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Muscular System
The muscular system is responsible for
the movement of the human body.
 Each muscle is a discreet organ
constructed of…
- Skeletal muscle tissue
- Blood vessels
- Tendons
- Nerves
Voluntary: A muscle that is normally controlled
by an individuals will.
Involuntary: A muscle that contracts without
conscious control and found in walls of internal
Striated: Muscle tissue in which the contractile
fibrils in the cells are aligned.
Biceps: A two- headed muscle that lies on the
upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow.
Triceps: Any several muscles having three
points of attachment at one end. The large
muscle at the back of the upper arm.
Quadriceps: Muscles on the front of the
Oblique: A muscle neither parallel nor
perpendicular to the long axis of a body or a
Gluteus Maximus: Any of the three muscles
in each buttock that move the thigh.
Rectus Abdominis: A pair of long flat
muscles at the front of the abdomen.
Pectoral: Each of the four large paired
muscles that cover the front of the rib
cage and serve to draw the forelimbs
toward the chest.
 Contract: To flex your stomach muscle.
 Relax: To make or become less tense or
Smooth Muscle: Muscle tissue in which
the contractile fibrils are not highly
Cardiac Muscle (Heart Muscle):
Involuntary striated muscle that is
found in the walls and histological
foundation of the heart.
Skeletal Muscle: A muscle that is
connected to the skeleton to form part
of the mechanical system that moves the
limbs and other parts of the body.
The bicep contracts or shortens,
pulling the lower arm up, and causing
the elbow to bend. At this time the
triceps relaxes or lengthens.
 To straighten the elbow it is then the
triceps which contract or shorten in
order to pull the lower arm down, and
at this time the bicep relaxes.
Skeletal System: The skeletal system can
manage the action of skeletal muscle.
Nervous System: The neurons of the nervous
system are connected to most of the cells in
your muscular system. The nervous system
regulates contractions of the muscles.
Digestive System: Smooth muscles line the
digestive system and help move food through
your intestines.
Circulatory: Myocardium aids the
circulatory system in its function of
pumping blood from the heart, and its
subsequent transportation round the body.
Cerebral Palsy: group of permanent
movement disorders that appear in
early childhood.
 Muscular Dystrophy: a hereditary
condition marked by progressive
weakening and wasting of the muscles.
Heat, cold, and altitude are three of the most
important environmental factors that impact the
muscular system.
 Heat and exercise cause your body temperature to
rise. An elevated body temperature means the
muscles also have a higher temperature.
 A cold environment decreases both your core
body temperature and muscular temperature.
The muscles are less flexible.
 Altitude has a significant impact on the available
oxygen for use in working muscles.
There are over 600 muscles in the
human body.
 Muscles can only pull- they cannot
 Energy is stored in the muscle in a
chemical called ATP.
“Muscular System." InnerBody. N.p., n.d. Web. 29
Mar. 2017.
"Biology in Motion." Biology in Motion. N.p., n.d.
Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
"Circulatory System." Fact Monster from Information
Please. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
"Environmental Effects on the Muscular System."
LIVESTRONG.COM. Leaf Group, 01 Nov. 2013. Web.
30 Mar. 2017
"Explore." Explore | Discovery Kids. N.p., n.d. Web.
30 Mar. 2017.