assigns a Relative Record Number (RRN) to each record, starting with 0.
RRN = 0
RRN = 0
Bytes 0 699
Bytes 699 1399
RRN = 0
Bytes 6300 6999
In the above diagram, all the records are in sequence. [(i.e.) put one after
other] But this is a logical view of the file by the application programmer. But
the OS may scatter the records in variety of ways, hiding these details from the
programmer, and each time OS provides the address translation facilities.
Relative Byte Number (RBN): This is the staring byte number for a given record.
RBN = RRN * RL where, RL is Record Length
For example, if RL = 700 bytes, and RRN = 10 then
RBN = 10 * 700 = 7000
Relationship ship between RRN & RBN
Arrangement of Blocks: Logical records are written in to various blocks. Blocks are a collection
of one or more sector. Assume that we have disk with 8 surfaces, each surfaces
having 80 tracks and each track has 10 sectors. Totally, the disk has 8 * 80 * =
6400 sectors of 512 bytes each.
Block = 0
Block = 1
Bytes 0 511
Bytes 512 1023
Block =
Bytes 3276288
to 3276799
Address of Block = BL * BN
BL is Block Length
BN is Block Number
Address of Block 0 = 512 * 0 = 0
Address of Block 1 = 512 * 1 = 512
Address of Block 2 = 512 * 2 = 1024
In the above diagram, all the blocks are sequence, since it is a logical
view. But it will be stored in a non-sequence manner inside a disk. So, OS
converts the logical address into physical address.
Procedure for translating logical record address to physical sector address
Calculate RRN = Previous RRN + 1
Calculate RBN = RRN * RL
Calculate LBN and offset by doing (RBN/BL)
Calculate PBN and actual three dimensional
Writing a record into the disk: (i)
Before writing a record in to the disk, the OS has to convert the
logical record address in to physical sector address, using the
above procedure.
Let us assume that, the OS has to write a 700 bytes record with
RRN = 4, and the OS can compute physical address as follows.
(iii) Finding relative byte Number (RBN): RBN = RRN * BL [RRN = 4, BL = 700]
= 4 * 700
RBN = 2800
It means that, the OS has to write at logical byte number 2800.
(iv) Finding logical Block Number(LBN): LBN = RBN / BL
= 2800 / 512 [RBN = 2800, BL = 512]
= 5 (quotient), 240 (reminder)
The above result shows that, in the 5th block, at the 240th byte, the record will
be written. But this is the logical block number.
Calculate the Physical Block Number (PBN): Suppose, physical block numbers 100 to 1099 are allocated to this file then,
logical block 0 is equal to physical block 100. So, logical block 5 is equal to
physical block 105 [100 + 5 ], OS knows that it has start writing from byte
number 240 of physical block number 105, and it may also take the next block
also [106], to write the remaining bytes of the record, if all the 700 bytes of the
record can not be written in to a single block. [Since BL < RL ]
(vi) The DD portion of OS now translates the physical block numbers
105,106 into their physical address, as follows.
Block 105: Surfaces, track = 1, sector = 5
Block 106:
surface = 2, track = 1, sector = 6
(vii) Now the specified records are written into the physical sector
Reading a record in to the disk: (i)
Before reading a record, the OS converts the logical address in to
physical address.
Let us assume that, the OS has to write a 700 bytes record with
RRN = 4, and the OS can compute physical address as follows.
(iii) Finding relative byte Number (RBN): RBN = RRN * BL [RRN = 4, BL = 700]
= 4 * 700
RBN = 2800
It means that, the OS has to write at logical byte number 2800.
(iv) Finding logical Block Number(LBN): LBN = RBN / BL
= 2800 / 512 [RBN = 2800, BL = 512]
= 5 (quotient), 240 (reminder)
The above result shows that, in the 5th block, at the 240th byte, the record will
be written. But this is the logical block number.
Calculate the Physical Block Number (PBN): Suppose, physical block numbers 100 to 1099 are allocated to this file then,
logical block 0 is equal to physical block 100. So, logical block 5 is equal to
physical block 105 [100 + 5 ], OS knows that it has start writing from byte
number 240 of physical block number 105, and it may also take the next block
also [106], to write the remaining bytes of the record, if all the 700 bytes of the
record can not be written in to a single block. [Since BL < RL]
The DD portion of OS now translates the physical block numbers
105,106 into their physical address, as follows.
Block 105: Surfaces, track = 1, sector = 5
Block 106:
surface = 2, track = 1, sector = 6
The DD now directs the controller to read these sectors one by
one in the controller’s memory first and then to transfer the
required bytes in to the buffer memory of the OS.
(viii) After all the data is read, they are transferred to the I/O area of
the application program. This procedure is repeated for all the
records in a file.
File Directory Entry: - [FD Entry]
File Name
File Extension
File Size – current and maximum
File Usage Count
Numbers of processes having this file open
File Type (binary, ASCII, etc)
File Record length (if records are recognized)
File Key length, positions (if ISAM is a part of operating system)
File Organization (Sequential, Indexed, Random)
File Owner, Creator (usually the same)
File Access Control Information
File Dates (Creates, last Usage etc.)
Other information
File Address (Block Number) of the first block
Use Of FD during Open/ Close Operation: When the application program wants to open a file, the OS invokes the
appropriate system call. The system call for “open” first searches the file
directory in the hard disk, by using the directory name. The hard disk contains
list of FD for various files, which is called Active File List (AFL).
The list is arranged in some order [Index on AFL using file name]. Now
the Os checks the access control information of the user can proceed his
During accessing the file, the information such as the size, date, etc will
be changed in to the FD entry by the OS. When the file is closed, the updated
directory entry is written back to the hard disk.
Disk Space allocation Methods: -
While allocating the Disk space to the files, the OS uses 2 basic major
methods. They are,
Contiguous allocation
Non-contiguous allocation
Contiguous allocation: In this method, continuous blocks are allocated to the files. In this scheme
during the creation of the file, the user should estimate the maximum file size
including the future expansion and then requests the OS to allocate the memory
space through a command.
Demerits of contiguous allocation: Space Wastage: Until the file reaches maximum size, any bocks are free and cannot be
allocated to any other file, thus wasting a lot of disk spaces.
Inflexibility: If the file grows more than the maximum size of the file [(i.e.) we want
to add more records], the file needs some more blocks. So, if we want to add
few blocks without disturbing contiguity, the will be loaded in to a floppy,
delete that file, and request the OS to allocate new contiguous space with the
new file size. Then the file from floppy will be loaded back to the new
allocated space. Thus this method leads to inflexibility. Even though it has lot
of disadvantages, some uses this method due to easy implementation.
Advantage: Contiguous allocation method is useful when the OS uses buffered I/O
method. In buffered I/O method, OS reads a number of consecutive bocks at a
time, thus it reduces the head movement and increases the I/O speed.
Contiguous allocation method uses two methods.
1. Block Allocation List Method
2. Bit Map method
Block Allocation List: OS maintains 2 tables to have the details about blocks allocated to the
files and free blocks.
Block Number
File Allocation table
Free Block List
Using the above tables the OS allocates blocks to the file by any one of the
following 3 methods.
First fit
Best fit
(iii) Worst fit
(iv) Chained method
FIRST FIT: In this method, the OS checks the free block list entries and allocates
from the first entry, if it is equal or greater than the required number of blocks.
For example, consider the free block list as follows and the file needs 6 blocks.
Free Block List
In this free list, in the first entry it has 16 free blocks which is greater than 6 so
it is allotted to the file.
