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Middle Ages through the Reformation REVIEW
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. How did Charlemagne ensure that his counts remained loyal and did their jobs well?
a. by setting up a system of rewards and punishments administered by inspectors
b. by sending monks to convert them to Christianity
c. by ensuring that they received excellent educations
d. by replacing all local rulers with members of the Carolingian family
2. Some Christians objected to the presence of icons in churches because they believed
a. icons would be used to teach illiterate people about Christianity.
b. the use of icons was too close to the worship of idols.
c. icons had little artistic merit.
d. icons gave iconoclasts too much power.
3. Which of the following families was the most influential in the expansion of the Franks?
a. Carolingians
c. Capetians
b. Stuarts
d. Saxons
4. What is another name for the plague that devastated Europe in the mid-1300s?
a. the Black Death
c. the Danse Macabre
b. the Mongol Hordes
d. the Human Scourge
5. Based on the map titled “Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims, 800–1000,” which of the following groups traveled
most extensively between 800 and 1000?
a. the Franks
c. Muslims
b. the Vikings
d. the Magyars
6. Based on the map titled “Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims, 800–1000,” which group stayed the closest to their
a. the Magyars
c. Muslims
b. the Vikings
d. the Franks
7. Based on the map titled “Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims, 800–1000,” and what you know from the chapter,
what was one result of the invasions and migrations depicted on the map?
a. Muslim scouting parties went to Scandinavia.
b. Some invaders settled in Europe.
c. All invaders ignored southern Europe.
d. The invaders had little influence in Europe.
8. Which of the following was an effect of the Crusades?
a. European kings gained more political power.
b. Knights gained political power.
c. Important trade routes were destroyed.
d. Roman Catholics became more tolerant of Eastern Orthodoxy and Judaism.
9. Vikings began raiding northern Europe because
a. they wanted to stop attacks on Scandinavia.
b. they had converted to Christianity and sought Christian relics.
c. Viking farmers could not grow enough food.
d. they wanted to spread their religion.
10. The Council of Trent
a. redefined Catholic Church doctrine to state that faith alone was needed to achieve
b. excommunicated Luther and sentenced him to death.
c. began a Holy War in Central Europe.
d. addressed corruption, and argued for the role of the Catholic Church in salvation.
11. The church’s influence increased around 1000 because at that time
a. the feudal system emerged.
b. Charlemagne was crowned emperor by the pope.
c. there was an upsurge of religious devotion across Europe.
d. the Moors were finally driven completely off the Iberian Peninsula.
____ 12. Which of the following statements is best supported by the map titled “The Spread of Protestantism”?
a. Protestantism did not spread into Rome or the Papal States.
b. Scotland, England, and Ireland shared the same faith.
c. From Geneva, Anglicanism spread to England.
d. Norway, Denmark, and Sweden remained Catholic.
____ 13. Which of the following statements is best supported by the map titled “The Spread of Protestantism”?
a. Lutheranism spread from Switzerland to France.
b. Protestantism spread from London to Ireland.
c. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark shared the same faith.
d. Calvinism took over England and Scotland.
____ 14. According to the map titled, “The Spread of Protestantism” which country was Anglican?
a. Sweden
c. England
b. the Holy Roman Empire
d. France
____ 15. Christians drove the Moors out of the Iberian Peninsula during the
a. sagas.
c. Reconquista.
b. Battle of Hastings.
d. First Crusade.
____ 16. Through the work of missionaries, a Christian society formed that included most of western Europe.
Historians call that society
a. the Roman Catholic Church.
c. Christendom
b. the City of God.
d. monasticism.
____ 17. Merchants asked the king for special charters for towns because
a. they wanted charters granting religious freedom.
b. the Crusades made Europe less safe, so rural people banded together for protection.
____ 18.
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
c. they wanted to keep women out of guilds.
d. the merchants did not want to pay fees to feudal lords.
Which of the following countries was the first to develop a strong central government?
a. Germany
c. Italy
b. England
d. France
What was the end result of the Wars of the Roses?
a. A Tudor nobleman took the throne, beginning a new era in English history.
b. The Lancasters won the throne.
c. The French drove the English out of their country.
d. The plague was spread by soldiers.
