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Name: _______________________________
Chapter: 9
START on page 275.
1. What does the word muscle mean? ___________________________
2. Why is it named that? _____________________________
3. Muscles transform_________________ energy to _________________ energy.
4. List the 3 Types of muscle:
5. Muscle fibers are ________________________ and depend on 2 kinds of
6. Actin and myosin change the ____________________ and __________________ of every cell
in the body.
7. Myo- means what?________________________
8. Sarco- means what?_______________________
9. Sarcolemma means ________________________ and is found in the _______ _____________
_________ of the muscle fibers .
10. Why is it called skeletal muscle?____________________________________________
11. They are the ___________________ muscle cells
12. The stripes in them are called ____________________ and can be controlled
______________. So therefore they are called _______________ muscle.
13. Skeletal muscle is more overall body __________________.
14. It ____________ easily and must _____________ after short periods of activity.
15. _________________ muscle tissue only exists in the heart. These cells are _____________
like skeleton muscles.
16. Cardiac muscles are _____ voluntary. These muscles contract as set by the heart’s
________________ _______________ .
17. ______________ muscle tissue formed in wall of organs.
18. It’s role is to _____________________________. It has no ____________________ and is
PAGE: 276
19. _________________________ is able to respond to stimulus
20. Stimulus is usually a __________________.
21. This causes an __________________ impulse to make cell _______________.
22. ______________________ is able to shorten forcefully with the stimulus.
23. ______________________ is able to stretch or extend.
24. _______________________ is the ability of a muscle cell to recoil & resume length.
25. Skeletal muscles help us maintain our ___________________ even against the _______ of
gravity help ____________ & ____________ joints of skeleton muscles generate __________ as
they contract. Skeletal muscles __________________ the visceral organs by enclosing them.
26. Most heat is generated by the ______________ muscle.
27. Individual muscle fibers are wrapped and help together by several different
________________ ______________ _____________.
28. The fine sheath of connective tissue surrounds each individual muscle fiber is the
29. The endomysium-wrapped fibers are grouped into ________________ bundles.
30. The surrounding layer of tissue around those is called _________________.
31. The “overcoat” of dense irregular connective tissues is the ____________________.
32. These tissues sheaths are connected with each other and the ____________ that
join muscles to bones.
33. When fibers contact they pull on these ________________, that transmits the pulling
__________________ to the ____________ to be moved.
34. Why are they called “series elastic components?”
35. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones in at least _________ places.
36. When muscles contract the moveable bone, one ________________ moves toward the
immovable or less moveable called the _____________. The origin is usually _______________
to the insertion.
37. Muscles are either ________________ or fleshy.
38. The ____________________ of the muscles is fused to the _________________ of the bones
or ___________________ of the cartilage.
39. In _______________ _______________ muscles connective tissue wrappings extend
beyond the muscle either as a _____________ tendon or a sheet-like ___________________.
These ___________ the tendon into the connective tissues covering of bone or
_______________, or to the other _______________.
40. ___________________ attachments are more common because of their
41. Why are tendons more likely to cross rough bony
42. Tendons also ______________________ space because they are smaller.
ON PAGE: 278