BEST FIT: In this method, the OS will choose the entry which is smallest among all
entries bit equal or bigger than the required amount of block so this free list
should be sorted out in this method.
Block List
Free Block List
Suppose we need 2 blocks, it will choose the 3rd entry. After taking 2 blocks
from it, it will add 5 blocks to the free list.
Disadvantage: Every time, the free list has to be sorted.
Advantage: -
It reduces the wastage due to fragmentation.
WORST FIT: In this method, the OS searches the entire free list, and it selects the
largest entry. Suppose, the largest block is 1000 among all the free blocks, OS
will select this entry. But if our requirement is 50 blocks, remaining 950
blocks are added with the free list, and for the further allocation if 950 is the
largest entry, it is used. At last, it will have some free space, which can’t be
allocated to the files, so it can be collapsed with the other free holes
Example for coalescing: CDE
From the above entry, it has free space from 40-49 and 100-200. In between, it
has “customer” file. If we delete this file, it has sequence of free blocks with 3
different entries like, 40-49, 50-100, and 101-200. So, by coalescing method,
these 3 entries are made as a single entry, and it has a chunk (bulk) of free
So, OS will resort the new free blocks and the new list can be use later for best
or worst fit algorithm.
CHAINED ALLOCATION: The OS reserves various slots to maintain the information about free
blocks. Each slot contains 5 fields.
1. Slot number
2. Allocated (A)/Free status code (F)
3. Starting block number of the free list
0 A 0 5 2 1 F 5
16 3 3 A
4 A 49 52 6 5 F 101 100 7 6 A
4. Number of blocks
5. Next slot of the same status
Allocated List Header
21 20 4 3 F
201 80 * 7 F
Free List Header
41 8 5
281 70 *
The above diagram is having 11 slots, and 8 (0-7) slots are used, 8-11 slots are
free. End of the chain is indicated by ‘*’ 2 list headers are maintained to go
through the allocated list and free list. In this method, there is no need for the
OS to maintain 2 seperate tables (free list, file allocation). During the creation /
deletion of a file, OS should change the 2nd and 5th slot entry.
When it allocates the free slot for a file and if it further contains the free slot,
which should be made as a seperate entry at the end of the free slot. For
example, if the free slot contains 5 blocks, but 3 blocks are needed, the
remaining 2 blocks are made as a seperate entry.
BIT MAP METHOD: A bit map is another methods of keeping track of free/allocated blocks. A bit
map maintains one bit for every block. Bit 0 indicates the free block and bit 1
indicates the allocated block. During the creation of a file, is the file needs 7
blocks, using the first fit method, OS searches the consecutive 7 0’s and
allocate it for files and change it to 1.
When a file is deleted, the file directory entry is consulted and the
corresponding blocks are freed. So, the corresponding bits, which are 1 in the
bit map, are set to 0. It is used only to manage the free blocks and so, it need
not show the file to which a specific block is allocated.
Advantage: It is very easy to implement.
Disadvantage: It is very expensive.
NON-CONTIGUOUS ALLOCATION METHOD: In Non-contiguous allocation method, the OS will allocate the blocks to
the files in a non-sequence manner. In this method, the maximum size of the
file does not have to be predicted at the beginning.
Advantage: 1. The file can grow as per the needs of the user. This method
reduces the wastage of disk space.
2. If the file gets full during the execution of a program, the OS
automatically allocates additional blocks, without aborting the
program and without asking for the operator’s intervention.
Disadvantage: The routines are complex methods of implementing non-contiguous.
1. Chained allocation
2. Indexed allocation
Chained allocation: Non-contiguous method also user chained allocation like contiguous
method. But this chained allocation method is different from the contiguous
chained allocation method.
In non-contiguous method, all the blocks are not in a sequence manner.
So, the OS must have a method of traversing to the next block, so that all the
blocks in a file are accessible, and the whole file can be read in sequence. For
that, it uses the pointer variable, which gives the address of the next block, in
the same file.
ALLOCATED BLOCKS (4, 14, 6, 24, 20)
a) File directory entry gives the first block number allocated to the file.
For instance, the above figure shows that the first block for file “CUST”
is 4.
b) A fixed number of bytes in each block are used to store the block
number of the next block allocated to the same file. It means that, if 512
bytes are allotted for a block, only 510 bytes can be used to store the
data and 2 bytes are used for a pointer.
c) Some predefined special characters are used as pointers (‘*’ in the above
example) in the last block of a file to indicate the end of the chain.
Indexed method: In chained method, the address of the next block is maintained in a
block itself. But in indexed method these pointers are formed as a seperate list.
So, an index can be viewed as an externalized list of pointers.
The above diagram is an index, which contains all pointers of all blocks. But
to maintain this index itself, separate block should be allocated.
USER’S VIEW OF DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: Directory is a file of files. Several OS allows file hierarchy structure
called inverted tree hierarchy. (i.e.) Root is at the top and branches may be the
file or the sub directories. To handle the user’s directory, OS maintains a
profile file, which has several profile records. Each profile record gives the
information about the user name, password, and their home directory. When
the user logs onto the system, the OS opens a profile file and selects the profile
record for them and checks the password. If it is correct, it opens the home
directory for that user. The system administrator gives the home directory for
the user when he creates login for them.
Ex.: Costi
Work Order
The above diagram shows the hierarchical file structure. Directories are drawn
as rectangles and all the files are drawn as circles. The OS allows the user to
start from the top (i.e.) the root directory and traverse down to any directory or
any file.
Complete path: To reach any other directory or file from any current directory, we
should give the complete path name. For example to print the BUDGET file
under the directory production, the command is, PRINT / PRODUCTION /
Partial path name (or) Relative path: For the large hierarchies, the specification of the complete path is
difficult. So many systems allow the user to specify partial path name (or)
relative path name. For example assume that the user is currently in the
directory /PRODUCTION. The user can now give PRINT BUDGET instead
of giving the complete path. The absence of slash (/) in the path name tells the
Os that the path is partial with respect to the current directory.
Merits of Hierarchical File System: Facility to have unique file name: If there is no hierarchy, and all the files for all the users are put together under
same directory, then duplicate file names will exist. Then the OS has to check
against a list of already existing files.
So, it is convenient to have seperate directories for different users or
applications. In this case, the same file name can be used a number of times in
a whole system, but it does not appear more than once under one directory.
Easy sharing: With the hierarchical file system, sharing of files or directories is possible, and
thus preventing the need for copying the entire file or directory. This saves
disk space. For example, if one directory has 2 different paths (i.e.) /
prod/purchase (or) \sales \ purchase, there is only one copy of purchasing
directory will be maintained by the OS to avoid duplication,
The hierarchical file system also allows aliases (i.e.) the same file by 2 names.
For sharing, the file or dir has to previously exist less than one directory, and
that we can create link from another dir.
Better Protection: To provide better protection, OS gives various protection (or) access control
facilities to the files. For instance, a specific file should be readable only for
users A and B, whereas only user B can be allowed to update it. This access
control information is a part of the directory entry and is checked before the OS
allows the user to use the file.
It is software, which resides (stored) in the hardware called device controller.
Each device in the computer is having controllers to control it. These
controllers are connected with the devices, CPU, and memory through buses
and interfaces.
Device, Controller and CPU
The interface, which connects device and the controller, may be serial or
parallel. The interface has the hardware to convert the parallel data into serial
data and vice versa.
Keyboard data transmission
From this diagram, the interface connects the keyboard and bus serially. The
interface connects the CPU through bus parallely. From the keyboard the data
is transmitted to the CPU through interface.
