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SoilRegenerationwithSt.FrancisRhyolite soilamendmentfromdense,crystallinemagmarock BREADFROMSTONE:SOIL,ROCK&MINERAL Rhyolite is closely related to granite, but with finer crystals, too small to see by naked eye. This extrusive igneous rock cooled more rapidly than granite, giving it smaller crystals and glassy appearance. Minerals in rhyolite are quartz, feldspar, mica, and hornblende. Understanding Rhyolite’s value in soil requires broader, deeperinsightsbeyondchemistry.Howinertatomsbecome living cells is more than protons and valence electrons. Turningmatterintobiomatterisstillanunsolvedmystery. First, geology is foundation for biology. Soil begins as rock—as atoms extracted out of stone. Soil isn’t only minerals, but its origin is atoms in rock. Elements in stone are the starting matter to make soil. We can’t synthesize these smallest bits of matter. They must be extracted from ourplanet’scrystalbedrock. Bedrockandboulderturntosoilmostlybybiology,aided by weathering with air and water. Soil is decayed, rotted rock—stones dissolved, disassembled, and digested by the least of all life: archaea, bacteria, fungi, lichen, and simple organisms. Slowly, microbes consume rocks, liberate single atoms,wrapthemwithwaterandcarbontobuildbiological moleculesorganizedincellcytoplasm. Soil regeneration begins by providing complete and balancedelements.Remineralizationwithrockdustsmimics andacceleratesthenaturalprocesstocreatenew,fertilesoil. ANCIENTSOILSOFTHEMIDWEST Soils in much of south Midwest are very ancient and highly weathered, underlain by alternating layers of sedimentary rock: limestone, sandstone, shale. North Midwest soils had three Ice Ages for glaciers to bring in freshly ground rock, but south soils haven’t had a geology event to renew their minerals in a few hundred thousand years.Primaryelementsintheseover-worn,over-agedsoils are used up, tied up, leached out, hauled off, low, and weak. Fundamental elemental ratios are out of balance; keystone elementsmissingordeficit. In weathered, aged soils, Trace Elements are often the mostcritical.SmallchangeinaTraceElementcanhavemore profound effect on biology than large change in a Major Mineral. This is because Trace Elements are key co-factors to shape, activate and power enzymes, metabolic cycles, hormones, and transmitters in livingorganisms. In 2014, I got a 44-lb. bag of Azomite™fossilseafloorsediment clay from central Utah, used in farming70yearsastraceelement soil and feed additive. I left the bag in a barn by Columbia, Missouri.Inthreedays,raccoons rippedopenthebagtoeatquitea fewpounds. Wildanimalshaveprimalinstinctstorecognizeaneeded nutrient—they smell it, and know to eat it. The raccoons’ appetite for Azomite™ is a loud shout warning of severe Trace Elementdeficitsinsoils.Thisconditionisextensive, acrossmuchofthesouthernMidwest,andsystemic,affecting soils,microbes,insects,plants,animals—andhumans. ANCIENTVOLCANOINSOUTHEASTMISSOURI Southeast Missouri has one of North America’s oldest exposuresofPrecambrianbedrock.Thisremarkablegeology is a 1.3 billion-year-old caldera—stubborn stump of a weathered, eroded, ancient super-volcano. The caldera’s central vertical “pipe” brought up magma from Earth’s deep interior—red-hot,liquidmatterfromEarth’smantle. Thisrareplutonicgeologyis70milessouthofSt.Louis, 50mileswestoftheMississippi.Coreofthemagmapipeis St. Francois State Park. West caldera rim is St. Francois MountainsandMarkTwainNationalForest—wildlandwith fewfarmsunderlainbymagmaventsandlavarock.Magma rock is denser, harder than sedimentary rock under most of the Midwest. The volcanic field is rugged mountain forests blanketingthinsoilstretchedoverhard,impenetrablerock. A volcano’s main magma channel sprouts small side vents. St. Francois volcanic field extends south to Arkansas, westtoKansasandOklahoma.Geologistscount360ventsin this 350 square mile volcanic field. Some are only a few acres.Manywerediscoveredandminedinthe1800s.Afew yieldsmallcrystalsofcarbon:diamonds. Thisdeep,denserockisatomspackedtightincrystalline orderly arrays, interspersed with veins of metals. Crystals’ optic and electric properties are used in jewels, lasers, cell phones,semiconductors,digitaldevices,advancedmaterials. TRAPROCKMINING This magma rock was mined since 1870 as traprock — general term in mining industry for