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Segerstrom High School
Mrs. Hargrave, Room A183
School Year 2016-2017
Course Overview
The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the
behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological
facts, principles, and phenomena associated with the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about
the methods psychologists use in scientific research and practice.
Course Objectives
1. Students will prepare for and take the AP Psychology Exam (taken in May).
2. Students will study the major core concepts and theories of psychology. They will be able to define
key terms.
3. Students will learn psychological research and the scientific method. They will be able to devise
simple research projects, interpret and generalize from results, and evaluate the validity of research.
4. Students will hone their critical thinking skills. They will become aware of the danger of blindly
accepting or rejecting any psychological theory without careful, objective evaluation.
5. Students will build their reading and writing skills.
6. Students will learn about psychology as a profession and become aware of the educational
requirements that must be met to pursue such careers. They will learn about ethical standards
governing the work of psychologists.
Course Outline
The course outline, from the AP Psychology Course Description, shows the major content areas covered
by the AP Exam, as well as the approximate percentage of the exam that is devoted to each area. The outline is
a basic guide. It is not intended as an all-inclusive list of topics.
I. Methods, Approaches, and History
A. Logic, Philosophy, and the History of Science
B. Approaches/ Psychological Perspectives
1. Biological
2. Behavioral
3. Cognitive
4. Humanistic
5. Psychodynamic
6. Sociocultural
C. Experimental, Correlational, and Clinical Research
D. Statistics
1. Descriptive
2. Inferential
E. Ethics in Research
II. Biological Bases of Behavior
A. Physiological Techniques
B. Neuroanatomy
C. Functional Organization of the Nervous System
D. Neural Transmission
E. Endocrine System
F. Genetics
III. Sensation and Perception
A. Thresholds
B. Sensory Mechanisms
C. Receptor Processes
D. Sensory Adaptation
E. Attention
F. Perceptual Processes
IV. States of Consciousness
A. States of Consciousness (Non-conscious, Preconscious,
Unconscious, Conscious)
B. Sleep and Dreaming
C. Hypnosis
D. Psychoactive Drug Effects
V. Learning
A. Biological Factors
B. Classical Conditioning
C. Operant Conditioning
D. Cognitive Processes in Learning
E. Social Learning
VI. Cognition
A. Memory
B. Language
C. Thinking
D. Problem Solving and Creativity
VII. Motivation and Emotion
A. Biological Bases
B. Theories of Motivation
C. Hunger, Thirst, Sex, and Pain
D. Social Motives
E. Theories of Emotion
VIII. Developmental Psychology
A. Life Span Approaches
B. Research Methods
1. Longitudinal
2. Cross-sectional
C. Heredity-Environment Issue (Nature vs. Nurture)
D. Developmental Theories
E. Dimensions of Development
1. Physical
2. Cognitive
3. Social
4. Moral
F. Sex Roles, Sex Differences, Gender Identity
IX. Personality
A. Personality Theories and Approaches
B. Research Methods (e.g., idiographic, nomothetic)
C. Assessment Techniques
D. Self-concept, Self-esteem
E. Growth and Adjustment
F. Conflict
G. Stress
X. Testing and Individual Differences
A. Standardization and Norms
B. Reliability and Validity
C. Types of Tests
D. Ethics and Standards in Testing
E. Intelligence
F. Heredity/Environment and Intelligence
H. Human Diversity
XI. Abnormal Psychology
A. Definitions of Abnormality
B. Theories of Psychopathology
C. Diagnosis of Psychopathology
D. Anxiety Disorders
E. Somatoform Disorders
F. Mood Disorders
G. Schizophrenic Disorders
H. Organic Disorders
I. Personality Disorders
XII. Treatment of Psychological Disorders
A. Treatment Approaches
1. Insight Therapies: Psychodynamic/Phenomenological Approaches
2. Behavioral Approaches
3. Cognitive Approaches
4. Biological Therapies
B. Modes of Therapy (e.g., individual, group)
C. Community and Preventative Approaches
XIII. Social Psychology
A. Group Dynamics
B. Attribution Processes
C. Interpersonal Perception
D. Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
E. Attitudes and Attitude Change
F. Organizational Behavior
G. Aggression/Antisocial Behavior
Tips for Student Success
Take complete class notes and date them. Don’t write down something you don’t understand
without asking about it. Leave some blank space on each page to make additions and clarifications.
It is important to review your class notes each day while they are still fresh in your mind. Expand
them, clarify them, and add examples so that they will make sense when you go back to study from
them later. Before class look over the notes from the preceding class. This is especially important if
a topic is presented over multiple days. If you are absent on class lecture days, you are responsible
for obtaining the notes from other students. You may also download the lecture powerpoints from
my website.
