Download Final Key 1. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint. TRUE Shier

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1. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #32
2. Synovial fluid moistens and lubricates the cartilaginous surfaces within a joint.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #31
3. The importance of fontanels in the infant's skull is to permit some movement of bones, thereby
enabling the infant to pass more easily though the birth canal.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #28
4. The appendicular skeleton consists of the parts that support and protect the head, neck, and
Shier - 007 Chapter... #25
5. The tarsal bones form the wrist.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #24
6. A meniscus functions to cushion articulating surfaces of bones.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #30
7. The parietal bones meet the frontal bone along the sagittal suture.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #26
8. Osteocytes become osteoblasts when they are completely surrounded by bony matrix.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #29
9. Vitamin D is needed for the proper absorption of calcium in the small intestine.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #27
10. Osteoclasts are large cells that cause the breakdown of osseous tissue.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #23
11. A platelet plug is formed when fibrinogen is converted to fibrin.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #31
12. A red blood cell contains a large nucleus; it is thicker near the center and thin around the rim
of the cell.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #30
13. Persons with type AB blood are sometimes called universal donors.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #29
14. Vitamin B12 is important for the production of red blood cells because it is utilized in the
synthesis of intrinsic factor.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #27
15. Heparin functions as an anticoagulant by interfering with the formation of prothrombin
Shier - 012 Chapter... #32
16. Veins function as blood reservoirs whenever blood pressure increases by venous walls
Shier - 013 Chapter... #28
17. Venules continue from capillaries to form veins, which carry blood back to the atria.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #27
18. The SA node relays nerve impulses into the AV bundle of the interventricular septum and the
AV node is responsible for the rhythmic contractions of the heart.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #25
19. Molecules within the blood are forced out through the walls of capillaries as a result of
osmotic pressure.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #24
20. Arteries are strong, elastic vessels that carry blood to the heart.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #26
21. The movement of an egg down a uterine tube is aided by ciliary action.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #21
22. Endometriosis can result in the formation of fibrous tissue around the ovaries and can prevent
ovulation or obstruct the uterine tubes.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #26
23. FSH stimulates a primordial follicle to start the maturation process.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #23
24. The amount of testosterone produced is regulated by a positive feedback system.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #22
25. Which of the following is included in the pectoral girdle?
A. os coxa
B. sternum
C. sacrum
D. scapula
Shier - 007 Chapter... #15
26. Red bone marrow functions in the formation of
A. red blood cells only.
B. white blood cells only.
C. red and white blood cells only.
D. red and white blood cells and platelets.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #5
27. The degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis may develop as a result of softening of the
A. articular cartilage.
B. diaphysis.
C. epiphyseal disk.
D. periosteum.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #19
28. An osteocyte is a
A. bone building cell.
B. bone destroying cell.
C. bone cell surrounded by matrix.
D. bone marrow cell.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #2
29. Bone that develops between sheetlike layers of connective tissue is called
A. endochondral bone.
B. intramembranous bone.
C. cartilaginous bone.
D. osteoclastic bone.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #6
30. Arthroscopy is a procedure used to examine the
A. heart.
B. lungs.
C. joints.
D. None of the choices are correct.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #22
31. Most bone cancers increase the activity of
A. osteoblasts.
B. osteoclasts.
C. both osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
D. neither osteoblasts nor osteoclasts.
Shier - 007 Chapter... #21
32. The normal white blood cell count is between
A. 500–1,000 cells per cubic millimeter of blood.
B. 5,000–10,000 cells per cubic millimeter of blood.
C. 50,000–100,000 cells per cubic millimeter of blood.
D. 500,000–1,000,000 cells per cubic millimeter of blood.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #3
33. Sickle-cell anemia is caused by
A. a lack of dietary iron.
B. a lack of intrinsic factor.
C. an excess of hemoglobin.
D. an abnormal form of hemoglobin.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #17
34. Platelets are best defined as
A. giant, multinucleated cells.
B. cytoplasmic fragments of cells.
C. immature leukocytes.
D. lymphoid cells.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #5
35. The basic event in the formation of a blood clot is the change of
A. fibrinogen to fibrin.
B. fibrin to fibrinogen.
C. thrombin to prothrombin.
D. vitamin K to prothrombin.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #8
36. Which of the following elements is included in hemoglobin molecules?
Shier - 012 Chapter... #10
37. The most active phagocytic cells among the leukocytes are
A. basophils and eosinophils.
B. neutrophils and monocytes.
C. lymphocytes and neutrophils.
D. monocytes and lymphocytes.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #12
38. The biconcave cells in blood that lack nuclei when they are mature are the
A. white blood cells.
B. red blood cells.
C. platelets.
D. macrophages.
Shier - 012 Chapter... #1
39. Which of the following is not a factor that seems to increase the susceptibility to
A. diet high in unsaturated fats
B. high blood pressure
C. lack of physical exercise
D. obesity
Shier - 013 Chapter... #23
40. Plasma proteins that remain in the blood capillaries help to
A. maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood.
B. decrease the osmotic pressure of the blood.
C. maintain the hydrostatic pressure of the blood.
D. decrease the hydrostatic pressure of the blood.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #13
41. In an ECG pattern, the P-Q interval indicates how long it takes for the cardiac impulse to
travel from the
A. S-A node to the atrial muscle fibers.
B. S-A node to the ventricular muscular fibers.
C. A-V node to the atrial muscle fibers.
D. A-V node to the ventricular muscle fibers.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #19
42. The term used to describe an abnormally slow heart rate is
A. tachycardia
B. bradycardia
C. fibrillation
D. cardioversion
Shier - 013 Chapter... #20
43. Impulses carried to the heart by means of fibers that secrete acetylcholine are
A. parasympathetic impulses and cause the heart rate to increase.
B. parasympathetic impulses and cause the heart rate to decrease.
C. sympathetic impulses and cause the heart rate to increase.
D. sympathetic impulses and cause the heart rate to decrease.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #8
44. The pain associated with the condition called angina pectoris usually is caused by an
obstruction in an artery that supplies the
Shier - 013 Chapter... #16
45. The density of capillaries within a tissue varies directly with the tissue's
A. thickness.
B. fluid content.
C. type of matrix.
D. rate of metabolism.
Shier - 013 Chapter... #15
46. The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual
characteristics is
C. testosterone.
D. gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #2
47. Testicular cancer is most likely to originate from
A. connective tissue cells of seminiferous tubules.
B. epithelial cells of seminiferous tubules.
C. intestinal cells.
D. mediastinal cells.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #16
48. The tubular portion of the uterus that extends downward into the upper part of the vagina is
A. ostium uteri.
B. cervix.
C. perimetrium.
D. endometrium.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #5
49. The American Cancer Society recommends that women have their breasts examined with
mammography at regular intervals after the age of
A. 15.
B. 25.
C. 35.
D. 40.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #19
50. In the female reproductive cycle, menstrual flow occurs when the concentrations of
A. estrogen and progesterone are low.
B. estrogen and progesterone are high.
C. estrogen is high and progesterone is low.
D. progesterone is high and estrogen is low.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #9
51. The endometrium is the inner layer of the
A. uterine tube.
B. uterus.
C. vagina.
D. labia minora.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #14
52. The hormone mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary
sexual characteristics is
A. estrogen.
B. progesterone.
C. androgen.
D. luteinizing hormone.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #4
53. Androgens are
A. male sex hormones.
B. female sex hormones.
C. releasing hormones.
D. all of the choices are correct.
Shier - 019 Chapter... #12
54. In spermatogenesis, meiosis results in the formation of
Shier - 019 Chapter... #8