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The number of papers is growing. I am not going to post everything listed in
the supplemental readings, but the list will give you a sense of where things
are headed. Also, I didn’t separate papers by C or N.
Evershed RP et al (2007) Compound-specific stable isotope analysis
in ecology and paleoecology. In Stable Isotopes in Ecology and
Environmental Science, 2nd Edition (Michener, R. H., and Lajtha, K.,
eds.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston, pp. 480-540.
This paper is long. Skim the parts on methods (482-498) and pollution
studies (516-518). Focus on the parts on animals
McClelland JW, Montoya JP (2002) Trophic relationships and the
nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids in plankton. Ecology
83: 2173-2180
Key paper examining the differential flow of N into “essential” (source) vs.
“non-essential” (trophic) amino acids. Key to many applications in vertebrate
ecology, marine N cycling, etc.
Lorrain A, Graham B, Menard F, et al. (2009) Nitrogen and carbon
isotope values of individual amino acids: a tool to study foraging
ecology of penguins in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology-Progress
Series 391: 293-306
Haven’t read it yet, but is seems like a cool paper discriminating trophic level
from space with N and C isotopes.
Larsen T, Taylor DL, Leigh MB, et al. (2009) Stable isotope
fingerprinting: a novel method for identifying plant, fungal, or
bacterial origins of amino acids. Ecology 90: 3526-3535
Again, haven’t read it yet, but appears to be digging into the core
fractionating processes that distinguish major groups of organisms.
SUPPLEMENTAL PAPERS (broken into major classes)
General Background and Controls on Fractionation
Abelson PH, Hoering TC (1961) Carbon isotope fractionation in
formation of amino acids by photosynthetic organisms. PNAS 47:
In case you are ever feeling smug, recall that these guys did this 50 years
ago with big glass tubes and a home-made mass spec, and also cleaved the
carboxyl-C off to measure it separately from the R group of the amino acid.
This was after Abelson almost discovered the TCA cycle (didn’t connect the
dots, always a problem).
Hare PE, Fogel ML, Stafford TW, Mitchell AD, Hoering TC (1991) The
isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen in individual amino
acids isolated from modern and fossil proteins. Journal of
Archaeological Science 18: 277-292
Hoering was still at it 30 years later, though sadly, not much longer. The
best early study of compound specific C and N isotope variations in amino
Howland MR, et al. (2003) Expression of the dietary isotope signal in
the compound-specific 13C values of pig bone lipids and amino
acids. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 13: 54-65.
A key on controlled feeding experiments on pigs that busts down to the
individual compound level. Focus on the individual molecules.
Jim S, Ambrose SH, Evershed RB (2003) Natural abundance stable
carbon isotope evidence for the routing and de novo synthesis of
bone FA and Cholesterol. Lipids 38: 179–186
First of a series of paper by Jim and the Bristol mafia looking at individual
compound isotope compositions from controlled feeding experiments. The
goal of these studies is to examine de novo synthesis of compounds vs.
routing of compounds from the same compound in diet. Here they examine
lipids. In later papers it will be amino acids.
Jim S, Ambrose SH, Evershed RP (2004) Stable carbon isotopic
evidence for differences in the dietary origin of bone cholesterol,
collagen and apatite: Implications for their use in palaeodietary
reconstruction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68: 61-72.
A study very similar to Howland et al. (03), but this time on the rats that
Ambrose and Norr studied.
Jim S, Jones V, Ambrose SH, Evershed RP (2006) Quantifying
dietary macronutrient sources of carbon for bone collagen
biosynthesis using natural abundance stable carbon isotope
analysis. British Journal of Nutrition 95: 1055-1062
Jim et al. quantify routing of carbon to non-essential amino acids using
the Ambrose rat data.
Scott JH, O’Brien DM, Emerson D, et al. (2006) An examination of the
carbon isotope effects associated with amino acid biosynthesis.
Astrobiology 6: 867–880
Similar to Larsen et al. (2009) in goals and approach.
McCullagh J, Gaye-Siessegger J, Ulfert Focken U (2008)
Determination of underivatized amino acid 13C by liquid
chromatography/isotope ratio mass spectrometry for nutritional
studies: the effect of dietary non-essential amino acid profile on the
isotopic signature of individual amino acids in fish. Rapid
Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22: 1817–1822
Haven’t read it, but I saw the talk in 2008. They are doing interesting
experiments that show (probably unsurprisingly), that routing of amino
acids from diet to non-essential amino acids is dependent on the
distribution of amino acids in diet. This is going to matter for N isotopes
too, but I don’t know of anyone who has studied it.
