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Unit 1: Ancient Civilizations
Pre-history, Ancient Middle East &
Egypt, Ancient Greece, & Ancient
Egypt & The Fertile Crescent: City
States of Ancient Sumer
A region in the Middle East in between the
Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea
Very fertile soil
Various groups (nomads, invaders, traders)
came and influenced the area over time
Mesopotamia – an area within Fertile Crescent
that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates
World’s 1st civilization developed in
southeastern Mesopotamia region called Sumer
Control/access/use of river was key to
development in the area
Rivers and unprotected land led to major
Destroyed villages
Used mix of clay/water to build
Rivers brought trade
Eventually made up of 12 city-states
A political unit that includes a city and it’s
surrounding land and villages
Rivals fought over land/water & were led by
military leaders
Leader to maintain city walls & irrigation; led
armies; enforced laws; had ppl to collect taxes
Used social hierarchy (system of ranking groups)
 High class = ruling fam, lead officials, high priests
 Mid class = lesser priests, scribes, merchants, artisans
 Low class = majority of people; peasant farmers
 Women’s roles changed with time; never equal to
Polytheistic (worshiped many gods)
 Gods controlled of life & could cause
 Ziggurats built in each city state for worship
 Large temples dedicated to the city’s main
Afterlife in underworld with no escape
Earliest known form called cuneiform, was invented
by Sumerians by 3200 BC
Wedge-shaped marks were made on clay tablets
Later developed symbols
2500 BC: armies came through the area and
took over
Sumerian civilizations were replaced by new
Sumerian cuneiform adapted by new people
Sumerians studied astronomy & developed a
number system
Impacted development of western world
Unit 1: Middle East & Egypt
Egypt: Invaders, Traders, & Empire
First Empires In Mesopotamia
• What is an empire?
– A group of states/territories controlled by one
• Different ppl/groups settled in Fertile Crescent
• Powerful leaders created large empires
First Empires in Mesopotamia
• Sargon – ruler of Akkad (next to Sumer)
– Invaded & conquered Sumer ~ 2300 BC
– Continued to expand / built 1st empire in history
– Empire ruined after his death
• Sumerian city-states came back but
were soon invaded again
Hammurabi & His Code
• Hammurabi – King of Babylon; his empire
gained control of most of Mesopotamia ~
1790 BC
• Created set of laws: Hammurabi’s Code
– ~300 laws carved on stone pillars for the ppl to
• codify (arrange & write all laws that govern a state)
Hammurabi & His Code
• What the code did:
– Established civil law – branch of law that focuses
on private rights/issues
• Designed to protect the poor and/or powerless
(women, slaves)
• Supported belief that orderly household was part of
stable empire
– Dealt with criminal law – branch of law that deals
with offenses against others
• Set specific punishments for specific offenses
• “an eye for an eye and a life for a life”
Hammurabi’s Code
Close up of the written laws
Stone pillar with code/laws
New Empires, New Ideas
• Hittites: 1400 BC – 1200 BC
– Used iron to make tools/weapons
• Assyrians: 1350 BC – 612 BC
– Became feared warriors
– 1st rulers to make laws
controlling life in royal
Babylon & The Persian Empire
• Babylon: reestablished as a power in 625 BC
– One of largest/loved cities in history of the area
– Hanging Gardens: 1 of 7 wonders of ancient world
• Babylon fell to Persian armies in 539 BC
• Persian Empire became largest ever seen
Persian Empire
Persian Empire
• Empire made up of many diverse groups of
– Persian kings wanted acceptance of different
groups they conquered
• Real unification under emperor Darius I (522486 BC)
– Created provinces called satrapies; led by
governor called satrap
Persian Empire
• Unification under Darius I
– Improved economic life
• barter economy – exchanged goods/services for
• He encouraged use of coins / created early money
• New religion taught by Persian thinker Zoroaster
• Rejected Persian gods; thought 1 god (Ahura Mazda)
ruled the world; ideas of heaven/hell & judgment day
The Phoenicians
• People of a small state along eastern
Mediterranean coast: Sailors & traders
• Expanded manufacturing & trade
– Set up colonies all over (territories settled and
ruled by ppl from another land)
• Established alphabet - led to our current
Unit 1: Middle East &
Egypt: The Kingdom on
the Nile
Egypt & The Nile River
Egypt & The Nile River
 Farmers
migrated there from the
Mediterranean area, Africa, and
lands around the Nile
 Land very fertile and valuable
 Egypt became powerful civilization
very dependent on the river
Egypt Shaped by Geography
 Egypt
surrounded by desert
 Thought it wouldn’t have survived
without the Nile
– Needed rich, fertile land to farm: “black
land” on banks of the river
– Couldn’t survive off “red land” of the
Egypt Shaped by Geography
Nile flooded every