Path management of the device controller: Functions of device controller can control multiple devices. At any time, a
controller can control only one device and so the other devices which requests
the controller will put into the queue called device request queue (DRQ). So, it
will take more time for response to the device.
Functions of device controller: Functions of device controller can be divided into 2 units.
Control unit
Channel: It is a path (or) a bus that can execute same specific I/O instruction.
Control unit: It connects the channels to the devices. A controller normally controls devices
of the same type. For example, a printer controller can control only the printers
and not the other devices like keyboards.
But in contrast, the channel can be connected to the controllers of different
type. For example, a channel can connect keyboard controller, printer
controller etc.,
One channel can be connected to many controllers. Similarly, one controller
can be connected to many devices.
Drum 0
Drum 1
rum 2
Disk 1
Disk 0
Channel, Controller, Devices
The paths which connects these channels and controllers may be symmetric
(or) asymmetric.
Symmetric path: In symmetric arrangement, any device can be reached through any controller
and any channel.
Unit 0
Device 0
Unit 1
Device 1
Asymmetric path: In asymmetric arrangement, any path doesn’t lead to the device through any
controller and channel but the pre-assigned path leads to the device.
In this arrangement, due to the multiple paths,
(1) Response time increases.
(2) Speed will be reduced
(3) Complex routines are needed for DD
Drum 0
Drum 1
rum 2
Disk 1
Disk 0
Asymmetrical Path Management
Sub modules of device driver: 1. I/O Procedure
2. I/O Scheduler
3. Device handler
4. ISR
I/O Procedure: It converts the logical block numbers into physical address and manages
the paths between all the devices, controllers, and channels.
I/O Scheduler: -
It takes the jobs from the queue based upon its priority and allocates the
device for that.
Device handler: It communicates with the I/O devices and executes the I/O instruction.
ISR: - (Interrupt Service Routine)
It is a routine to handle the interrupt.
Data structure used in I/O procedure: 1. Channel control block [CCB]
2. Control unit control block [CUCB]
3. Device control block [DCB]
4. I/O request block
Channel control block [CCB]: This data structure maintains the details about the following things:
a) Channel status
b) List of control units connected to this channel
c) List of processes waiting for this channel
d) Current process using this channel
Control unit control block [CUCB]: The details stored in this data structure are,
a) Control unit ID
b) Control unit status
c) List of devices connected to this CU
d) List of channels connected to this CU
e) Current process using this CU
Device control block [DCB]: a) Device ID
b) Device status
c) Device characteristics
d) Device descriptor
e) List of control units connected to this device
f) List of processes waiting for this CU
g) Current process using this device.
IORB: - (Input / Output request block)
a) Origination process
b) Amount of data to be transferred
c) Mode(R/W)
d) Destination address
e) Source address.
I/O Scheduler: I/O Scheduler is a program, which selects the job among several jobs
and allocates the job to the desired I/O devices. This I/O scheduler is different
from CPU scheduler. I/O scheduler allocates I/O devices to the process
whereas CPU to the process.
All the IORBS for all the jobs, which are in queue, are connected to
DCB. I/O scheduler picks up an IORB from the chain according to the
scheduling policy, and it requests the device handler to actually carry out the
I/O operation, and then
Deletes that IORB from the queue. The status of the CCB, CCUB and DCB
are updated. I/O procedure prepares the IORB and submits it to the I/O
scheduler then I/O scheduler chains it to the DCB.
Process Id
Request Queue
First IORB
for the
device to
Device Info ID.
IORB for
Other Info
CUs connected
for the
Device Control
Block (DCB)
Device Control Block with IORBs
First come first served (FCFS)
Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)
N-step SCAN
Circular (C) SCAN
In FCFS the process which makes the request first is served first. But
this method is not suitable for reducing the head movement. All the IORBS are
connected to DCB’S in FIFO sequence, as in the above diagram. After one
IORB is dispatched, that IORB is deleted and the DCB now points to the next
IORB of the same device. When one new IORB is arrived, it is added at the
end of the chain. To maintain this, DCB contains the field, which has the
address of last IORB. Each IORB is having the address of the next IORB and
previous IORB.
From the above diagram, at first the read/write head is positioned in between
the tracks 2 and 3. The order of arriving jobs is 0, 1, 2, and 3. So the head is
moved to the track 0 first and then to track 1, next to track 2 and at last to track
3. So, the movement of head movement is more.
FCFS method
SHORTEST SEEK TIME FIRST (SSTF): It chooses the IORB, which requires the shortest seek time with respect
to the current head position.
Advantage: It improves the throughput.
Disadvantage: It can delay a request for a long time.
From this diagram, IORB0 is chosen first, and OS has 2 choices of picking
either IORB1 or IORB3 next. It IORB3 is selected then the head movement
for IORB1 and IORB2 will be increased. Instead of selecting IORB3, if
IORB1 is selected, then IORB2, which requires shortest seek time can be
completed and the IORB3 will be carried out.
Every time, the disk arm position changes or an IORB is added or
deleted from the DCB chain. I/O schedule will have to calculate the seek time
for each IORB, with respect to the current head position.
SCAN METHOD: In this method, the R/W head starts a scan in some direction, it picks up
all the requests in that direction and then reverses the direction. When the scan
in one direction is going on and if the new request comes in the opposite
direction, then the IORB for this request will be added in the chain, but will not
be serviced. Only the pending IORBs in the chosen direction is serviced first.
The only new IORB request will be serviced. If the new arrival is in the
direction of the SCAN, it will be serviced during the scan itself. The IORBs are
chained in ascending or descending order of the track number.
SCAN method
N-STEP SCAN METHOD: This method allows the addition of new IORBs in the chain only at the
end of scan before reversing the direction of the traversal of R/W arms. So.
While the scan is going on in one direction, new additions are kept separately
and not added to the chain. They are all added when the direction is reversed,
based on the seek steps required for each IORB.
Request made after the
inward scan began
Inward Sweep
Outward Sweep
N-Step SCAN method
At first, the tracks 0, 1, 2 are serviced. During the service of track 1, new
arrival for tracks 3 and 5 occurs. But they won’t be serviced. After servicing
track 1, it provides service to the already existing request for track 2. After the
end of one direction, when it reverses the R/W arm, it provides service for
tracks 3 and 5.
CIRCULAR (C) – SCAN METHOD (OR) C-SCAN: It is similar to N-scan, but it scans only in one direction. In the C-Scan
method also, all new arrivals are grouped together in a separate area. But at the
end of the scan, the R/W is brought back to the original position and the scan is
started again in the same direction.
Request made after the
inward scan began
Terminal I/O: Terminal H/W: Terminal is an Input/Output medium. It has 2 parts, the keyboard (O/P
medium). Sometimes, video screen may act as an I/O medium, if we use light
pen, touch screen etc.,
Terminals can be dumb terminal, (or) intelligent terminal. Dumb
terminal has a very limited memory, and it does no processing on the input.
But the intelligent terminals can do some processing but they require powerful
H/W and S/W.
Memory mapped
(Character Oriented)
(Bit Oriented)
Memory Mapped Alphanumeric Character Oriented Terminal I/O: -
Terminals have a video RAM. Video RAM is a memory, which resides
inside a terminal hardware itself. Generally, the terminal screen can display 25
rows and 80 columns. So, for this type of screens, the video RAM is having
2000 data bytes (0 to 1999) and 2000 attribute bytes
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte 1
Byte 1
Byte 1999
Data Byte
Video RAM for monochrome
All the 200 characters, stored in video RAM are displayed on the screen by the
video controller. The data from the keyboard and file are moved to video
RAM first and then to the monitor by the video controller.