Learn to read more effectively. Research has shown that the strongest correlation of success in
high school AP courses is the reading ability. If you are not a strong reader, you can compensate but
you must be aware of the reading requirements. You can read more effectively by doing the
1. Read actively; don’t just look at the words. If you spend a half-hour “reading,” but
are unable to recall anything when you are done, you have wasted your time. Instead,
concentrate on what you are reading and take notes as you do.
2. Preview a chapter quickly before you begin, and review the material frequently. Pause
at the end of each paragraph and summarize mentally, in your own words, what you just
3. Do not try to read an entire chapter at once. Each chapter of your text is divided into
several major sections. Limit your reading to one of these sections at a sitting.
4. Do not ignore pictures, diagrams, tables, and sidebars in your textbook. These features
serve to make the text more interesting and may include important information.
5. Take notes as you read. If you can condense a 30-page chapter to a few pages of good
notes, it’s going to be much easier to review and study. Perhaps most important: keep a list
of questions about the reading as you read.
Half of the battle is psychological terminology (vocabulary). There is a tremendous amount of
vocabulary words to learn in this course. It is in your best interest to invest a substantial amount of
your study time on vocabulary terms. You will be required to create a TDA (term, definition,
application) chart for each chapter, and you will have classroom opportunities to practice and apply
these vocabulary terms. However, it is strongly recommended that you make a set of vocabulary
flashcards on 3-by-5-inch index cards for the bold words in the chapter. The flashcards provide an
excellent means of review/study.
Consult additional psychology resources. If you’re having trouble understanding the Myers
textbook, you might want to consult an introductory psychology text. Sometimes students find
reading a different author’s explanation of a concept helps them better understand our text. DO
NOT substitute reading a different text for reading the Myers textbook. For the class tests and
quizzes you are responsible for the material in the Myers text. Additionally, there are various
internet sites which are designed to help students who are learning psychology. I’ll be posting many
of these sites on my website, however, it’s your job as a resourceful learner to invest time
researching and navigating these websites.
Form a study group. This is a fantastic way to help each other. Before forming a group, make sure
each member is willing to put in their fair share of the work. I’d be happy to meet with any group
that wants to discuss ways they can work together.
Required Text
(1) Myers, David G. Psychology. 7th edition. New York: Worth Publishers, 2004.
(2) Hock, Roger R. Forty Studies that Changed Psychology: Explorations into the History of
Psychological Research. 6th edition. New York: Prentice Hall, 2008.
Your grade will be determined by your performance on tests, assignments (essays and the like), and class
participation. Because this is an AP course, you will probably find it more difficult to earn top grades in this
class than most courses that you have taken before. In general, students have found the course to be very
difficult at first, but have done better as the year progresses. Setting a high standard has several tangible benefits
for students. You will learn a great deal of psychology, you will be better prepared for college, and you will be
ready to excel on the AP Psychology Exam in May.
Student grades will be based on the following:
TESTS & QUIZZES (60% of final grade)
Students will be tested on material covered in class and in the text. Tests include Multiple-choice and Free
Response questions. In addition to tests, be prepared for weekly quizzes. Notes will NOT be allowed for
tests/quizzes. Therefore, you MUST READ and STUDY for tests/quizzes. (To do well on exams, you must
read the text and study.)
This includes all homework and class work assignments, projects assigned, and both group and individual
Classroom Guidelines
Everyone – teacher, other students, and all other guests – will be treated with respect.
Come to class on time and prepared to learn everyday.
Be organized and meet all deadlines.
Take responsibility for your own learning – if you need help or don’t understand, please ASK!
Put your best effort into all work and classroom activities.
6. Follow all SFHS rules and policies.
Homework & Make-up Work/Test Policy
Students should expect to have at least 30 minutes (approximately) of AP Psychology homework every night.
Homework should be completed before the beginning of the period. I do NOT accept late homework, unless
there is an excused absence. Any test or quiz missed due to an excused absence must be made up on the day
that the student returns. In the event of an extended absence, other arrangements can be made, but it must be
discussed with me on the first day back in school. When missing class due to a prearranged absence (field trip,
athletic event, etc), students are responsible for turning in the work on the day it is due or before.
Keep in mind: Motivation is of much greater importance to your success than your current level
of ability. If you want to succeed in this class and are willing to put forth the effort, you will
succeed. Attitude, study skills, determination and discipline count for more than current level of
ability. Develop GRIT!!!
Getting Help
Please don’t be afraid to get help if you do not understand something. The ultimate responsibility to learn
psychology is yours but I am willing to help you in any way I can. To get help you can:
1. Ask questions before, during and/or after class.
2. Arrange a tutoring session with me.
3. Email me at [email protected].
It is my sincere hope that, years from now, you will remember this course as one of the best you ever took; a
course that challenged you and encouraged you to learn all you could about a most fascinating subject –
Psychology. I look forward to working with you this year. Good Luck!!!
Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________________
Student’s Name (printed) ____________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________
Teacher’s Signature: Mrs. Hargrave
Date: 09/24/2016