spring / brought
rich silt and excess
water for land &
 Ppl worked
together to
manage the water
– Designed ways to
channel and store
the water for dry
Egypt Shaped by Geography
 Had
2 distinct regions
– Upper Egypt (south) / Lower Egypt
 United
by Menes, King of Upper
Egypt, ~ 3100 BC
– Nile linked the north/south making
Egypt one of world’s 1st united states
 Nile
used as trade route
Egypt’s Kingdoms
 Ancient
Egypt divided in 3 main time
– Old Kingdom: ~2575-2130 BC
– Middle Kingdom: ~1938-1630 BC
– New Kingdom: ~1539-1075 BC
 Power
passed from one dynasty to
another over time while staying
The Old Kingdom
 Pharaohs,
Egyptian kings, built
strong/centralized govt
 Pharaohs thought to be humans AND
gods w/absolute power to own/rule
all the land
 Wanted justice and order
– Preserved through bureaucracy, system
of govt with different job functions and
levels of authority
The Old Kingdom
 Pharaohs
depended on a chief
minister called a vizier to watch over
the business of govt
 Pharaohs had cemeteries/tombs built
inside pyramids as homes for
– Most famous are Great Pyramids at Giza
The Middle Kingdom
 Old
Kingdom collapsed bc of
 After 100+ yrs new pharaohs
reunited land
 MK was turbulent time
 ~ 1700 BC Hyksos, invaders, took
over delta region of Nile & governed
– Brought new military technique of horse
drawn war chariots
The New Kingdom
 Many
powerful/ambitious pharaohs;
created large empire
 At its peak ~ 1450 BC – gained
territory north to Euphrates River
 Powerful Rulers:
– 1st female ruler Hatshepsut: 1472-1458
– Thutmose III: Hatshepsut stepson
expanded territory; great military
The New Kingdom
 Powerful
– Ramses II: ruled 60 years (1279-1213
BC); best known
 Battles
with Neighbors:
– Many against Hittites of Asia Minor
during Ramses II
– Eventually signed peace treaty – 1st
known in history
– Fighting & trading with Nubia to the
Decline of Egypt
 Egyptian
power declined after 1100
 Assyrians & Persians
invaded/conquered Nile
 332 BC: last Egyptian dynasty ended
– Greeks took control
– Romans took from Greeks in 30 BC
Unit 1: Middle East & Egypt
Egypt: Roots of Judaism
Ancient Israelites & Judaism
• Ancient Israelites developed Judaism ~ 4000
years ago
– Today one of largest faiths in world
• Israelites were monotheistic – believed in one
• Thought every event reflected Gods plan
– Recorded events and laws in Torah, most sacred
text of Israelites (Jews)
Ancient Israelites
• ~ 2000 yrs ago Abraham & family moved to a
region called Canaan
– Abraham called the father of the Israelites
• Believed God made a covenant with Abraham
(a binding agreement)
• Israelites forced to Egypt & became slaves
• Moses led their exodus
(departure) from Egypt
back to Canaan (much
later on)
Ancient Israelites
• Kingdom of Israel established in Canaan ~
1000 BC
– Feuding 12 tribes of Israel united under 2nd King,
• David’s son, Solomon, turned Jerusalem into
impressive capital city
• Kingdom split when he died and fell to
Assyrians & Babylonians
Israelite Society & Judaism
• Patriarchal society – men had greatest
• Law was central – Torah had laws about most
things (cleanliness, food, crime)
• 10 Commandments in Torah
– Moral conduct & religious duty:
• Keeping the Sabbath, holy day of rest & worship
Israelite Society & Judaism
• Prophets, spiritual leaders, part of
– Urged social justice; taught strong code of ethics
(moral standards of behavior)
• During time period called Diaspora, Jews
left/were exiled from Israel
– Spread around world
• Christianity & Islam grew out of Judaism
Ancient Egyptian Civilization
Religion & Life
Religion a part of daily life
Sun god was main god
Osiris was important
 God
of the dead & Nile
Promised eternal life after death by Osiris &
goddess Isis
All had to pass test for eternal afterlife
 Judged
by Osiris
 Sinners fed to Eater of the Dead
 Worthy ppl entered Happy Field of Food
Relied on Book of the Dead to survive journey
through underworld
Preparing for the Afterlife
Dead buried with earthly possessions
Mummification preserved the body
 Embalmed
& wrapped in cloth
 Process took 90 days (3 months)
Pharaohs buried in tombs with their treasures
 Bodies
placed in solid gold coffins called sarcophagus
 Often robbed
King Tut
Egypt had a class system (hierarchy)
Most ppl were peasant farmers or slaves
Ppl able to move up more easily during New
Kingdom bc of trade & warfare
Women had more opportunity than in other places
 Could
get property, divorce, do business deals…
 Not confined to home
 Still below men
Developed diff writing systems
 Hieroglyphics
– carved in stone by priests/scribes
 Hieratic & demotic – everyday use
Made kind of paper from papyrus plant
Rosetta Stone – black stone w/ diff writings on it
used to figure out meanings of hieroglyphics\
Medicine – cures, symptoms, diagnosis, ops
Astronomy – made calendar
Developed geometry
Arts & Literature
 Buildings
(pyramids), statues, tomb paintings… gods/pharaohs shown larger…WHY???
 Showed everyday life or ppl w/ animal heads
 Poems,
hymns, prayers, folk tales