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Geometry 1-2 'Big Picture'
Definitions / Terms
Point, line, line segment, ray, angle, angle measure, vertex, triangle
Union ∪ (combined), Intersection ∩ (overlap)
Area (space), Perimeter (distance around)
Congruent (line seg = same length, angle = same measure, shape = all
sides and angles equal.)
Collinear, coplanar (same line, same plane)
Parallel, perpendicular, midpoint, bisect
Angles: complementary (add to 90), supplementary (add to 180)
Transformations: slide, rotate
Triangle lines: median (to midpoint), altitude (perpendicular)
Auxiliary line (a line added to a drawing)
Kinds of triangles: scalene, isosceles, equilateral, equiangular, right,
acute, obtuse
Kinds of polygons: quadrilateral, rhombus, kite, parallelogram,
rectangle, trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid, square, pentagon, hexagon,
heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, dodecagon, pentadecagon.
Polygon terms: regular (equilateral/equiangular), diagonal (line
between corners not a side)
Transversal (line cutting 2 other lines)
2 column proofs (statements – reasons)
Flowchart proof
Indirect proof (prove something is not true by proving
Counter-example: one example that proves a statement is not true.
General strategies:
o Start with givens (in proof and on diagram)
o What else do the givens tell you? Add lines to proof.
o Try working backwards from what you want to prove.
o Overlapping triangles...draw separately.
Triangle congruency proofs:
o Always include a line with
∆ something ≅ ∆ something and reason is a triangle
shortcut (SSS, SAS, ASA, HL, AAS)
o Might use CPCTC after triangles are proved congruent.
Parallel line proofs:
o If given lines parallel can prove pairs of angle congruent.
o If given angles, can prove line parallel.
Make a proof problem from words: draw picture, write 'prove'
statement, then add given statements.
Degrees, whole circle = 360 deg.
Measuring (protractor)
'measure of'' an angle = how many degrees
Degrees-Minutes-Seconds, converting
(multiply or divide by 60)
'Clock problems' (angle between hands)
Kinds of angles: acute, right, obtuse,
Area and Perimeter
Area = space inside a shape
Perimeter = add up sides (length around)
A = bi h
P = 2b + 2h
• Triangle:
A = b ih
P = add the sides
• Circle:
A = π r2
o P=circumference, C
C = 2π r
midpoint: M =  x1 + x2 , y1 + y2 
2 
 2
slope: m = y2 − y1
x2 − x1
parallel: slopes are the same
perpendicular: slopes are negative
reciprocals e.g. − 3 and 5
Conditional Statement: If p, then q,
written p ⇒ q
Statement: p ⇒ q
Converse: q ⇒ p
Inverse: ∼ p ⇒∼ q
Contrapositive: ∼ q ⇒∼ p
If statement is true, only
contrapositive is definitely true.
Chain of reasoning: If a ⇒ b and
b ⇒ c , then a ⇒ c
Counting and Probability
• Counting (simple cases):
o List all possibilities and count
o Use a tree diagram
o Boxes method: one box for each
selection, number in box is number of
options for that selection.
• Counting 'choosing problems' – Order matters =
n Pr =
(n − r )!
o 'Boxes' method (easiest)
• Counting 'choosing problems' – Order doesn't
matter = Combinations
n Cr =
(n − r )!r !
Triangle (n=row,
n r
r=column, both start counting from
o Boxes method: but remember to divide
by boxes for how many ways those
selected can be rearranged.
Probability, P is how likely an outcome is to
o P=0, impossible
o P=1, certain
o P=between 0 and 1 might happen
number desired outcomes
number total outcomes
• Angles:
o all right angles are congruent, all straight angles are
o angles supp./comp. to congruent angles are congruent
o vertical angles are congruent
o angles both supplementary and congruent are right angles
• Triangles:
o interior angles add to 180 deg.
o exterior angle = sum of remote interior angles.
o 2 shorter side lengths added > longest side length
o shortest side opposite smallest angle, largest side opposite
largest angle.
o Congruent means all 3 angles and all 3 sides congruent
o Prove congruent by matching 3 things (shortcuts): SSS,
SAS, ASA, HL (right triangles only), AAS
∆ ⇔ ∆ (only true within one triangle, not between
o Isosceles triangles: 2 sides congruent, base angle congruent.
Parallel lines:
o parallel lines = alt. int. angles congruent
o parallel lines = alt. ext. angles congruent
o parallel lines = corr. angles congruent
o parallel lines = same side int. angles supplementary
o parallel lines = same side ext. angles supplementary
o opp. sides congruent
o opp. sides parallel
o opp. angles congruent
o consecutive angles congruent
Si = (n − 2)180 (for triangle: 3 angles add to 180 deg.)
Se = 360
360 E= one external angle. Only for regular polygons
n − 3) d=number of diagonals
o n is the number of sides in a polygon
Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division properties
Transitive/Substitution properties
Circle: radii are congruent
2 pts equidistant from endpts of a line segment make a perpendicular
bisector to the line segment.
Pts on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are equidistant from
segment endpoints.
Kinds of problems
• Clock problems (find angle between hands)
• 'Crook problems'
Parallel lines: given parallel lines, find angles
Parallel lines: given angles, say which lines are parallel
Give most descriptive name of polygon
Lines cross, find all angles
Given area or perimeter, find sides
Given sides find area or perimeter
Ratios: (usually just add an x...make a drawing)
Find midpoint given endpoints
Find slope of a line from points
'Reflect' shape over a line and find new coordinates
Given an angle, find complement or supplement.
Given all angles in a polygon except one, find missing angle.
Make an equation from words problems (e.g. 'Complement is 10 more
than 9 times the supplement').
Put all givens on a picture, use theorems to solve for x (vertical angles
equal, isosceles sides equal, parallel same side angles add to 180, etc).
Then plug in x to find an angle or length.