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You should have two parts to this exam: The 6-page test itself and an answer sheet
where you will label and make short answers for the test itself. Use the answer sheet
and a pencil supplied for the entire test. You will not be held accountable for spelling or
grammar errors; however, you should make every effort to write legibly and with
excellent construction.
Use the answer sheet provided. Choose the most appropriate answer to the questions;
don’t over think the question. Many of the questions are taken directly from previous
A.P. exams.
1. A good example of a building in the Ionic style is the
a. Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis
b. Parthenon
c. Temple of Poseidon, Paestum
d. Basilica, Paestum
2. A Dipylon vase would most likely be found in which of the following?
a. an Egyptian tomb
b. an Athenian cemetery of the Geometric period
c. the royal burial at Ur
d. an Athenian cemetery of the Classical period
3. A standing nude figure of a young man is known in Greek art as which of the
a. kore
b. kouros
c. Ka
d. Stele
4. Who was the politician most responsible for the re-building of the Athenian
Acropolis in the 5th century bce?
a. Pericles
b. Aristotle
c. Philip of Macedon
d. Alexander the Great
5. Which of the following conclusions could be draw regarding the Athenians
perception of themselves based on the Panathenaic Festival frieze from the
a. deeply devoted to the Periclean ideal of democracy
b. deeply committed to the Delian League
c. had high opinions of their own worth
d. had high opinions of the Spartans
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6. Who is usually given credit for the invention of the red-figure technique of vase
painting as seen in the amphora of “Achilles and Ajax playing at Dice”?
a. Euthymides
b. Exekias
c. Andokides painter
d. Brygos painter
7. The chryselephantine statue of Athena Parthenos stands fully armed. No one
doubts this figure is a triumphant expression and refers to the Athenian victory
over the Perisans in 479 bce. What other warfare symbol accompanies the
Athena Parthenos?
a. the shield with the head of Xerxes
b. small Persian soldier at her feet
c. the helmet with the deadless Persian
d. Nike on her hand
8. The earliest known example of the use of contrapposto is the sculpture known as
a. Kouros from Tenea
b. Kritios Boy
c. Diskobolos
d. Doryphoros
9. How does the warrior sculpture, Riace Bronze, demonstrate natural motion in
a. still rigidly frontal
b. hip swing not marked
c. shoulders remain even in space
d. arms freed from his body
10. When compared to the Classical style, Greek Hellenistic art could be
characterized as
a. more realistic and emotional
b. less apt to express emotion
c. more rigid
d. having a narrower range of subject matter
11. How does the figure of the calf-bearer differ from earlier Greek statues as well as
Egyptian and Near Eastern statues?
a. inclusion of the animal (calf)
b. subject matter
c. smile
d. cloak
12. Who was the director of the sculptural programs of the Parthenon?
a. Praxiteles
b. Polykleitos
c. Myron
d. Phidias
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13. Black-figure ceramics would most likely be found in conjunction with the art of
which of the following periods?
a. Geometric period
b. Late Classical period
c. Archaic and Early Classical periods
d. Hellenistic period
14. Early Archaic monumental stone statues followed Egyptians style very closely.
This style can be described as
a. rigidly frontal left foot slightly advanced
b. rigidly frontal
c. rigidly frontal left foot fully advanced
d. rigidly frontal right foot fully advanced
15. A female figure used as an architectural support was known as a
a. caryatid
b. kore
c. kouros
d. gorgon
16. Which Greek temple is earlier than the Parthenon?
a. Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis
b. Temple of Zeus at Olympia
c. Temple at Aphaia
d. b. and c. above
e. a. and b. above
17. The Orientalizing period of Greek art is so named because of the exposure of
early Greeks to the art of _______________
a. The Near East
b. Mycenae
c. Crete
d. Egypt
18. Composite monsters were popular in other ancient cultures; however, which of
the following was a purely Greek invention?