Attribute byte: It instructs the video controller how to display the character like bold,
underlined etc., these intermations are stored in the attribute byte.
TERMINAL: In this type of terminal, the video RAM is treated as a part of the main
memory. So, it is called memory mapped I/O. To move the data in or out of
the video RAM, ordinary load and store instructions are sufficient.
When the key is pressed in the keyboard, that character will be stored in the
memory, which in keyboard and CPU is interrupted. Now the CPU executes
the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for the keyboard. This routine, transfers
the character from keyboard to OS buffer, then from OS buffer to video RAM
and finally, the video controller in video RAM displays the character on the
Small memory within the keyboard
Video RAM
OS buffer
The I/O Area of Application program.
Terminal Software: If the High Level language (HLL) program wants to print some output
on the screen, the complier of HLL generates system call and during the
execution of the system call, the Os picks up the data from the memory of the
application Program (AP), and transfers it to the OS buffer then from this
buffer to the Terminal. If the O/P exceeds more than 1 page, the screen has to
be scrolled using page up / page down keys. So, for screen handling, together
with actual data, some instructions are also transferred for screen handling.
The OS has to differentiate the ordinary characters and command
characters when the user types the characters; it may contain ordinary
characters or command characters (like DEL key). So they cannot be sent to
the memory of AP directly. Instead, it’ll be stored in a temporary memory
area. From the memory, OS will detect the characters and if it is ordinary
character, it will be transferred to the screen, otherwise the routines for the
command characters [DEL, Tab, INS …] will be executed.
Terminal buffers and Data Structures: OS has input buffer [To receive input from keyboard and sent to the
memory area of AP] and output buffer [To store the data sent by AP and send
to the screens]. There are 2 ways to allocate the buffer space to various
(a) Dedicated buffer for each Terminal: This scheme estimates the maximum buffer and reserves a buffer of that
size for that terminal.
Buffer for
Terminal 0
Buffer for
Terminal 1
Buffer for
Terminal 2
Advantage: The algorithm for allocating/reallocating of buffer is simpler and faster.
Disadvantage: This method wastes a lot of memory, because some terminals requires
less memory than the allocated one, whereas some other terminal requires a
larger buffer, than the allocated one.
(b)Central pool of buffers: In this scheme, the OS maintains a central pool of buffers and allocates them to
various terminals when required. It is flexible, and reduces memory wastage.
But the disadvantage is, the algorithm to implement this method is more
The buffer is divided into a number of small physical entities called character
blocks [C blocks]. A C block is having fixed length collection of C blocks are
said to the C list. C blocks are used to store the ASCII values for both ordinary
and control characters. The C blocks assigned to a C list need not be the
adjacent ones. If the size of the C block is small,
a) Number of C blocks increased
b) Searching time will be increased
c) List of C blocks will be more
d) Wastage is reduced.
If the size of C block is large,
a) Number of C blocks decreased
b) Searching time decreased
c) List of C block decreased
d) Wastage is increased
C block Format: Bytes…
Cblock Format
C block Number: It is a serial number of the block.
Next Pointer: It gives the C block number of the next C block allocated to the same C list.
‘*’ Indicates the end of the C list.
Start offset: It gives the starting byte number of the valid data.
Last offset: It gives the byte number of the last byte in the C block
Cblock Next
Number Pointer
Start and Last Offsets
When several processes need to communicate with one another simultaneously
it requires proper synchronization and they use the shared data reducing in
shared memory location. This method of communication is called Inter
Process Communication (IPC). Example for IPC is producer consumer
Process Synchronization: Producer, Consumer problem is example for process synchronization.
The producer process gets the input from the user and stores it in a
shared memory variable. The consumer process read the shared data from the
producer process and prints it. In this producer consumer problem, process
synchronization is needed, because if the producer process read the number
then only the consumer process can print it. In the same way, when the
consumer process prints it, the producer process should not read the next no to
avoid overwriting (due to the shared variable). Thus process synchronization is
METHODS TO ACHIEVE SYNCHRONIZATION: To achieve this, apart from a shared variable to hold the nom, we should
have another flag variable either 0 or 1. After reading a no the value of the flag
is set as 1, if the producer process read the no. So no producer process should
read a new no if flag = 1. Similarly, the consumer process will print the no if
flag=1 and set the flag to 0. Again no consumer process prints the no if flag= 0.
(Will read if flag = 0)
Producer Process
P0: While Flag = 1 do; /wait
P1: Read the Number;
P2: Set Flag = 1
(Will read if flag = 1)
Consumer Process
C0: While Flag = 0 do; /wait
C1: Print the Number;
C2: Set Flag = 0
Disadvantage: 1. Assume that flag = 0, so, process (PA) executes the
instruction P1 and it reads the number. At this time, if
the time slice is over for PA and scheduler allocates the
same producer process PB (instead of consumer
process). PA-> ready and PB -> running and PA ->
flag = 0.
2. So, PB also reads the no and over write the shared
variable, causing the previous data to lost. So, the
following modified algorithm is used.
Modified Producer – Consumer Algorithm: -
Producer Process
P0: While Flag = 1 do; /wait
P1: Set Flag = 1
P2: Read the Number;
Consumer Process
C0: While Flag = 0 do; /wait
C1: Set Flag = 0
C2: Print the Number;
In the above-modified algorithm also, the problem does not solve for the
following sequence.
1. Initially flog = 0.
2. When PA executes the instruction P1, if its time slice is over,
processor is allocated to producer process PB.
3. Since the flag = 1 [when pa executes P1 flag becomes 1] PB
wants at P0 until its time slice is over.
4. When PA is scheduled, it can it print any value with out reading
any number.
So, the result is unpredictable, because 2 or more processes are reading or
writing shared data. This connection is called race condition.
The race condition occurs because one or more statement in any
program, which accesses a shared variable, called critical section or critical
region at the same time.
Definition for critical section: One or more statements in any program, which accesses a shared
variable is called a critical section or critical region.
Critical section: When several processes access and manipulate the same data
concurrently the result of the execution is ambiguous. This is called race
condition occurs because more than one process in the critical region at the
same time.
Definition for critical section: The part of program, which accesses a shared data, is called a critical
section or critical region.
To avoid the race condition only one process is allowed to be in its
critical section at a time. Another process comes out of its critical section. This
is called mutual exclusion. So, each process should get permission to enter in to
the critical section. The code, which implements this request, is called Entry
Other Operations.
Critical region
Exit section
Remainder section.
While Counter = n do;
Buffer [i] = item;
i = i++;
Counter = counter + 1;
While Counter = 0 do;
Item = Buffer [i];
i = i++;
Counter = counter - 1;
Requirement of critical section problem: (1) Mutual Exclusion: If the process Pi is executing in its critical section then no other process can be
executed in its critical section.
(2) Progress: If no process is in its critical section then the process, which is not in its
remainder section is allowed to enter in to its critical section.
(3) Bounded waiting: There is a (time) limit (Bound) on the no of times for a process to enter in to its
critical section.
(4) To make only on process to enter to its critical section the solution
should be implemented using S/W only. Portability will not be there, if
the solution is implemented using H/W.
(5) Indefinite postPonement for any process should be avoided.
(6) Any process operating outside the critical region should not prevent
another process from entering in its critical section.