Petzke KJ, Lemke S (2009) Hair protein and amino acid 13C and 15N
abundances take more than 4 weeks to clearly prove influences of
animal protein intake in young women with a habitual daily protein
consumption of more than 1 g per kg body weight. Rapid
Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23: 2411-2420
Might be some interesting stuff in here on turnover.
Styring AK, Sealy JC, Evershed RP (2010) Resolving the bulk 15N
values of ancient human and animal bone collagen via compoundspecific nitrogen isotope analysis of constituent amino acids.
Geochimica et Cosmochemica Acta 74: 241-251
Covering some of the same turf as Hare et al. (1991) 20+ years later and
only for N. Still, it is nice to see the patterns replicated and to get their take
on what is controlling N variation.
Dietary and Ecological Applications
Chamberlain PM, Bull ID, Black HIJ, Ineson P, Evershed RP (2006)
Collembolan trophic preferences determined using fatty acid
distributions and compound-specific stable carbon isotope values.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38: 1275–1281
An example of a powerful approach to studying soil processes using
molecules from soil organisms in cases where it would be difficult to
physically separate and analyze them.
Popp BN, Graham BS, R. J. Olson RJ, et al. (2007) Insight into the
trophic ecology of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, from
compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis of proteinaceous amino
acids, in T. Dawson and R. Siegwolf (eds.) Stable isotopes as
indicators of ecological change. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington,
MA, pp. 173–190
Key paper laying out use of amino acid N isotope analysis to deconvolute
trophic level from migration. Lorrain et al. (2009) use the same approach,
but add C.
Corr LT, Sealy JC, Horton MC, Evershed RP (2005) A novel marine
dietary indicator utilizing compound-specific bone collagen amino
acid 13C values of ancient humans. Journal of Archaeological
Science 32: 321-330
The title is self-explanatory
Corr LT, Richards MP, Jim S, et al. (2008) Probing dietary change of
the Kwäday Dän Ts’ìnchi individual, an ancient glacier body from
British Columbia: I. Complementary use of marine lipid biomarker
and carbon isotope signatures as novel indicators of a marine diet.
Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 2102-2110
Nice, overly thorough work on this individual and his diet.
Corr LT, Richards MP, Grier C, et al. (2009) Probing dietary change of
the Kwäday Dän Ts’ìnchi individual, an ancient glacier body from
British Columbia: II. Deconvoluting whole skin and bone collagen
13C values via carbon isotope analysis of individual amino acids.
Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 12-18
More nice, overly thorough work on this individual and his diet.
Oceanographic application
Loick N, Gehre M, Voss M (2007) Stable nitrogen isotopes in
essential versus non-essential amino acids of different plankton size
fractions. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 43: 281-293
Following some of the patterns implied in the studies by McClelland and
Montoya (2002) deeper into oceanography.
Hannides CCS, Popp BN, Landry MR, Graham BS (2009)
Quantification of zooplankton trophic position in the North Pacific
Subtropical Gyre using stable nitrogen isotopes. Limnology and
Oceanography 54: 50–61
Following some of the patterns implied in the studies by McClelland and
Montoya (2002) and setting the stage for lots of work on marine food webs,
including the tuna study above.
McCarthy MD, Benner R, Lee C, et al. (2004) Amino acid carbon
isotopic fractionation patterns in oceanic dissolved organic matter:
an unaltered photoautotrophic source for dissolved organic nitrogen
in the ocean? Marine Chemistry 92: 123– 134
Using carbon isotope fingerprinting and an understanding of trophic
processes to understand origins and fates of different pools of organic
matter in the ocean.
McCarthy MD, Benner R, Lee C, et al. (2007) Amino acid nitrogen
isotopic fractionation patterns as indicators of heterotrophy in
plankton, particulate, and dissolved organic matter. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 71: 4727-4744
Using nitrogen isotope fingerprinting and an understanding of trophic
processes to understand origins and fates of different pools of organic
matter in the ocean.
Roland LA, McCarthy MD, Guilderson T (2008) Sources of molecularly
uncharacterized organic carbon in sinking particles from three ocean
basins: A coupled 14C and 13C approach. Marine Chemistry 111:
Similar to McCarthy et al. (2004, 2007) but now with 14C as well as stable