a. sphinx
b. centaur
c. griffon
d. siren
19. The drinking cup by the vase painter Onesimos would never have been used in a
public monumental sculpture in Classical Athens, only in a private sphere where
that subject matter would have been acceptable. What fact below supports that
a. genre scene of lady of the house bathing
b. genre scene of master of the house bathing
c. genre scene of a servant girl mixing water and wine
d. genre scene of Ajax and Achilles playing a game
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20. The Geometric krater from the Dipylon cemetery is a testimonial to the
deceased’s wealth and position. Which of the following best validates this
a. size of the pot
b. color of the scene painted on the surface of the pot
c. subject matter on the pot indicates the deceased’s position
d. only kraters were reserved for the funerals of the wealthy
21. What event caused the Persians to withdraw from the Aegean in 478 bce?
a. defeat of the Persian army
b. marriage of Xerxes to daughter of Pericles
c. defeat of Persian navy
d. alliance between Themistocles and Xerxes
22. The gigantomachy of the Altar of Zeus, Pergamon alludes to a victory of the
Pergamenes over ___________ in the third century bce.
a. Romans
b. Gauls
c. Athenians
d. Persians
23. Pericles stated, “For we are . . . simple in our tastes, and we cultivate the mind
without loss of manliness. . . .” This statement could also refer to which of the
a. humanistic education and life
b. Spartan society and government
c. The Delian League
d. Pergamene society and government
24. Unlike their counterparts in the Near East, Greek gods assumed human form.
Which of the following is another characteristic of the Greeek gods?
a. They were above petty jealousies.
b. They were loyal to their spouses.
c. They were loving guides for all the Greeks.
d. They were immortals.
25. The origins of the Greeks or Hellenes, as they called themselves, appear to be
the product of which two groups of peoples?
a. Mycenaeans and Egyptians
b. Indians and Aegeans
c. Aegeans and Indo-Europeans
d. Indo-Europeans and Egyptians
26. Later Greeks calculated their chronology from this event and despite rivalries and
differences; from then on all Greeks regarded themselves as citizens of Hellas.
Which of the following is that event?
a. First official celebration of Greek democracy
b. First League of City-States
c. First Greek Olympiad
d. First official celebration of the Greek Senate
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27. Approximately when did democratic principles become established in Athens?
a. 2500 years ago
b. nineteenth century
c. 31 bce
d. 1000 years ago
28. The Parthenon is a fusion of which Greek orders?
a. Ionic and Doric
b. Doric and Corinthian
c. Corinthian and Ionic
d. Doric and Cretan
29. Mnesikles created a wide causeway between the central pair of columns on
either side of the Propylaia, the gateway building to the Acropolis. What was the
function of the causeway?
a. Olympic Games
b. Delian League move
c. Architectural refinements of the Parthenon
d. Panathenaic Festival
30. Which structure from the Athenian Acropolis has four sides of very different
character with each side resting on different ground levels?
a. Temple of Athena Nike
b. Parthenon
c. Erechtheion
d. Propylaia
31. The event that took place in 323 bce and that marked the end a period called
Late Classical was
a. the death of Alexander the Great
b. the defeat of the Trojans
c. the defeat of the Persians
d. the death of Pericles, general and leader of Athens
32. What is the name of the vase shape pictured at right?
a. lekythos
b. bell krater
c. amphora
d. hydria
33. The function of a vase shaped like the one at right was
a. Storing dry materials such as grains
b. mixing liquids
c. holding oil
d. pouring water and other liquids
34. The vase pictured at left, while very similar to the one at right
above, was used for what purpose?
a. storing liquid materials
b. an award for athletes at festivals
c. a votive container in cemeteries
d. pouring water
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35. True/False The Altar of Zeus is now in Turkey.
36. True/False The so-called Altar of Zeus is actually a temple dedicated to Zeus
and the other gods on Olympus.
37. True/False The small temple to Athena Nike on the Acropolis is actually a
reassembled version of the temple built in the 5th century over a first temple on
the site.