Solutions: (i)
Interrupt Disabling / Enabling:
One solution is to disable all interrupts before any process enters the critical
region. If all interrupts are disabled, the time slices of the process, which enters
its critical section will never get over until is come out of its CS. So, no other
process can enter in to the CS.
Other instruction
Disable interrupts
Critical section
Enabling interrupts
Remaining instruction
The problem with this solution is, if a process in the CS executing
infinite loop, then the interrupts will never be enabled and no process can
Lock-flag: One variable called Lock-flag is used which has 2 values ‘F’ or ‘N’. If any
process is in its CS, this variable is set to ‘N’ [Not Free]. If no process is in CS,
it is set to ‘F’.
P0: While lock-flag = ‘N’ do;
P1: Set Lock-flag = ‘N’;
P2: Critical Section
P3: set Lock-flag = “F’;
This Algorithm doesn’t satisfy the mutual exclusion.
Initial Lock-flag = ‘F’.
So, it comes to P1 statement and before executing it, the time slice is
up, lock-flag remains to be ‘F’.
PB is scheduled and since lock-flag = ‘F’, it executes P1 and sets
lock-flag as ‘N’ and enters in to the critical section and in the middle
it loses the control of the CPU as its time slice is up.
PA is scheduled again and it resumes from P1, it sets lock-flag as ‘N’
and also enters into the critical section.
Algorithm which implement mutual exclusion: Peterson’s Algorithm: It is based on 2 processes it uses 3 variables.
Initially PA-TO-ENTER = “NO”, PB-TO-ENTER = “NO” AND
1. Let us assume that PA is scheduled first.
2. By executing A0, A1, PA-TO-ENTER =”YES” and CHOSEN
3. Since A2, A3is false, it will execute A4 and PA enters into its critical
4. Lets us assume that time slice for PA over and PB are scheduled now.
But still PA is in its critical region.
5. PB will execute B0, B1 to set PB-TO-ENTER to “YES” and chosen
process to “A”. PA-TO-ENTER is also “YES”.
6. At B2, it will wait because both the conditions are met. Thus PB is
prevented from entering its critical section.
7. When PA is scheduled again after coming out of its CS, it set PA-TOENTER = “NO”.
8. Now, if PB is scheduled again, it will execute instruction B2, B3 and
enter its critical section. It happened only after PA comes out of its CS.
Peterson’s algorithm is simple. But more than 2 processes are not allowed this
Hardware Assistance: To implement mutual exclusion, some computer hardware has a special
instruction called “Test and Set Lock (TSL)” instruction. This instruction has
the format “TSL ACC, IND” is the accumulator register and IND is the name
of the memory location, which hold a character to be a flag (or) indicator.
Actions for TSL instruction are,
1. Copy the contents of IND to ACC
2. Set the contents of IND to “N”.
Implementation of mutual exclusion using TSL instructions: Let us assume that IND takes the value “N” (indicates critical section is
being used currently (i.e.) it is not free) or “F” (CS is free). When it is “F”, a
process can in to the critical section. If IND = “N”, no process can enter its CS
because some other process is already is in its CS.
ENTER / EXIT ROUTINES: Enter critical region
EN0: TSL ACC, IND // IND -> ACC, “N” -> IND
EN2: BU ENO // Loop lock if in use
EN3: RTN // Return t caller & Enter CS
Exit CS
EXO: MOVE IND, “F” // “F” -> IND
EX1 RTN // Return to caller
Mutual Exclusion With TSL
0. Initial portion
1. Call Enter-Cs
2. Critical section
3. Call Exit-CS
4. Remaining portion.
Initially IND = “F”
PA is scheduled.
Instruction 0 is executed and through instruction
1, enter CS is called.
(iii) Instruction ENO is executed. NEW ACC
becomes “F” and IND = “N”.
(iv) Instruction EN1 is true, so it returns to the caller
program by executing EN3.
Assume that Pa loses control to PB after entering
in to CS.
(vi) PB now executes instruction 0.
(vii) PB executes instruction 1 and so calls ENTER-CS
routine for PB.
(viii) ENO is executes for PB, ACC becomes “N” and
IND = “N”.
(ix) EN1 is executed for PB and condition is not
satisfied, so it goes to EN0 and doesn’t get out of
the ENTER-CS routine, so PB cannot reach
instruction 2 and enter its CS. Because PA is in its
PA is scheduled again, when it completes
instruction 2, it will come out from CS.
(xi) Now PA executes instruction 3 and calls Exit-CS
(xii) EX0 is executed for PA where, IND becomes “F”,
by executing EX1, PA comes to the main
(xiii) Suppose PB is scheduled again, it calls ENTERCS and executes EN0, EN1 and its enters in to its
Demerits of this algorithm: 1. It uses special H/W so it cannot be generalized to all the machines.
2. It is based on the principle of busy waiting. So, it is not the most
efficient solution. So the semaphore concept is introduced to tackle most
of the problems.
Semaphore: A semaphore is a protected variable, which can be accessed and changed
by only 2 operations called “DOWN“ (P) and “UP” (V).
[Verhogen -> To increment
Problem -> To tests]
Types of semaphore: 1. Counting semaphore (or) General semaphore: The value of this semaphore may be +ve value.
2. Binary semaphore: It can be have only 2 values either 0 or 1.
Semaphore can be implemented using H/W (or) S/W.
General Structure of a process with semaphores: Down & Up operations form the mutual exclusion primitives for any
process. So, if a process has a CS, it should be encapsulated between DOWN &
UP instruction.
Semaphore Algorithm: Begin
Initial routine;
UP (S);
Remaining portion.
The DOWN (S) & UP (S) operations ensure that only one process is in
its CS. All other processes waiting to enter in to there are kept in a queue called
a “Semaphore Queue”. The queue has a queue header and all PCBs are
chained. The OS can traverse through all the PCBs. When one process comes
out in its CS, the OS allow a new process to release from the Semaphore queue.
DOWN (S) & UP (S) are indivisible instruction on a uniprocessor
system to avoid context switching during the execution of DOWN (S), UP(S),
DI, EI instruction are used on multiprocessor computers, H/W instruction TSL
is used to implement indivisibility.
DOWN (S): -> Uniprocessor system
D0: Disable interrupts
D1: If s>0 then s=s-1
D2: Else wait on S
D3: End if
D4: Enable interrupts
Wait on S means moving the PCBs if a running process in the
semaphore queue ‘S’ are a binary semaphore. So, S a may be 0 or 1. A process
can enter its CS if s=1.
UP (S):
U0: Disable interrupts
U1: s = s + 1
U2: If semaphore queue NOT empty
U3: then release a process
U4: End if
U5: Enable interrupts
“Release a process” in UP (S) indicates that moving the first PCB from
the semaphore queue to the ready queue.
Working Principle of Semaphore Algorithm: Assume that s = 1 and there are 4 processes PSA, PB, PC and PD in the
ready queue. Let us assume that PA gets scheduled and dispatched first.
1. PA executes instruction 0.
2. PA executes instruction 1 in main.
3. By executing instructions 1, the DOWN (S) procedure is invoked. It
disables the interrupt. It checks in D1, if S>0 and if so s = s –1 in D2
now s = 0. It enables the interrupt.
4. PA starts executing instruction 2 in main program and PA enters in to
the critical section.
5. Assume that time slice for PA gets over. While it is in the CS and PA
moved from running to ready state.
6. Assume PB is now dispatched to the CPU.
7. Now PB calls the DOWN (S) routine. In that routine, it will check S
value and since s = 0, PB is added to the semaphore queue.
