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First Contact
A. The main rivalry for European exploration in the 1400’s was between
Spain and Portugal
1. Portugal’s route –
2. Where Spain looked –
B. Christopher Columbus took the lead in Spanish exploration
1. born in Genoa, Italy
2. educated in Lisbon, Portugal importance:
3. Columbus underestimated the size of the earth
a. he estimated Asia to be 2,400 miles west of Portugal
b. Asia is 12,000 miles west
4. Portugal turned down Columbus’ request in 1484 (why)
C. Columbus’ deal with the Spanish
1. Ferdinand and Isabella were the rulers of Spain who funded the
2. Columbus promised gold and the spreading of the Catholic faith
3. In return, Columbus would be knighted and made viceroy of all the
lands he discovered
a. viceroy (define) D. Columbus’ journey began August 3, 1492
1. Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria – ships
2. he sailed south and then across the ocean to catch the trade winds
a. he also knew of the terrible storms in the North Atlantic
3. On October 12, he landed in current day San Salvador
4. believing he was in India he named the people Indians
a. Taino –
5. the Taino were a generous and sharing tribe
a. the effect this had on Columbus:
Columbus took their generosity as a sign of weakness.
He put many of them into slavery
E. Columbus immediately began his search for gold throughout the
1. he established the first Spanish settlement at La Navidad
(present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
2. the rule of Ferdinand and Isabella: (explain)
He was given the title of viceroy
3. Columbus began a frantic exploration for gold throughout the
4. Columbus established the encomienda system: (explain)
See your key terms
5. allowed the enslavement of Native Americans
6. Bartolome de Las Casas –
Opposed the encomienda system. Indians humanity equaled
that of Europeans
F. The encomienda system laid the groundwork for the beginning of the
African slave trade
1. Native Americans suffered terribly from European diseases of
which they were not immune
a. measles, typhus, SMALLPOX
2. some estimates had certain tribes losing 90% of their population
3. since the Native Americans could no longer be used as a source of
labor, the Spanish had to begin looking elsewhere
4. by 1540, 10,000 African slaves were arriving in North America
G. The rivalry between Spain and Portugal was exploding
1. to broker some peace, Pope Alexander VI issued his “Line of
Demarcation”: (explain)
This line divided up the land that was still available to colonize
between Spain and Portugal. Each country had specific
boundaries they needed to stay within. Treaty of Tordesillas –
(West=Spain) (East=Portugal)
H. Soon other explorers will build on previous expeditions
De Leon
Was Portuguese
but sailed for
Crossed the isthmus of Panama
1st European to see the Pacific Ocean
Led the 1st expedition to Florida and named
Search for the Fountain of Youth
First to circumnavigate the globe
Looking for the 7 cities of gold
Paved the way for later explorers
I. Spanish explorers called conquistadores soon filled North America with
the most famous being Hernan Cortes
1. he heard of the gold in the huge Aztec Empire in current day
2. he had several advantages before going to battle
a. Dona Marnia / Malintzin (who)–
valuable interpreter & advisor – of Aztec decent
b. alliance with the other Native American tribes (explain) –
Those conquered by the Aztecs and/or sacrificed
3. eventually Cortes met with the Aztec ruler – Moctezuma
a. attacks and revolts broke out
b. Moctezuma was killed (by whom?) not really sure
c. the Spanish were forced to flee
4. when the Spanish returned: (explain)
Smallpox and starving were impacting the Aztecs and they
were defeated by Cortes
5. Cortes conquered the Aztecs and became one of the richest men in
the world
J. The Spanish continued colonizing North America, establishing many
cities that are still round today
K. Balboa’s discovery of the Pacific (from America) triggered a rush
of non-Spanish speaking explorers looking for the Northwest Passage
1. importance of finding the Northwest Passage: (explain)
2. while Spain was establishing colonies in southern North America,
England and France were exploring the northern parts (current
day United States and Canada)
L. England will ultimately challenge Spain for the “rights to the sea”
1. Sir Francis Drake was an English “sea dog” (pirate) who raided
Spanish ships returning with valuables
2. Spain did not stand for this so they planned to attack England
with their Spanish Armada (130 ships & 27,000 men)
a. England’s plan for victory: (explain)
3. Spain loses their grip on the seas with this defeat and the problem
of inflation destroys the Spanish economy
a. inflation (define) –
b. how it happened: (explain)
The door is now open for England to begin colonizing new
land and establishing settlements
M. The first attempt at a settlement happened on Roanoke Island (off the
coast of present day North Carolina)
1. Sir Walter Raleigh explored the area
2. in 1587 Raleigh asked John White to lead the colony to Roanoke
3. as supplies dwindled, White return to England
4. it took him 2 years to finally return because of events in Europe
(Spain’s attempted invasion)
5. when he returned: (explain)
6. Roanoke became known as the “Lost Colony”
N. In 1606, King James I issued a charter to the London Company to
establish a colony
1. they were a joint-stock company: (define and explain)
2. in 1607, the London Company established the settlement of
Jamestown in current day Virginia
a. in the first year the English suffered from disease,
starvation, and exposure
3. John Smith was eventually named the leader and he took steps
to strengthen the colony (explain)
4. Pocahontas was a Powhatan who served as an intermediary
between the Native Americans and the English
a. her and John Smith were not an “item”
b. Pocahontas was 13 years old at this time!
5. Pocahontas did eventually married another settler named John
Rolfe in 1614
a. she died in England the following year
O. Even though Jamestown was surviving, it still wasn’t making money
1. remember, it was founded by a joint-stock company with the
purpose of making a profit
2. that profit came when John Rolfe began growing a type of
Caribbean tobacco in Virginia
3. tobacco eventually made Jamestown a profitable colony
P. The profit came at a price
1. the more tobacco produced = the more money made
2. to grow more tobacco the English needed more land and people
harvest the crop
3. the English used the idea of indentured servants: (define)
4. the push for more land took the English into Native American land
5. a series of attacks broke out, claiming the lives of hundreds of
people on both sides, including John Rolfe
6. the delicate peace with the Native Americans was now shattered