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Final Study Guide
All the information for these questions can be found on your packets.
The Start of the Roman Society
Who is Romulus and Remus?
Romulus and Remus were two brothers that are credited with the founding
of Rome. The legend states that a wolf raised Romulus and Remus as babies.
Explain the relationship between the Patricians and the Plebeians. Who were
these two groups of people and why did the Plebeians want to get more
The Patricians were considered to be the wealthy and powerful class of
people in Rome while the Plebeians were considered to be the poor and less
powerful group. The Plebeians wanted to gain more political power because
they had no say in making the laws in Rome, which the Patricians often
The Punic Wars
Who was the leader that surprised the Romans by leading his army through
the mountains with his elephants?
How many Romans died during the battle of Cannae?
The Punic Wars had many effects on the Roman civilization they are:
 Rome farmland was destroyed
 Carthage was defeated
 Latifundias were created
What were the Latifundias?
As a result of the Punic War and the farmlands of Rome being destroyed,
many landowners were forced to sell their lands. The rich bought up the
large amounts of land from the poor and used slave labor.
Explain what the twelve tables were and why they were created?
The twelve tables were the written laws of Rome. They were created to give
fairness to both the Patricians and the Plebeians.
Julius Caesar
What was significant about Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon River?
He was disobeying the Senate and committing treason
What is the Ides of March and what did it refer to?
“Beware the Ides of March” refers to the assassination of Julius Caesar by
the Roman Senate. The Ides of March occurred on March 15, 44 BC.
List the members of the Second Triumvirate.
 Gaius Octavius (Later known as Caesar Augustus)
 Mark Antony
 Marcus Lepidus
What was the purpose of the Second Triumvirate?
 To avenge the death of Julius Caesar
The Roman Empire
Following the Second Triumvirate, which person was named the emperor of
Caesar Augustus
List some of the events that took place in the Roman Colosseum
 Gladiator games
 Execution of Christians
 Chariot Races
As the empire grew, Romans were exposed to many new religions. How did
they respond?
They accepted the new religions unless they threatened the emperor’s
Why did the Romans originally decide to persecute Jesus?
Christians refused to worship the Emperor as a god.
All of the following were reasons that helped Christianity spread EXCEPT:
A. Roman Emperors converted
B. Roman roads allowed missionaries to travel and preach
C. Roman Emperors were to be worshipped as gods
D. It appealed to the poor and slaves
What was the main reason for the collapse of the Western Roman Empire?
A. Slavery
B. Germanic invasions
C. Natural disaster
D. Emperor Nero
After the fall of the Roman Empire, what economic and political system
What is Magna Carta?
The list of noble rights
In the year 100 BC, BC is the same as? BCE
In the year 1000 AD, AD is the same as? CE
Please list these dates in chronological order (from 1st to last).
30 BC
3 BC
30 BC
10 AD
3 BC
476 AD
10 AD
476 AD
Order of events
Mark the letters below in chronologically order.
A. Roman Republic began B. Fall of Rome C. Jesus born D. 1st
1st ____D______2nd_____A_____3rd ____C______4th_____B______
Mark the letters below in chronologically order.
A. Rome founded
B. Persian Wars
C. Punic Wars
D. Julius Caesar
1st _____B_____2nd____A______3rd ____C______4th____D_______