8. Since PB is in its waiting stage, PC is scheduled now.
9. PC again called DOWN (S) and it is also added to the semaphore queue.
10. Since PA is in its CS, all other processes PB, PC cannot enter in to CS
and they are added to the semaphore queue. These processes can enter in
to CS only after PA comes out from CS and executes UP (S).
11. Assume PA is reduced and completes its CS.
12. It calls UP (S) routine. This routine makes S as 1 and it checks the
semaphore queue and finds that it is not empty.
13. So UP (S) routine releases PB from semaphore queue and moves it to
the ready queue. But PC is still in the semaphore queue.
14. PB is now scheduled and the same procedure is repeated until all the
processes are order.
15. [Suppose instead of scheduling PB, if PD is scheduled (due to its higher
priority) it enters in to the CS. If its time slice is over when it is in CS
and PB is scheduled again, it won’t enter in to the CS but it again enters
to the semaphore queue].
MM module is used to perform the following functions.
a) It keeps track of all memory locations-free or allocated and if allocated
to which process and how much.
b) To decide the memory allocation policy i.e., which process should get
how much memory?
c) To use various techniques and algorithms to allocate and reallocate
memory locations.
R e al M e mo r y
M an ag e me n t
MMS – Memory Management System
Re al Me mor y
Ma nage me nt
Sy st e m
MMS – Memory Management System
Virtual Memory
Management System
NOTE: In contiguous Scheme, the program will be loaded into the memory in a
continuous manner. But in non-contiguous the program will be divided into
different chunks and to be loaded at different portions of the memory. In
paging, these chunks are of same size, but in segmentation they can be of
different sizes. In real memory management, the full process image is expected
to be loaded in the memory before execution but in virtual memory, it starts
executing a process even with only a part of the process image loaded in the
SINGLE CONTIGUOUS MEMORY MANAGEMENT: In this method, the physical memory is divided into 2 areas. One is
permanently allocated to the OS (monitor). At any time, only one user process
is in the memory and after its completion, the next process is brought in the
memory. The loading of process to the memory will be done as follows.
a) All the ready processes are held on the disk, and the OS holds their PCB
in its memory in the order of priority.
b) At any time one of them run in the main memory.
c) When it is blocked, it is swapped out from the main memory to the disk.
d) The next highest priority process is swapped in the main memory from
the disk and it starts running and hence only one process in the main
memory when if it is a multi-programming.
a) Relocation/Address Translation: At the time of compilation itself, the starting physical address of the
program is known. So the problem of relocation in address translation does not
exist. The executable program contains absolute address only. The do not
need to be changed or translated during execution.
b) Protection And Sharing: Protection refers to the prevention of one program from interfering with
other program. It can be achieved by 2 methods.
Protection bits
Fence register
Protection Bits: -
User Process
S i n gl e c o n t i gu o u s M M
A single bit is reserved for each memory word to represent whether this
work belongs to OS or application process. In a 32 bit work length computer, 1
bit is reserved for each work for protection. If this bit is 0, the word belongs to
the OS and if it is 1, the work belongs to the user process. The mode bit [
hardware bit which represents whether the system is in the user mode or in the
system mode (monitor mode), and the protection bit should be equal. Thus at
any time, when the user process refers to memory locations within the OS are,
the hard ware can prevent it from interfering with the OS, because the
protection bit is 0, but the mode bit is 1.
Fence Register: 0
User Process
This is the CPU register. It contains the address of the fence between the OS
and the user process. The address in (Fence register address = P) MAR is
compared with the fence register by the hardware itself and the hardware can
detect any protection violation is there.
FIXED PARTITIONED MEMORY MANAGEMENT: In this scheme, the main memory was divided into various sections
called “Partitions”. These partitions are of different sizes but the size is
decided at the time of system generation and they could not be changed. To
change the partitions, the operations have to be stopped and the OS has to be
generated with different partition. So these partitions are called “static
The OS maintains partition
ocess A
ocess B
ocess C
This partition id will be stored as a process id in PCB of each process. For
Example, Process ID for Process A in its PCB will be 2.
During the Partition to a process, the following 5 things will take place.
1. Long-term scheduler of PM selects the process from the hard disk,
which is to be brought in to the memory next.
2. It then finds out the size of the program to be loaded by consulting the
IM portion of OS.
3. A request is placed to the partition allocation routine of the MM to
allocate a free partition with the correct size.
4. With the help of the IM module, it now loads the binary program in the
allocated partition.
5. Now the partition ID is given as the process ID in its PCB before the
PCB is linked to the chain of ready process using PM module of OS.
6. The routine in the MM marks the Status of the partition as “allocated”.
7. PM now scheduler this process.
Allocation algorithms for fixed partitioned MM: The strategies of partition allocation are,
First fit
Best fit
Worst fit
The OS holds the processes waiting to be loaded in the memory in a queue.
There are 2 methods of maintaining this queue.
1. Multiple Queue
2. Single Queue
Multiple Queue: In this queue, there is one separate queue for each partition.
ue 0
ue 1
ue 2
1k 2k 1k 2k
6k 7k 6k 8k
3k 4k 5k 3k
Queue 0 will hold process with size of 0k-2k; queue2 will hold processes with
size between 2k-5k; & Queue 1 will hold process with size between 5k-8k etc.
When a process wants to occupy memory, it is added to a proper queue
depending upon the size of a process.
Advantage: Very small process is not loaded in a very large partition. Thus it avoids
memory wastage.
Disadvantage: There is a long queue for smaller partition and the queue for bigger
partition could be empty.
Single Queue: In this method only one queue is maintained for all the ready process.
Based upon the scheduling algorithm, all the PCBs of ready process are
3k 8k 5k 2k 7k 6k
Tai Qu He
l eu ad
If the PCB at the head of the queue requires memory, which is not available
now, but that memory can fit the process represented by the next PCB in the
queue, then the OS can change the sequence of selecting the process. For
instance, in the above figure, if the partition with size 5k is free, the highest
priority process at the head of the queue with size 7k can’t be dispatched. The
OS has to use the appropriate method to find the next process to dispatch.
Problems Involved on Fixed Partition Relocation and Address
Translation: When a program is complied, it is assumed to be at the starting address
0. This address. But in reality, this program may be loaded at different memory
locations, which are called physical address. So MM module provides the
method of address translation and relocation to map the virtual address into
physical address.
Eg:LDA 500 should be converted in to LDA 1500.
Address Translation must be done for all instruction except for constants
two types of address translation.
a) Static
b) Dynamic
Static Relocation of Address Translation: During the loading of the program in the memory, relocation & Address
Translation will be done by relocating linker (or) a relocating loader. In this
method, the complier complies the program assuming that the program is to be
loaded in the main memory from 0. The loader takes the object code
(Complied code) & starting address of the partition of the partition as a
parameter, and the linker goes through each instruction and changes the address
in each instruction before it is executed. The linker should know which portion
of the instruction is an address. Based upon the type of instruction and
addressing mode, loader should decide whether to change it or not.
Disadvantage: 1. It is a starting address of the partition – slow process.
2. It is very expensive.
Dynamic Relocation: -
Program with
changed address
If the relocation is done during runtime, that is said to be dynamic
relocation. It uses special register called base register. It contains the value of
LDA 500
Any instruction, which is fetched from the memory, is sent to the IR. Now the
address part is separated and sends to the adder circuit along with the Base reg.
Content (Base register contains the value of the relocation). Now the added is
friendly send to the MAR, which is the relocated address.
