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Forces, Motion, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
Jeopardy Questions
What is the energy reserve of an object based on its mass and its height above a
reference surface?
Potential energy Ep = mgh
What is the formula for kinetic energy
Ek = ½ mv2
If the mass of an object doubles, how will this affect the components of
mechanical energy?
Both components of mechanical energy (potential energy and kinectic
energy) would double
What is the gravitational constant of our planet and its units?
9.8 N/kg
What is the formula for finding the velocity of an object?
V = d/t
What is the difference between mass and weight?
The mass of an object is the quantity of matter it is composed of.
The weight of an object is dependant on the gravitational pull acting on
the object
What is the force that prevents two objects from slipping over each other when
they come into contact?
What are the three requirements necessary to perform work?
1. Apply a force on a object
2. The object must move
3. The force or a component of it must be parallel to the motion of the
What is the mass of the box?
1.02 kg
Name 3 characteristics of minerals?
Inorganic, crystalline, specific composition, distinctive streak,
transparency, color
Name the type of rock formed by the accumulation and compaction of debris.
Sedimentary rock
What is the ability of the soil to resist pH change?
Soil buffering capacity
What term regroups all fresh water bodies found on continents
Inland water
Name one advantage for each of the energy resources found in the lithosphere
Geothermal (Renewable)
Fossil fuels (easily transportable)
Nuclear (no production of green house gases)
What term regroups all of the frozen water on Earth’s surface
What is the process by which natural waters lose their oxygen because of an
excessive accumulation of organic matter and nutrients?
Explain why we have two high tides a day.
High tides are generated by the gravitational pull of the moon. A high tide
is observed at a given spot on our planet when the moon is directly above
that spot or directly opposite to that spot. As the Earth revolves around its
axis every 24hours this occurs twice a day.
What are two ways of increasing atmospheric pressure?
Increasing the amount of air particles
Decreasing the temperature
What gas composes 78% of our atmosphere?
Name the layers of the atmosphere a meteorite would encounter as it falls towards
Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
Identify the soil horizons
Answer from top to bottom
O (organic), A (topsoil), B (subsoil), C (fragmented rock), R (rock)