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SJ #2 “Matter & Changes in Matter”
1. matter:
anything that has mass and
takes up space;
2. chemistry:
the study of the properties of
matter and how matter changes
3. element:
a substance that cannot be
broken down into any other
EX: H, O, He, Cl,
Au, Fe
4. compound:
a substance made of two or
more elements chemically
combined in a specific ratio
EX: H2O, NaCl, CH4
5. mixture:
two or more pure substances in
the same place but NOT
chemically combined
EX: trail mix
everything you can see,
touch, smell, or taste;
everything everywhere
6. solution:
a well-mixed mixture
7. physical
when a substance changes its
appearance but not what it is.
EX: water melting or
8. chemical
when a substance changes into
one or more new substances
EX: burning a candle
9. chemical
the process of chemicals
changing into new substances
10. precipitate:
a solid that drops out of solution
during a chemical change
11. atom:
the smallest particle of an
element. Every atom of an
element has the same chemical
properties, different from other
a particle made of two or more
atoms bonded together
12. molecule:
EX: salt
H2 + O2  H2O2
you’ll see a
develop in
the liquid
13. chemical
the force of attraction that holds
atoms together in a molecule
H -- H
Key Concepts, Ch. 1-1 p. 14-21
1) ALL the matter around you is composed of one element or a
combination of two or more elements.
--only about 100 elements, mixed together in different combinations
2) The key evidence of a chemical reaction is the production of
new materials that are chemically different than the starting
3) Chemical reactions occur when chemical bonds break or
new bonds form.
Warm-Up Questions: Use your PERIODIC TABLE to answer.
You have 5 min. GO!
1. Find lithium on the PT. Tell me 2 things about it.
2. Name an element and symbol that is a solid non-metal.
3. Find the element that has an atomic mass of 20.180. What is
its name, symbol, and atomic #.
4. Some elements are very unique (one-of-a-kind). Find one
and tell me its name, symbol, and atomic #, and why it’s
5. How is the periodic table arranged?