When the process changes from running state to blocked state, there is
no need to change the value of the Base reg., which is stored in the reg. save
area of the PCB. But when the process is swapped into the memory in different
partition with different address, that address should be written in to base
register of the register save area of the PCB.
Protection and sharing : Preventing one process to interfere with another process is called
protection. The approaches are –
Protection bits
Limit Register.
Protection Bits: In this fixed partition, 1 bit is not sufficient for protection. A few bits for
each word called key bits. For eg., if the memory contains 16 partitions, 4bits
are allotted as protection bits. All the partitions are having one or blocks of
same size. For e.g., in a 64k physical memory, 32blocks of each 2k will be
distributed evenly to 16partitions. All the blocks belong to the same partition
should have the same key value.
Partition 0
Partition 1
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 2
Partition 15
How to Protect: When a process is loaded in to the partition the key value for that
partition is stored in program status word (PSW) [CPU reg.]. After the exact
memory reference the 4 protection bits are retrieved and compared with PSW.
If it is equal, it means that the process is accessing the address belonging to the
exact partition; otherwise it tries to access the address of it other partition.
Disadvantages: 1) Internal fragmentation is more
2) It limits the maximum no of partitions.
3) It doesn’t allow easy sharing (i.e.) A process cannot access more
than one partition.
Limit Register: It provides another method of protection, which holds the last virtual
address of the program. The virtual address of the program should be within the
bounds of the process address space. For instance, when the program size is
1000, the virtual address ranges from 0 to 999. So the limit register value
should be set to 999. Every virtual address will be checked to ensure that it is
less than or equal to 999 then added to the base register. If it is not within the
bounds the H/W will generate an error message.
Base Reg.
From IR
Limit reg.
Sharing: 1) It keeps copies of the sharable in partition. But it is wasteful.
2) Another way is to keep all the sharable code and data in one
partition. But it is complex.
Variable partition: Fragmentation, restrictions on the number of resident processes are the
problems associated with fixed partition. These problems reduce the degree of
multiprogramming & CPU utilization. So variable partitions are introduced to
overcome these problems. In variable partitions, the no of partitions and their
sizes are variable. They are not define at the time of system generation.
At any time, any partition of the memory can be allocated (or) Free, but
the starting address of any partition in not fixed, but it keeps varying.
The OS creates the partitions at the run time, and they differ in sizes
Allocation Algorithm: Allocated / Reallocated information are kept as bitmaps or linked lists.
Memory allocation: Diagram
In the both these methods, we can use first fit, best fit and worst fit
Merits and Demerits of bitmaps & linked list: Advantage: Bitmaps are very fast for reallocations as follows.
1) Access the PCB of the terminated process.
2) It finds out the starting chunk no & no of chunks allocated to this
3) Access the corresponding bits for those chunks in the bit map & set
them to 0.
Disadvantage: It is very slow for allocation. It has to start searching from the
Problems involved in variable partition: Defragmentation (or) Coalescing: If the holes are in a continues manner, those holes will be combined
together as a single hole. This technique is said to be coalescing.
Compaction: When the holes are in a non-contiguous manner, those can be combined
together using the method ‘compaction’. This technique shifts the necessary
process images to bring the free chunks to adjacent positions to coalesce them.
There are different ways to achieve compaction. The OS has to evaluate these
alternatives internally and them choose.
Relocation and AT: The methods are similar as in fixed partitioned.
Protection: It provides a protection using limit register. Before calculating physical
address, the virtual address is checked to ensure that it is equal to or less than
the limit register.
Sharing: Diagram
Sharing is possible using overlapping partitions. The process A occupies the
locations with address 3000 to 6999 and process B occupies with address 6000
to 8999. The locations between 6000 & 6999 are overlapping as they belong to
both the partitions.
Limitations: 1) It allows sharing only for 2 processes.
2) The shared code must be executed in a mutually exclusive.
Non-contiguous allocation: If the program is stored into the various parts of the memory is called
non-contiguous allocation.
Paging: The chunks of memory are of same size in this scheme. In this scheme,
the logical address space of a program is divided into equal sized pages and the
physical main memory is also divided in to equal sized page frames. The size
of a page is same as of page frame, So that the page can exactly fit into a page
The paging scheme works as follows: i)
The logical address space of a program consists of a no of fixed
sized contiguous pages.
The virtual address of the program contains 2 parameters
a) Logical (or) Virtual page no [P]
b) Displacement [D]
The physical memory is divided into a number of fixed sized
page frames. The size of a page frame is equal to that of a logical
page. The OS keeps tracks of the free page frames and allocates a
free page frame to a process.
Any logical page can be placed in any free page frame. After the
page [P] is loaded in a page frame [F], the OS marks the page
frame as “Not free”.
After loading, the logical address [P, D] will be come 2
dimensional physical address [F, D]. D will be same for both
addresses since, the page size is equal to the page frame.
During execution, the AT method has to find out the physical
page frame number [F] for every logical address [P]. The
displacement value D and Page frame number [F] gives the final
physical address [F, D].
Two dimensional Address: Let us assume that page size = 100.
Page 0
Page 2
Page 1
If gives address = 107 then it is in page 1 with displacement = 7.
So physical address = 01 000111
Page Displacement
Page Map Table: It contains the information that, which page frame, is allocated to which
page. It is a key to AT.
Allocation Algorithm: - (Selecting the page frame)
1) MM keeps tracks of free PF, in addition to PMT.
2) When a process is to be loaded in to the memory, PM requests IM
for the size of a program.
3) IM submits the size of a process to PM, from FD (File Directory).
After getting the size, PM request the MM to allocate the memory
the memory of that size.
4) MM now checks the list of free page frames and allocates them to
the process. After that it will mark those pages as not free. If there is
not enough memory space, the loading of the process will be
5) After allocating page frame. MM now indicates the IM to load the
E.g.: List of free page frames 10,14, 15,3
Swapping: When one process needs to be swapped, all the pages are swapped out.
Keeping only a few pages in the memory is useless, becomes a process can run
only if all the pages are present in the memory. When a process is swapped out,
the PMT is also released. When it is swapped in again, it may be loaded in
different page frames, and new PMT is created.
Relocation and AT: Assume the system with the main memory of capacity 512 words. So
the memory is divided into 16 pages of 32words each. Hence we need 4 bits
(16 pages) to represent page number and 5 bits (32 words) to represent the
displacement D (0 to 31). So total no of bits in the address will be 9 bits.
E.g.: Consider the instruction LDA 107, which is stored at the logical address
50. During fetch cycle to convert this logical address into physical address, the
OS will refer PMT and it show page 1 is mapped onto frame 4 at D = 18.
Frame 4 contains physical address 128 to 159. Therefore LDA 107 will be
placed at 128 + 18 = 146 in decimal (or) 010010010 in binary.
At the execution cycle, for LDA 107 again address translation will be
done. PMTLR contains the no of pages in a process. During runtime the no of
pages from PCB will be moved to PMTLR. It is used to detect invalid
Implementation of PMT: (i)
S/W Method
H/W Method
Hybrid Method
S/W Method: PMTLR is register, which contains the no of pages in the main memory.
The address of PMT is stored in PCB. During context switch the address is
loaded from PCB into another CPU register called PMTBR. This register is
used to locate the PMT in the memory. During swap out & swap in of a
process, a new PMT is created and PMTBR also changed.
One word is reserved for each PMT entry. If PMTBR = 500, then the
entry for the virtual page no 8 is 500 + 8 = 508.
