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Name _______________________________ Teacher_____________________ Period _____ Test Date _______________________
Computer and Access Review2 Study Sheet – 8th
Log onto the computer. Go to Network Programs Folder, Harris Presentation Folder, Double Click the Computer &
Access Review2-8th. As you go through the slide show write the answers on the blanks below. Your completed paper is
you study sheet to take home. You will be tested over this information this week. Date will be given or you can
check my webpage. It will be a fill in the blank test with no answer key.
Word Review Presentations and Study Guides are available online at
1. What is a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly
select desired pieces of data? A Database
2. When you think DATABASE think Electronic Filing System
3. What kind of program is Access? Database Program
4. Databases are organized by
Fields Records Files
5. The smallest units of information in a database are called Fields
6. The largest units of information in a database are called Files
7. What are the physical parts of a computer called? Hardware
8. What is the rectangular box, the main part of a computer system, called? System Unit
9. What is the brain of the computer? CPU
10. What does CPU stand for? Central Processing Unit
11. The CPU can also be referred to as what? Processor
12. Instructions or programs that tell the hardware what to do are called what? Software
13. Which software controls all the software on a computer? Operating System
14. Name two examples of an operating system? Windows and Mac OS
15. What is the permanent storage component within the system unit? Hard Disk Drive
16. What is the temporary storage component within the system unit? RAM