Download 2015 midterm review packet _2 skeletal and muscular systems

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Anatomy and Physiology Midterm Review #2
Skeletal and Muscular Systems
o List the different functions of the Skeletal System
Support of the body
Protection of soft organs
Movement due to attached skeletal muscles
Storage of minerals (Ca+ and P) and fats
Blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)
o Two types of bone tissue (What is it? Where is it found? What is the
 Compact –Dense, looks smooth and homogenous/Supports
body/found on the outer part of bone
 Spongy-Needlelike pieces of bone and open space/Red Blood
Cell production in red bone marrow/
o Give examples of the different bones listed below:
 Long Bones- Femur, Humerus, Tibia, Fibula
 Short Bones- Carpals, Metacarpals, Metatarsals, Tarsals,
Phalanges, etc.
 Flat Bones- Ribs, Skull (Cranium), Sternum, Scapula, etc.
 Irregular Bones- Vertebrae, Sacrum, Coccyx, Mandible,
Maxilla, etc.
o Anatomy of a Long Bone – You should be able to label the following on a
diagram of a long bone:
(Diaphysis, Epiphysis, Compact Bone, Spongy Bone and Periosteum)
 You should also know where the red bone marrow is found and where
yellow bone marrow is found along with the functions of both.
 Red Bone Marrow- Red Blood Cell formation, found
in spongy bone in Epiphysis.
 Yellow Bone Marrow- Stores fat (adipose tissue) found
in medullary cavity of Diaphysis.
o Describe the function of the bone cells listed below:
 Osteoblasts: Bone-forming cells
 Osteoclasts:
 Bone-destroying cells
 Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release
of calcium
Briefly describe the process of bone remodeling using the
vocabulary words above:
o Bone remodeling is absorption of bone tissue by
osteoclasts while simultaneously depositing new
bone by osteoblasts.
o Bone Fractures (Common types/characteristics):
Describe an Open (Compound) Fracture: Ends of bone stick out of skin
Describe a Closed Fracture: Fracture contained within body barrier
Identify the type of fracture underneath each picture:
Comminuted Compound
o List the parts of the Axial Skeleton:
Skull, Vertebral Column, Ribs, Sternum
o List the parts of the Appendicular Skeleton:
Limbs (appendages), Pectoral Girdle (Clavicle and
Scapula), Pelvic Girdle
What are the gender differences in the pelvis
o Females:
 Shorter Sacrum
 Lighter and thinner bones
 Larger opening (for childbirth)
Describe the following joint movements in your own words:
Abduction: Movement of a limb away from a body’s midline
Adduction: Movement of a limb toward the body’s midline
Flexion: “Flexing” Decreases the angle of a joint
Extension: Increases the angle of a joint
Hyperextension: Extension beyond anatomical position
Supination: Rotation of the forearm so palm faces anteriorly (towards your
Pronation: Rotation of the forearm so palm faces posteriorly (towards your
Rotation: Movement of body part around its own axis
Muscular System
1. Functions of muscles:
Produce movement
Maintain posture
Stabilize joints
Generate heat
2. What are the three types of muscle? Explain the function and characteristics of each
- Found in walls of visceral organs (stomach, blood vessels, etc.)
- No striations
- Involuntary, controlled by nervous and endocrine systems
Most are attached by tendons to bones
Cells are multinucleate
Striated – have visible banding
Voluntary – subject to conscious control
Heart only
- Branching chains of striated cells
- Involuntary, nervous and endocrine controlled
3. Microscopic Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle: Describe the following words.
-Sarcoplasmic reticulum: Stores calcium that is needed for muscle contraction
-Myofibril: Organelle that fills muscle cells, made of bundles of myofilaments
-Sarcomere- Contractile unit of a muscle fiber
Organization of the sarcomere:
o Thick filament: Myosin
o Thin filament: Actin
-What happens to the sarcomere during muscle contraction?
- Actin and Myosin slide passed each other causing the sarcomere to shorten
(move towards the center).
-Myosin heads bind to Actin and pivot
- What makes up a motor unit?
-One neuron and the muscle cells stimulated by that neuron
-Why are you out of breath after a hard workout? Why do your muscles burn? How does
this help our bodies maintain homeostasis?
*Getting rid of waste (CO2) and replacing oxygen.
*Lactic acid buildup after anaerobic respiration.
*Lactic acid activates pain receptors and tells your body to slow down.
Complete the following sentences:
-The muscle that is mostly involved in any specific action is called the PRIME MOVER.
-Muscles that surround and help are SYNERGISTS (antagonists).