dark color, fine-tomedium-grain, durable aggregate rock, such as Basalt, Diabase, Granite, Gabbro, Trachyte, or Rhyolite. Missouri traprockiscrystalsoffeldsparandquartzinblack,darkgray, maroon, dark brown or dark purple matrix. Individual crystals are so small they’re only seen with a microscope. Tiny interlocked grains give traprock hardness, durability and resistance to scratch, abrasion and wear. These igneous rocks’ extra density and hardness are valued for highwear uses, such as roadbeds, roofing granules, paving stone, structural concrete, railroad ballast,andriprap. Today, over a dozen quarries in southeast Missouri mine traprock—primarily Rhyolite and Diabase—from the St. Francois caldera and volcanic field. The field has other igneous rock: Basalt, Granite, Trachyte, and Rhyodacite. This was a historic lead mining region, but magma eruptions have veins of other heavy elements, like tungsten, chromium, zinc, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, and otherheavymetals. These rocks don’t have significant amounts of plant nutrients, thus have no value as conventional fertilizer. But these extra-dense rocks true virtues are more subtle—less chemistry, more about energy. Their most profound effects oncellsisduetotheirdensity,energyandgeometry. NUTRIENTSINRHYOLITE Rhyolite has seven Major Elements that are key plant nutrients—lightestelementsinthePeriodicTabletoprows: new 21st Century paradigm is holistic, embracing a whole system view that delivers a full menu of elements for completenutrientsupply. Holistic views understand elements operate as partners in teams. Major minerals need certain trace element cofactorsinenzymesandenergyexchanges.Intheseelemental relationships, ratio or proportion of atoms and ions is as criticalasquantityoramount.Thus,soilremineralizedwith rock powders and sea products has abundant, complete, balancedsupplyofalltheelementsbiologyneeds. GETTHEMOSTFROMTHELEAST In cell biology, the least elements have the greatest effects. Trace Elements are essential to biology in very Cations(+):supplyfreeelectrons minute amounts—parts per million, even less. Yet, tiny Sodium 1+ 2.22% amounts have huge impacts on fundamental cell functions Potassium 1+ 5.66% andorganismintegrity. Calcium 2+ 0.48% Iodineisbestknown,neededatpartspermillion.Iodine Magnesium 2+ 0.19% deficiencyismedicallyproventocausegoiter—malfunction Anions(-):hold&transportelectrons ofthethyroid,anendocrineglandthatsecreteshormonesto Phosphorus 3– 0.02% regulate growth and immunity. A pregnant mother with Sulfur 2– - Iodine deficiency has high risk to birth a child with Chlorine 1– - incomplete neurological development, impaired brain Rhyolitefromdensemagmawasn’t function and permanent mental exposed to air, thus isn’t weathered, disability. These medical facts are so oxidized, or hydrated. Nor is it well-known, most nations require chlorinated, nitrated, or other reaction. Iodine added to commercial salt to Elements in Rhyolite are more raw, reducedeficiencyrisks. unreacted, single atoms, with valence Cobalt illustrates this extraelectronsfreetoreactwithotheratoms. ordinary power of the least. Cobalt’s In sedimentary rock, elements are only use in humans is the metal coalready reacted in secondary minerals factor in vitamin B12. Without B12, red that are compounds of two or more blood cell synthesis weakens; red cells elements. Elemental Sodium is highly are enlarged and deformed. Without reactive, even explosive, but combined B12, nerve cell energy exchange withChlorine,becomesstabletablesalt. weakens, so the second deficiency Atomsinmineralcompoundsandclays symptomisnumbnerves.WithnoB12, are less tightly packed, and form rock DNA-to-RNA replication is impeded; that’slessdense protein synthesis slows. Without B12, GEOL OGYINTO BIOLO GY Fresh, unreacted elements are a pineal and pituitary hormones are unique energy in biomolecules and disturbed;metabolismlosessynchrony. Magnesiummetalion processes. Raw elements prime many Without a microgram of Cobalt, metabolic pathways. Simple elemental enclosedinCarbon&Nitrogenrings youaredead. nutrients are easy for cells to absorb The last century, science identified and use. Microbes eat atoms out of rock to build other Trace Elements that are essential to biology at parts biomoleculesandcytoplasm. per million: Iron, Silicon, Boron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, When