38. Some time after the temple to Athena Nike was completed, around 410 B.C, a
parapet was added around it for what purpose?
a. to prevent people from falling from the steep bastion
b. to provide a place for ancient sculpture to be installed
c. to make the building more stable in case of an earthquake
d. to develop a continuing theme about the glories of Athens
39. What is the subject matter of the sculptural program of the parapet mentioned in
Question No. 38
a. A meeting of the Gods on Olympus
b. Nike in various activities
c. a recent war between Athenians and Spartans
d. the birth of Athena
40. The weight shift illustrated in the figure at right is called
a. contraposto
b. regiostancious
c. cellaporto
d. psykter
41. Vase painting in Greek art reached its apogee in what period?
a. archaic
b. Early Classical
c. Geometric
d. Late Classical
42. In 1874 a discovery was made of what Roman copy of a Greek sculpture?
a. Doryphorus
b. Hermes and the Infant God Dionysus
c. Venus and Cupid
d. The Charioteer
43. Another late classical sculptor of the Late Classical period, who claimed to be
self-taught with “nature as his only model” was called
a. Polycleitos
b. Pausias
c. Lysippos
d. Apoxyomenos
44. The sculpture called The Canon represents a written work of the same title by
a. Polycleitos
b. Pausias
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c. Lysippos
d. Apoxyomenos
45. Two sources for information about the Greek gods are
a. Theogony and Illiad
b. Theogony and Plato’s history
c. Plato’s history and Alexander the Great library in Alexandria
d. Aristotle’s history and Illiad
46. What was the name of the mythical/historical figure who, as a priest in Troy,
predicted the defeat of the Trojans?
a. Pericles
b. Exekias
c. Laocoon
d. Minos
47. Tesserae is/are
a. devices for scoring red-figure pottery
b. small pieces of ceramic used to create mosaics
c. the water heating system on the Acropolis
d. the written manuscript by Plato on the arts
48. The figure at right was part of a pediment on
a. the Temple to Athena Nike
b. the Temple of Aphaia
c. the west pediment on the Parthenon
d. the east pediment on the Temple of Zeus at Olympia
49. The Greek word Arete means
a. correct proportions
b. temples with columns surrounding the building
c. the small columns between metopes
d. balance, harmony and proportion
50. The beast called a Minotaur was
a. the half-bull/half-man child of the queen on Crete and a white bull
b. the half-bull/half-man child who was the son of Zeus
c. part of the civilized tribe pictured battling the unruly centaurs
d. a completely real but deformed child of King Minos of Crete
51. a. Erechtheion
b. Temple to Athena Nike
c. Parthenon
d. Temple of Zeus at Olympia
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53. a. Hellenistic
b. Geometric
c. Archaic
d. Early Classical
52. a. Apollo
b. Hermes
c. Zeus
d. Odysseus
a. Charioteer
b. Diskobolos
c. The Canon
d. Apoxyomenos
54. a. Hellenistic
b. Geometric
c. Archaic
d. Early Classical
55. a.
Niobid painter
Phiale painter
56. a. Praxitiles
b. Phidias
c. Polycleitos
d. Myron
57. a. Hellenistic
b. Geometric
c. Archaic
d. Early Classical
58. a. Geometric
b. Orientalizing
c. Archaic
d. Early Classical
59. a. Praxitiles
b. Phidias
c. Polycleitos
d. Lysippos
60. a. Erechtheion
b. Propylaea
c. Parthenon
d. Temple to Athena Nike
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Use this document for your answers. Write clearly and with the best organization,
spelling and grammar you can.
61. Stokstad writes that “[w]here earlier artists sought to codify a generalized artistic
ideal, Hellenistic artists shifted focus to the individual and the specific.” 1 Explain what
that sentence means. Use specific examples.
62. Which figure below is earlier and which is later? Identify the two works and date
them (within 50 years).
The two dying warriors pictured below were sculpted within 10 years of each other.
Explain the significance of that fact.
63. Define Humanism in the context of Greek culture.
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64. Who was Wincklemann and what is his contribution to understanding the Greek
world? Was his observation about the Greek world a linear or cyclical way of seeing.
Explain your answer.
65. Explain the relationship between Polycleitus’ Canon, the mathematics of
Pythagoras, building designed by Iktinos and Kallicrates.
Label the diagrams and illustrations below with the proper terms.
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