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B7 Quiz Questions
B7.1 Peak performance – the skeletal system
1. What is the role of the skeleton?
2. How do muscles move bones?
3. Draw a synovial joint and label each part with its function.
4. What specific properties do the ligaments, cartilage and tendons have to allow them
to function effectively
5. What type of medical information or lifestyle history need to be disclosed before an
exercise regime is started?
6. Describe how a person’s heart rate changes during exercise and the recovery period.
7. Describe what body mass index (BMI) is used to measure.
8. Calculate your own BMI
9. Why does any assessment of progress need to take into account the accuracy of
the monitoring technique and the repeatability of the data obtained?
10. List the common injuries that can be caused by excessive exercise.
11. Describe the symptoms and basic treatments for a sprain.
12. Describe the role of the physiotherapist in treatment of skeletal-muscular injury.
Module B7: Further Biology
B7.2 Peak performance – circulation
1. Explain what is meant by a double circulatory system.
2. Why is the heart known as a double pump?
3. What does blood carry to muscles and away from muscles?
4. List the components of blood and their functions.
5. Describe and name the main structures and blood vessels of the heart.
6. Describe the function of valves in the heart and veins.
7. What is the function of tissue fluid?
Module B7: Further biology
B7.3 Peak performance - energy balance
1. To maintain a constant body temperature, briefly state the relationship between heat
gained (including heat released during respiration) and heat lost.
2. What do temperature receptors in the skin detect?
3. What do temperature receptors in the brain detect?
4. Where in the brain do you find the processing centre which receives information from
the temperature receptors, and sends instructions to trigger the effectors automatically.
5. Name two effectors involved in temperature regulation.
6. Describe what happens to the body at high temperatures.
7. During exercise the body produces more sweat. What negative effect can this have on
the body?
8. Describe what happens to the body at low temperatures.
9. Explain with examples that some effectors work antagonistically, which allows
a more sensitive and controlled response.
10. What type of foods are quickly absorbed into the blood stream, causing a rapid rise
in the blood sugar level?
11. Which type of diabetes is more likely to arise because of poor diet or obesity?
12. Which type of diabetes arises when the pancreas stops producing enough of the
hormone, insulin? And which type of diabetes develops when the body no longer
responds to its own insulin or does not make enough insulin?
13. Describe how each type of diabetes can be controlled.
14. Explain how a diet high in fibre and complex carbohydrates can help to maintain a
constant blood sugar level.
15. Describe the role of exercise in maintaining a healthy body mass.
16. Name the diseases associated with an unhealthy diet.
Module B7: Further Biology
B7.4 What can we learn from natural ecosystems?
1. What is a perfect ‘closed loop’ system?
2. Why is an ecosystem describes as a type of ‘closed loop’ system?
3. Name examples of waste products in natural ecosystems.
4. Describe how these waste products may become food or reactants for animals, plants
and microorganisms in the ecosystem, include the role of the digestive enzymes of
5. Find a diagram of a ‘closed loop’ system on the storage and movement of chemicals
through an ecosystem, either water, carbon, nitrogen or oxygen.
6. Explain why no ecosystem is a perfect ‘closed loop’ system.
7. In stable ecosystems, the output (losses) must be balanced by gains eg ……………….
8. Why do some organisms produce large quantities of reproductive structures,
including eggs, sperm, pollen, flowers and fruit?
9. Why in stable ecosystems, is the production of large quantities of these
reproductive structures not wasteful?
10. Describe the role of vegetation in stable ecosystems such as rain forests
11. Explain how vegetation reduces soil erosion.
12. What things do humans depend on natural ecosystems to provide?
13. Describe how human systems do not ‘close the loop’. Include
bioaccumulation in food chains
14. Describe the process of eutrophication.
15. Describe two environmental effects of removing biomass from natural ‘closed loop’
ecosystems for human use.
16. Explain the impact of replacing vegetation in natural ecosystems with agricultural
crops and livestock.
17. Explain how human can be sustainable with their use of natural resources.
18. Why does the use of crude oil not fulfil the requirements of a ‘closed loop’ system?
19. What solutions will allow us to sustainably harvest natural resources such as
timber and fish?
20. Describe the role of sunlight as a sustainable source of energy for natural
ecosystems and sustainable agriculture
21. Discuss the tensions between conserving natural ecosystems and the needs of local
human communities.
odule B7: Further Biology
B7.5 New technologies
1. Describe the features of bacteria that make them ideal for industrial and genetic
2. List the products made when bacteria and fungi are grown on a large scale
3. What is genetic modification?
4. Describe the main steps in genetic modification.
5. Describe two applications of genetic modification.
6. Describe the steps in the use of DNA technology in genetic testing.
7. In nanotechnology, applications are based on structures that are small, about how
same are they?
8. Describe the application of nanotechnology in the food industry.
9. Describe applications of stem cell technology in tissue and organ culture.
10. Describe the role of biomedical engineering in replacement of faulty heart valves
and pacemakers.