these dense rocks are fractured and contact the Molybdenum,Chromium,Selenium,Germanium,Vanadium,a air,someelementsinthemreactwithCO2toformCarbonate fewmore.Rhyolitehassmall,significantTraces:Iron:2.37%; (CO3=). Thus, they Fix Carbon to remove CO2 from air and Chromium: 0.03%; Manganese: 0.03%; Titanium: 0.21%; store Carbon in stable soil, rock and biology. In cells, Rubidium: 250 ppm; Niobium: 8 ppm; Antimony: 2.8 ppm; Carbonates bufferpH to resist change in the electric charge Zinc:<.01ppm;Selenium:<.01ppm. offluids.GreaterelectricstabilitycreatedbyCarbonatescan However,newinsightsinbiologysuggestweneedmore enhancemetabolismandboostbiologicalgrowth. elements than are yet discovered—the densest elements in thelowestrowsofthePeriodicTable FULLSPECTRUMFERTILITY valence %inRhyolite Chlorophyll Rhyolite’s value in soil isn’t abundant Major Minerals. RhyolitedeliversabroaddiversityofTraceElements.Rather than one, or two, or a few elements, Rhyolite has a wide assortmentofnearlyalltheelementsneededbybiology. 20th Century soil fertility and plant nutrition focused on chemistry,andsingleelementsolutions.Fertilizersdelivered one,two,maybethree,elementsassyntheticchemicals.The RAREEARTHELEMENTS Periodic Table’s lowest rows are the heaviest elements, with the most protons and mass, including Platinum, Gold, Transition Metals, and Rare Earth Elements. Cells seem to need them at parts per billion, even parts per trillion— millionth of a millionth—barely detectable by science. Magma rock such as Rhyolite has extra amounts of these heaviest,butleastofallelements. Thesemassiveatomshavelargeelectroncloudsspinning inorbitals,with8to12toasmanyas20valenceelectronsto bondwithotheratoms.Theserareelementsacquireunusual energystates,dependingonhowelectronorbitsarecharged, paired, stacked, organized, and synchronized into cascades that achieve unusual high-energy states to power complex reactions, with exotic properties, like high-frequency radiation, quantum coherence, super-conductivity, even negativegravity.Theirbiologicalusesarealmostunknown. Theseheaviestelementsusecomplexgeometriestoform bonds to other atoms. They have symmetries to build unusual shapes into special biomolecules and cell structures—enzyme, hormone, transmitter, activator. The most exotic have five-sided, phi-ratio geometries to match DNA,RNAandcellmembranearchitectures. Elements and molecules with greater complexity can carry more information. Living organisms use complexity and higher geometry to hold information and share intelligenceforhigh-levelfunctions.Threekeyfunctionsare: DNA & reproduction, membranes & immunity, neuron function&brainstructure. DENSITY In biological science, density isn’t a nutrient, yet is a qualitycellsneed.Insideacellmembrane,atoms,molecules and enzymes must pack in tight, dense, orderly geometries. Greater density means tighter packing geometry and higher energy efficiency. Density delivers orderly coherence cells needtoholdshape,maintainpatternandpreserveintegrity. Cells are biological crystals—bio-microprocessors in cellular circuits, with internal symmetry, connections and organization.Similarly,seedsaredenselystackedcrystalsof carbohydrate, amino acid and minerals to nurse an embryo. Insideacellmembrane,ions,biomoleculesandenzymesare dancingintightlyordered,liquidcrystalorchestration. Foroptimumfunction,acellmustbecompact,witheach part in precise, coherent order with other parts and the whole.Heavierelementsarecentersofmassinenzymeand cell structures to seed and sustain these orderly arrays of atomsandmolecules. Molecules—especially protein, enzyme, hormone, or biopolymer—musthavespecificshapetofitintoandfunction insideacell.Outsideacell,theabilitytorecognizeshapeisa key to immunity—to discriminate between cell and not-cell, andchoosewhattoletin. Densityhelpscellsandorganismssustainshape,internal order and function, and survive stress. In drought with scarce water, densely ordered cells maintain moisture and energy flow. In a freeze, tight molecular geometry resists water’s expanding force to sustain cells’ essential shape and membraneintegrity. PARAMAGNETISM In biology, magnetism is largely a mystery. Yet, physics tell us light is electromagnetic radiation—energy waves oscillating between electric and magnetic states. Electricity isvisibleasaluminousspark,butmagnetismisinvisible.It’s