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• The number of students that participate in
sports programs at Central High School is 520.
The total number of students in the school is
1850. Find the athlete-to-student ratio to the
nearest tenth.
• In ∆EFG, the ratio of the measures of the
angles is 5:12:13, and the perimeter is 90
centimeters. Find the measures of the angles.
Happy Thursday!
Similar Polygons Activity
Similar Polygons Notes
• CC.9-12.G.SRT.5- Use congruence and
similarity criteria for triangles so solve
problems and prove relationships in geometric
Use similarity statements.
Find and use the scale factor.
Use similar polygons.
Find perimeters of similar figures.
• Get into groups that are no larger than four.
• Cut out your triangles.
• Sort your triangles into groups based on
similar characteristics.
• Stop here! We are going to share!
• What are similar triangles?
• Group together similar triangles.
• Label your triangles 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c and 3a,
3b, 3c. Group 1 should be acute triangles, group 2
should be right triangles and group 3 should be
obtuse triangles. Letter a should go with your
smallest triangle, b the middle triangle and, and c
the largest triangle.
• Match up each groups corresponding angles.
Mark the angles.
Use Similarity Statements
• What did we say that similar polygons were?
What criteria do they meet?
• Two Polygons are similar if corresponding
angles are congruent and corresponding side
lengths are proportional.
Finding the Scale Factor
• If two polygons are similar then the ratio of
the lengths of two corresponding sides is
called the scale factor.
• What was our scale factor in example 1?
• Step 1: Identify pairs of congruent angles
• Step 2: Show that the corresponding side
lengths are proportional
Using Similar Polygons
• In the diagram, △ DEF ~ △MNP. Find the value
of x.
Perimeters of Similar Polygons
• If two polygons are similar then the ratio of
their perimeters is equal to the ratios of their
corresponding side lengths.