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Introduction to Health Occupations Midterm Exam Study Guide
Culture-Values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, and customs unique to a particular group of people
and passed from one generation to the next
Ethnicity- A classification of people based on national origin and or culture
Cultural Diversity- Refers to differences based on cultural, ethnic, and racial factors
Stereotyping- Occurs when an assumption is made that everyone in a particular group is the same
Bias - A preference that inhibits impartial judgment or information
Ethnocentric - One believes in the supremacy of their own ethnic group
Nuclear family- Consists of mother, father, and children
Extended family -Mom, dad, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins
Matriarchal- mother head of family
Patriarchal family- Father is head of family
Most of what we know about prehistoric medicine Comes from archaeologist who have excavated and explored
ancient sites
Egyptians believed in an afterlife, mummified the bodies of Pharaohs and important people
Hippocrates- Father of modern day medicine
Greece- Home to one of the earliest civilizations
Romans- Built aqua ducts to supply clean drinking water and sewers to move waste.
Galen a Greek physician- Dissected animals to find out how their bodies worked, it was illegal to dissect humans.
His knowledge led to improved techniques in surgery and new instruments
Florence Nightingale- Mother of modern day nursing
Penicillin was put on the market- As a result of trying to find a way to decrease deaths from infections during
Bubonic plague-Highly infectious form of pneumonia spread by rats/lice
William Harvey- Proposed that the heart was a muscular pump that circulated blood in the blood vessels
Jenner developed vaccination against Smallpox
Long-term Care Facilities Provide care primarily for the elderly
Rehabilitation Facilities-Provide physical, occupational, and other therapies
DaVinci dissected human bodies and made first anatomically correct drawings
Joseph Lister first to use antiseptic solution to clean before surgical procedures
Christian Barnard 1st to perform a heart transplant
Tact - The ability to say or to do the kindness or most fitting thing in a difficult situation
Clara Barton- started the American Red Cross
World health organization- An international agency sponsored by the United Nations.
United States Department of Health and Humans services-An agency that deals with health problem in the United
National institute of Health Involved in research on disease in the U.S.
Emergency Care Services-Provide special care for victims of accidents or sudden illness
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Concerned with cause, spread and control of disease in populations
Medicare- Government health Insurance for people over 65
Medicare-Government health insurance for poor
Alternative therapies-Methods of treatment that are used in place of traditional bio-medical therapies
Complementary therapies -May include massage, aromatherapy, music therapy
Hospice -Medical care to people who are terminally ill and are expected to die within the next 6 months.
Connective tissue is tissue specialized to bind together and support other tissue.
Abdominal cavity contains the Alimentary canal, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, adrenal glands
Cranial and spinal cavities are located in the dorsal region of the body
Epithelial tissue protects the outer body and the organs and also receives sensations?
A microbiologist is a scientist who studies living organisms and infectious agents that are too small to be seen
with the naked eye.
 Human cell reproduces, grows, repairs itself, uses oxygen and nutrients, digests food, eliminates waste, produces
heat and energy, and is able to move around
 Cells combine to form tissue
 Ventral cavities of the body include the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities.
 Caudal means near the sacral region.
 Distal means farthest away from the midline.
 Components of bone over time show change.
 Bones protect internal structures, provide movement and produce heat, excrete calcium and minerals.
 Joints are formed where two bones meet. They are described as immovable, slightly movable, and freely movable.
 The human skeleton is divided into two groups of bones. They are appendicular and axial.
 An infection in the bone is called osteomyelitis.
 Muscles provide movement and produce heat
 The two types of muscles are voluntary and involuntary.
 Basic movements of the skeletal muscles include extension and flexion rotation, opening, closing, adduction and
 A disease that progressively deteriorates muscle tissue is muscular dystrophy.
 Voluntary muscles provide movement of the body.
Three major parts of the cell and their functions:
 Nucleus: regulates the activity of the cell and has an important role in the reproduction of the cell.
 Cytoplasm: a jellylike liquid where the activities of the cell occur.
 Cell membrane: outer covering of the cell that keeps the cytoplasm contained. The cell membrane also allows
matter to flow in and out of the cell.
Frequently Used Medical Abbreviations
 bid twice a day
 q- every
 qod every other day
 h/hr hour
 prn as needed
 npo nothing by mouth
 rom ranger of motion
 cbc complete blood count
 wbc white blood count
 stat immediately
 brp bathroom privileges
Using the drawings below complete the following:
1. Draw a line and label the superior and inferior transverse plane on 1st figure
2. Draw a line and label the midsagital plane on 2nd figure
3. Draw & Label the orbital cavity, nasal cavity and buccal cavity on the 3rd figure
Interpret the following list of medical words.
Root/ root
39. Apnea
Without breathing
Inflammation of
Study of heart
Surgical removal of
Inflammation of
Difficult breathing
40. Arthritis
It is (inflammation)
Arth (joint)
41. Cardiology
42. Cholecystectomy
Logy (study of)
Ectomy (surgical
Cardi (heart)
43. Dermatitis
44. Dyspnea
45. Echocardiogram
Gram (written record
Echo (sound)
Cardi (heart)
46. Electrocardiogram
47. Epicardium
48. Gastrectomy
49. Hemipeligia
50. Hepatomegaly
51. Hypertension
52. Hypotension
53. Laryngitis
54. Nephrectomy
55. Nephritis
56. Neuropathy
57. Otitis
58. Otoscope
59. Pharyngitis
60. Polycholcystolithiasis
61. Polyneuraligia
62. Tachycardia
63. Tachypnea
64. Thoracotomy