thedarksideoflight. Science shows us Earth spins in a magnetic bubble—a donut ring of geomagnetic flux. But science doesn’t yet realize every living cell is a magnetic bubble. Nor does science realize a plant is a magnetic antenna—root & shoot aresouth&northpolesofabiomagneticfield. Iron filings arrange themselves to align with and reveal aninvisiblemagneticfield.Magnetismisaforcefieldtounify and align isolated atoms and molecules in orderly patterns and coherent whole. Magnetism is the shape for a cell or organism.Biomagneticfieldsorganizesingle,separateatoms in unitary, synchronous systems of a living cell. Magnetism asacontainerforlifeoffersintegrity,identityandunity. Asvividexample,redbloodcellsareflatdiskswithtwo hollow faces—signature shape of the magnetic field of Iron. Almost all the Iron in our body concentrates in red blood cells, yet biology and medicine don’t recognize a magnetic functionforIroninblood. VitaminB12stimulatesredbloodcellcreation.ItsTrace Element co-factor is Cobalt, one of three natural magnetic elements.B12deficiencycausesredcellstoswellandenlarge, instead of a flat disk. Cobalt’s magnetic geometry helps red cellstoholdpropershape. Carbonisn’tmagnetic;massistootinytoholdmagnetic charge.Butinamagneticfield,Carbonis“diamagnetic,”with oppositepolarity.DiamagnetismenhancesCarbon’scapacity to create structure by attracting atoms to link together in chains(hydrocarbon&aminoacid)andrings(sugar). Magnetism is important to shape cells and power biology,yetscienceislargelyblindtobiomagneticfieldsand their functions. How magnetism in soil affects plants and microbes isn’t explored by botany, biology or soil science. “Paramagnetic fertilizer” is an unknown idea for nearly all farmersandsoilscientists. HeavyelementsinPeriodicTablelowerrowsandcenter columns exhibit more magnetic potential. But as ions, with unpairedelectronsinouterorbits,mostmetalsaremagnetic. Magma rock—with its density, trace elements, valence electrons, and mono-atomic states—boosts magnetic charge insoiltoimprovecellintegrityandfunction. In sharp contrast, most south Midwest soils are formed fromsedimentaryrockwithlowparamagneticcharge.Such soilswillquicklybenefitfromthedenseparamagneticcharge andtraceelementsinRhyolite. ~David Yarrow,December2015 St.FrancisRhyolite SoilApplicationInstructions December2015 ApplicationRate Standard(finesand) 1toncovers2acres Premium(finepowder) 1toncovers4acres 1000poundsperacre 250poundsperacre 2½poundsper100squarefeet 2cupsper10squarefeet 1¼poundper100squarefeet 1cupper10squarefeet 1T/a=5#/100sf=.459lbs./sq.ft. Guidelines DonotapplyRhyolitealone.Rockdustmineralsdon’tdissolveinwater.Rather,nutrientsarereleased fromtherockmineralmatrixbydigestiveactionbymicrobes,mostlybacteria,fungiandlichen. Bestwaytoapplyiswithsometypeofmicrobeinoculant,especiallywithbacteriaandfungi.Preferred istoblendwithcompost(orcompostedmanure)toassurerapidcolonizationbymicrobes. Applywithatypeofbiocarbon.Firstpreferredisbiochar.Secondchoiceisbioactive,healthycompost. Thirdchoiceishumus.Fourthisanimalmanure. Primaryeffectsareonplantroots,sothesemineralsmustbedeliveredtosoilrootzone.Initialtillage maybenecessary.Targetapplicationsforimmediatecontactwithseeds&seedlingroots. Instructions GardenSoil Blend1quartRhyolitepowderinto1gallonbiocharfines 1quart+1gallon=1:4ratio=20% Rockdustparticleswillcoatbiochargrains Inoculatebiocharwithmicrobes:blendwith(chooseone)— 2gallonsactivecompost,or 2gallonscompostedmanure,or 1gallonbiomass+1quartfreshmanure,or 2gallonsbiomass+commercialinoculant Option1:Inoculatebiochar-Rhyolitemixwithmycorrhizalfungispores Blendintimatelyformaximumparticle-to-particlecontact Option2:DissolveSEA-90seamineralsinwater;spraylightlytomoisten Sprinklethinlyon20squarefeetofsoil Coverthinlywithsprinkledsoil,ortillintotop4inches Waterwithfinespray,then6-inchloosestrawmulch PottingSoilmix 3TablespoonRhyolite 1Tablespoonseaminerals 1cupbiocharfines,1/8-inchscreen 1quartcompost,screened 1quartpeatmoss,screened 2quartsweed-freesoil,screened 1teaspoonmycorrhizalspores SeedStartermix 1cupbiocharpowder 1TablespoonRhyolite 1teaspoonkelppowder 1teaspoonseamineralpowder 1teaspoonhumicacid ¼teaspoonmycorrhizalspores TERRA:TheEarthRestoration&RegenerationAlliance 573-818-4148 Compost 5%ofrawbiomass AnimalFeed 1-2%ofdailyfeed blendwithbiocharfines forbestresults,use1%SEA-90sea minerals [email protected]