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PLANTS ~ Vocabulary
Sporophyte (pg. 552)
Gametophyte (pg. 552)
Bryophytes (pg. 556)
Rhizoid (pg. 557)
Vascular Tissue
(pg. 560)
Xylem (pg 560)
Phloem (pg. 560)
Rhizome (pg. 562)
(pg. 564)
Angiosperm (pg. 564)
Pollen grain (pg. 565)
Pollination (pg. 565)
fruit (pg. 569)
(pg. 570)
Dicot (pg 570)
Meristems (pg. 582)
taproot (pg. 584)
Capillary action
Plants – part I
What are plants?
•Cell ________________________
–Use chlorophyll A and B
• ___________________________ structure
• Both male and female parts
-Male – ______________________
-Female – ________________________
• Plants with flowers called ____________________________
Plant Reproduction
–Found in _________________________ (male)
–Found in ___________________________
•Sexual reproduction
–Pollen transferred to __________________________
–Travels down “style”
–Ends up in ovary
–Sexual – pollen from plant A fertilizes egg from plant B
–Aesexual – pollen and egg both from single plant
•End Result of fertilization
–Development of a ______________/____________________
•Fruit encloses a seed – protects it
Flower parts
•____________________________ (part of branch where flower forms)
•____________________________ (leaf like structures)
•Petals (colorful part of flower)
–Attract pollinators
•________________ (female parts)
–Stigma, style, ovary
•_________________ (male parts)
–Anther, filament
• Categorized into 2 groups according to their anatomy
- __________________________
- __________________________
–_____seed leaf (__________________________)
–____________________ __________________ on leaves
–Primary vascular bundles scattered
–Monosulcate pollen
•Means 1 split
–Root system is ________________________ (spreads out
all over)
–Flower parts – multiples of _____________
- _____ seed leaves (cotyledon)
–________________ veines on leaves
–Primary vascular bundles in a ring
–Trisulcate pollen
•Means ____________ splits
–Root system has ______________________ root w/ some
–Flower parts in _________________________
Plants – part II
• Means “_____________________ bearing”
• Seeds are _________________________ (no fleshy fruit)
• Conifers – aprox. 500 species
Pine, cedar, redwoods, junipers, sequoias,
• Small, ____________________(no veins) plants so can’t grow tall
• NO true ___________________________________________________
• Grow in moist areas (brick walls, as thick mats on the forest floor, on the sides of trees)
Plant life cycle
•Known as
•2 phases
–______________________ (_____) –
sporophyte generation
–______________________ (_____) –
gametophyte generation
What plants need to survive…
• Sunlight
• Use energy for photosynthesis
• Water / __________________________
When absorb water, absorb minerals
• Gas exchange
• Require _______________________ and ________________________________
• Carbon dioxide – for photosynthesis (day )
• ______________________________ – for respiration (night)
• Movement of water/nutrients
• Use ________________________________ tissue (like our veins
and arteries)
• Xylem and phloem
Contain Vascular Tissue
• _________________________________ – transports water upward
• _________________________________ - transports nutrients and carbs
Capillary Action
The movement of a ___________________ along the surface of a solid caused by the
_____________________________________ of the liquid to the molecules of the solid
Roots – structure and function
 _____________________ plant in position
 _________________________ water and ________________________ from the soil
 _______________________________ root (tap root)
o Store food; grow deep
 Root Hairs
o Specialized cells to _____________________________________ for water intake
•Loss of water through leaves through stomata
–Gas exchange
•____________________________ – small pores on underside of leaves
–Surrounded by _____________________ cells that regulate opening or
•Where ____________________________ is released (product of
Leaves cont..
 ___________________ – Increase ________________________________
 Helps to catch more light energy
 ____________________ – Less SA for gases to ____________________ through
 Help get carbon dioxide from bottom to top of leaf for photosynthesis
 Stoma is a small _______________ on ______________________ of leaf
 Its size is controlled by 2 ___________________________ cells
• Tropism = movement towards ____________________________
– _________________________ – movement towards _______________________
– _________________________- movement in response to gravity
Fill in the diagram below:
Leaf Anatomy
The leaf is the primary photosynthetic organ of the plant. It consists of a flattened portion, called the blade, that is
attached to the plant by a structure called the petiole. Sometimes leaves are divided into two or more sections called
leaflets. Leaves with a single undivided blade are called simple, those with two or more leaflets are called compound.
The outer surface of the leaf has a thin waxy covering called the cuticle (A), this layer’s primary function is to prevent
water loss within the leaf. (Plants that leave entirely within water do not have a cuticle). Directly underneath the cuticle is
a layer of cells called the epidermis (B). The vascular tissue, xylem and phloem are found within the veins of the leaf.
Veins are actually extensions that run from to tips of the roots all the way up to the edges of the leaves. The outer layer of
the vein is made of cells called bundle sheath cells (E), and they create a circle around the xylem and the phloem. One
the picture, xylem is the upper layer of cells (G) and is shaded a little lighter than the lower layer of cells – phloem (H).
Recall that xylem transports water and phloem transports sugar (food).
Within the leaf, there is a layer of cells called the mesophyll. The word mesophyll is greek and means “middle” (meso)
“leaf” (phyllon). Mesophyll can then be divided into two layers, the palisade layer (D) and the spongy layer (F).
Palisade cells are more column-like, and lie just under the epidermis, the spongy cells are more loosely packed and lie
between the palisade layer and the lower epidermis. The air spaces between the spongy cells allow for gas exchange.
Mesophyll cells (both palisade and spongy) are packed with chloroplasts, and this is where photosynthesis actually
Epidermis also lines the lower area of the leaf (as does the cuticle). The leaf also has tiny holes within the epidermis
called stomata. Specialized cells, called guard cells (C) surround the stomata and are shaped like two cupped hands.
Changes within water pressure cause the stoma (singular of stomata) to open or close. If the guard cells are full of water,
they swell up and bend away from each other which opens the stoma. During dry times, the guard cells close.
Color the structures underlined above. Make sure that the entire picture is colored and that the
color matches the words. For simplicity only part of the picture is labeled.
1. What two tissues are found within a vein? ____________________________________
2. What does the word “mesophyll” mean? _______________________________________
3. What two layers of the plant contain chloroplasts? __________________________________
4. The outermost layer of cells: _________________________
5. The waxy covering of the leaf.: _______________________
6. These cells function to open and close stomata. _____________________
7. Outer layer of the vein: ________________________
8. Column like cells that lie just under the epidermis. ___________________
9. Openings that allow for gas exchange. _________________________
10. The stalk that connects the blade to the stem. ______________________
Leaf Anatomy
(A) Cuticle (light blue)
(B) Epidermis (yellow)
(C) Guard cells (pink)
(D) Palisade Mesophyll (dark green)
(H) Phloem (purple)
(G) Xylem (orange)
(F) Spongy Mesophyll (light green)
(E) Bundle Sheath (dark blue)