H/W Method: This method uses no of associative registers (or) associative memory
(or) look ahead memory, look ahead buffer (or) context addressable memory
(or) cache. The table search is done by the H/W itself and hence it is very fast.
Hybrid method: In this method, it has small no of (8,16) associative registers. It reduces
the cost.
Protection and sharing in paging: Protection in paging system is achieved by the PMTLR register. But this
register ensures that the reference is made in the address space only. Protection
at the level of the page can be provided using “access protection bits” which
are added to each PMT entry. For each page access rights like Read only (010)’
Read write (011) can be defined. But it is difficult, to implement. So protection
in paging can also be achieved by protection keys sharing: having only one
copy of the program in the memory, which is used very often by multiple users,
will provide Sharing. This is saver memory For example, compiler, an editor;
several users for different processor may use a word processor. So only one
copy of the compiler, editor word processor will be in the memory, which is
shared by several processors.
A program consists of code is data parts. All the processes can share the coding
area but all can’t share the data area. For instance, there are several users using
the editor but editing different files. So the data area for the certain process will
contain a page from another file. Hence the data area cannot be shared. It is
only the coding area (editor) that can be shared. Sharable code is called
Ex: Let us assume that there are 3 users using the editor to create different
program. Assume that the editor has 4 pages of code, which are sharable. It
also has 1 page of data area, which cannot be shared.
In segmentation, the program is divided into several pages but the size
of the pages will not be equal. They are of different sizes. For example, the
program consists of 3 major segments code data and stack. The code segment
also has several sub segments like main program, library function and built in
Each segment is compiled with respect to as the starting address. The
compiler/linkage editor will do the following things.
 Recognizes different segments.
 Numbers them.
 Builds the segment table.
 Produces an executable.
and their segment numbers.
So for the above virtual address 2520, the segment number S=3, and D=20.
(1) The high order bits representing S are then out from IR to form the
input to the SMT as an index.
(2) The OS now stores the segment size Z=900 and starting address
B=6100 for the segment number=3 entry from SMT.
(3) The displacement should be les than the segment size. So, D is
compared with Z to ensure that D<=Z. If not, the hardware itself
generates an error.
(4) If D is legal, then the OS checks the access rights and ensures that
whether it can be accessible.
(5) If it is accessible now the effective address is calculated as (B+D).
(6) This address is used s the actual physical address.
Register used in Segmentation: SMTBR: Each process has one SMT. The OS stores SMT in the memory. So the starting
Assigning 2 dimensional addresses.
The logical address consists of a segment number (S) and offset (D). If
virtual address is 1100 then it is in segment 1 and displacement 100. (i.e.) S=1,
D=100. In segmentation, the compile itself has to generate a two dimensional
address. This is different from paging. In paging, the binary term of virtual
address and physical address would be same because the page size I an exact
power of 2. But in segmentation the segment size is unpredictable and so the
address should be represented in 2 dimensions term.
Based on the number of segments number of address bits allotted for
representing segment number will be differing. For example if the system
containing 8 segments, 3 bits are allotted to represent segments. During the
process invitation, the following steps are followed.
(1) The OS keeps track of the chunks of free memory.
(2) When a new process is to be created, the PM gets; the information
bout the number of segments and size of the process from IM, and
pass this information to the MM.
(3) MM now consults the information about free memory and allocated
it for different segments using first fit, best fit (or) worst fit.
(4) After the memory is allocated it builds a segment Map table (SMT)
(or) segment descriptor Table (SDT), which contains segment
number, size, base, and Access rights.
Address Translation and relocation: The SMT is used for add translation. Let us assume the virtual add to be
translated is 2520. Consider the following virtual address of SMT is stored in
‘segment map table base register’ (SMTBR).
This register stores the maximum number of segments in a process. A logical
segment number (S) can be validated against SMTLR before getting into the
SMT, as an additional protection.
SMT size depends upon the maximum number of segments allowed in a
process. It this number is very small, SMT can be held in the hardware register
to improve the speed. It is very large, it can be held in main memory.
Protection and sharing: Sharing of different segment is similar to that in the paging and is simple.
Consider the editor program, which has 2 code segments and one data segment.
The coding areas for both processes are same and only the data area differs for
them. So size and base values for code segments 0&1 are the same in both
Protection: Protection is achieved by defining access rights to each segment such as
‘Read only’ (or) ‘Read/write’ (10). These access rights bits re stored in SMT.
The OS sets up these bits in SMT while creating it, for a process. If there are 4
processes sharing a segment, all the 4 SMTs for those 4 processes will have
same Base (B) and size (Z) but access rights can be different for these 4
processes. It may have “RO” & same other may have “RW”.
Combined Systems: - [paging, segmentation]
The combined system are, combining both paging and segmentation
technique. It requires a 3 dimensional address consisting of segment number
(S), a page number (P) and displacement (D). There are 2 possible schemes in
these systems.
*Segmented paging as in IBM/360 (or) Motorola 68000 systems. In this
scheme, the virtual address space of a program is divided into a number of
logical segments of verifying sizes. Each segment is divided into a number of
pages of same size.
Paged segmentation as in Ge645/MULTICS –
In both the cases, both the segment map tables (SMT) and page map tables
(PMT) are required of these two schemes segmented paging is more popular.
Segmented paging: 1) The program consists of various segments and the details of each
segment are represented by SMT. Each segment is divided into a
number of pages of equal size, whose information is maintained by
PMT. If a process has 4 segments, there will be 4 PMTs one for each
2) Various fields in the SMT in this combined scheme is different. For
example, the size field in SMT gives the total number of pages.
Similarly, the base (B) in the SMT gives the starting word address of
the PMT for that segment, instead of starting address of the segment
itself virtual address.
Working Principle: (1) The logical address consists of 3 parts, segment number (S), Page
number (P) and displacement (D).
(2) SMTLR holds the number of segments and SMTBR holds the
starting address. Their values will be different for the SMT if each
(3) The segment number is validated against SMTLR and added to
SMTBR to get an index to the SMT.
(4) From that appropriate SMT entry, the page number is obtained and is
validated against the segment size (Z), which gives the maximum
number of pages for that segment.
(5) After that access rights are validated.
(6) At last, if everything is fine, the base (B) of that SMT entry is added
to P which gives the indeed of the PMT.
(7) Now the page frame number is extracted from the selected PMT
(8) The displacement is concatenated to this page frame number (F) to
get the actual physical address.
Virtual Memory Management System: Introduction: The main drawback of real memory management system is, if the
physical memory is limited, then the number of processes is can hold is also
limited and thus limits the degree of multiprogramming. Also due to the
swapping of the entire process, the efficiency is also decreased.
To overcome these drawbacks, virtual memory system is introduced. In
this scheme the, process can start execution with only part of the process image
in the memory.
Locality of Reference: Sometimes over a short interval of time the addresses generated by a
typical program refer to a few localized areas of memory repeatedly, while the
remainder of memory is accessed infrequently. This is said to be locality of
reference. For example, when a loop is executed (or) every time a subroutine
“is called the same set of instructions within the loop (or) within the subroutine
are referred repeatedly. This loops and subroutines lead to localize the
reference to memory for fetching instructions.
Page Fault: Referring a page, which is outside the main memory [i.e. on the disk] is said to
be page fault. In many systems, when a process is executing with only few
pages in memory, and when an instruction is referred in some other page which
is outside the main memory [i.e. on the disk] a page fault occurs. When this
page fault occurs, before restarting the execution the OS must bring the
required page into the memory. After some time, when a sufficient number of
required pages build up, the pages will be found in the memory and thus
reduces the page fault.