Which of the following is famous for creating the statues of David and Pietà, and the ceiling of the Sistine
a. Michelangelo Buonarroti
c. Baldassare Castiglione
b. William Shakespeare
d. Ignatius of Loyola
Which of the following began to extend the power of the monarchy throughout France?
a. Eleanor of Aquitaine
c. King Harold
b. Otto the Great
d. Hugh Capet
Byzantine Mosaic
© Adam Woolfit/CORBIS
____ 22. Study the image titled “Byzantine Mosaic.” This mosaic
a. depicts Justinian.
c. is not typical of Byzantine art.
b. was painted in watercolors.
d. depicts Jesus.
____ 23. Study the image titled “Byzantine Mosaic.” It is typical of Byzantine art because it
a. pictures one of the Olympian gods.
b. was painted in watercolors.
c. is a religious subject created with colored tiles.
d. has a non-religious subject.
Interior View
© Peter Willi/Superstock
____ 24. Study the photograph titled “Interior View.” What advance in engineering made this type of architecture
a. the flying buttress
c. illumination
b. gargoyles
d. interior column supports
____ 25. The photograph titled “Interior View” is an example of
a. illumination.
c. a medieval manor.
b. Gothic architecture.
d. a medieval guild.
____ 26. Which of the following is considered one of the most important leaders in European history?
a. Hugh Capet
c. Charlemagne
b. Louis the Pious
d. Charles Martel
____ 27. Based on the map titled “The First Crusades, 1095–1204,” where did the Second Crusade begin and end?
a. It began in England and ended in Constantinople.
b. It began in Venice and ended in the Holy Land.
c. It began in France and ended in the Holy Land.
d. It began in Central Europe and ended in Constantinople.
____ 28. Based on the map titled “The First Crusades, 1095–1204,” which of the following describes the route taken
by Crusaders on the First Crusade?
a. Crusaders traveled from Paris to Constantinople and then on to either Antioch or
b. Crusaders primarily traveled by boat through the Mediterranean Sea to the Holy Land.
c. Crusaders primarily traveled overland first to Constantinople and onward to Edessa or
d. Crusaders primarily traveled by boat first to Constantinople and onward to Jerusalem.
____ 29. Based on the map titled “The First Crusades, 1095–1204,” Crusaders from England on the Third Crusade
primarily traveled to the Holy Land by
a. horse.
c. foot.
b. boat.
d. wagon train.
____ 30. Who won the Hundred Years’ War?
a. the Muslims
c. the French
b. the English
d. the Lancasters
____ 31. Humanism was inspired by interest in
a. Buddhist philosophy.
c. Greek and Roman culture.
b. scientific writings.
d. Catholic doctrines.
____ 32. Which of the following was one effect of the Crusades?
____ 33.
____ 34.
____ 35.
____ 36.
____ 37.
____ 38.
____ 39.
a. Jews moved to Jerusalem.
b. The feudal system strengthened.
c. Trade decreased.
d. Relations between religious groups became more strained.
Which of the following statements correctly represents Charlemagne’s views about education?
a. Scholars are useless in an empire.
b. Only upper-class women need to receive an education.
c. Education should only include military training and agricultural skills.
d. All leaders should learn to read and write.
What was the Hanseatic League?
a. a guild of troubadours that allowed women to join
b. a group of northern German cities and towns that worked together to promote and protect
c. speakers of the vernacular
d. a group of Italian cities and towns that worked together to promote and protect trade
Monks who joined the Benedictine Order
a. had to have a university education.
b. were typically trying to avoid military service.
c. took vows of poverty and obedience.
d. abstained from manual labor.
What did the Edict of Worms decree about Martin Luther?
a. It named him leader of the Catholic Church.
b. It made him an outlaw and condemned his writings.
c. It named him king of Germany.
d. It excommunicated him.
Why did the pope name Charlemagne Emperor of the Roman People?
a. because Charlemagne refused to support the pope’s authority unless he was crowned
b. to reward the Lombards of Italy for faithful service to the church
c. to thank Charlemagne for keeping him in power
d. to ensure Charlemagne would not attack the Papal States
The feudal system had which of the following effects?
a. It freed most Europeans from work obligations.
b. It increased the pope’s power.
c. It centralized government.
d. It diminished the power of kings.
After Charlemagne’s death, which of the following occurred?
a. Germany divided into several small states.
b. Western Europe was split into five parts.
c. The Papal States became an independent kingdom.
d. France divided into several small states.
“But now that our men had possession of the walls and towers, wonderful sights were to be seen. Some
of our men (and this was more merciful) cut off the heads of their enemies; others shot them with
arrows, so that they fell from the towers; others tortured them longer by casting them into the flames. .
. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God that this place should be filled with the blood of
the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.”
—Raymond d’Aguilers, quoted in The First Crusade, edited by Edward Peters
____ 40. The primary source passage written by Raymond d’Aguilers
a. was written about events of the Third Crusade.
b. represents the opinion and attitude of a resident of the city of Jerusalem.
c. does not indicate bias.
d. represents the opinion and attitude of a Crusader.
____ 41. How many organized Crusades set out from Europe between 1096 and 1291?
a. seven
c. nine
b. four
d. three
____ 42. To represent three-dimensional objects on flat paper, Renaissance artists studied
a. astronomy.
b. perspective.
c. humanism.
d. the work of Lorenzo de Medici.
____ 43. The author of City of God argued that
a. people should pay less attention to God’s plan for the world.
b. Jesus was human.
c. people should pay less attention to material things.
d. the Visigoths’ sack of Rome was inevitable.
____ 44. Which of the following statements best describes the importance of Italian city-states to the Renaissance?
a. As agricultural centers, city-states produced an abundance of crops, and sold them to
foreign markets.
b. Knowledge of arts increased as nobles and merchants sought to display their new wealth.
c. Italian shipbuilders brought paintings and sculpture back from China and India.
d. The Catholic Church, dominant in the city-states, published the first Bible.
____ 45. European universities helped create
a. secularism.
c. guilds.
b. the science of alchemy.
d. an educated class that spoke Latin.
____ 46. Why were many of the written works created during the Early Middle Ages religious texts?
a. Few people were very religious.
b. Church law required it.
c. Few people outside of the clergy could read and write.
d. Most people did not enjoy reading epics or romances.
____ 47. It was difficult for journeymen to become masters
a. due to some of the guild restrictions.
b. because few could afford to buy from craftspeople.
c. because they often had to return home to run family farms when their fathers died.
d. because adequate training was unavailable.
____ 48. Ulrich Zwingli founded a church in Switzerland that had which of these at its base?
a. humanism
c. secularism
b. democracy
d. theocracy
____ 49. Johannes Gutenberg’s invention has been described as revolutionary because
a. with easier access to books, more people learned to read and more books were printed.
b. with oil paints, Renaissance artists could paint much more detail than they could with
c. until guilds were created, craftspeople were unable to control the goods they produced.
d. coupled with a large pool of unemployed workers, it led to early industrialization in parts
of Central Europe.
____ 50. Increasing numbers of people learned to read after the mid-1400s because
____ 51.
____ 52.
____ 53.
____ 54.
____ 55.
____ 56.
____ 57.
____ 58.
____ 59.
____ 60.
a. most people had ample leisure time.
b. printed materials became more available.
c. illumination made works of literature extremely beautiful.
d. most people had ample disposable income.
Europe became a feudal society because
a. overpopulation required that a more efficient agricultural system be developed.
b. the rarity of cash required land to be used as a payment for services.
c. skilled craftspeople had emerged as farming techniques improved.
d. Europeans needed to defend themselves against constant raids and invasions.
Which of the following occurred as a result of Martin Luther’s stand against indulgences?
a. Henry VIII started a new religion in England called Anabaptism.
b. Lutheranism spread first to England and Scotland, then to France and Italy.
c. Germany rejected Lutheranism and remained Roman Catholic.
d. The Protestant Reformation began.
The Ninety-five Theses were written in Latin because
a. Latin was the vernacular.
b. they were intended for church leaders.
c. Luther could not write in any other language.
d. Luther intended them for a mass audience.
The Eastern Roman Empire
a. rejected all forms of Christianity.
b. fell to Germanic tribes called the Vandals.
c. became known as the Byzantine Empire.
d. relocated the capital to Antioch.
What led to the split in the Christian Church in 1054?
a. the defeat of the Papal States by Otto the Great
b. a pacifist group’s opposition to the Crusades
c. the refusal of the patriarch of Constantinople to recognize the pope’s authority
d. the desire of Henry IV for a divorce from his wife
Which of the following advanced the idea that “the end justifies the means”?
a. Donato Bramante
c. Niccolò Machiavelli
b. Christine de Pisan
d. Baldassare Castiglione
Scholars in Aachen performed which of the following important services?
a. They made copies of ancient texts for monasteries across Europe.
b. They defended libraries against raids by the Vikings.
c. They taught Charlemagne how to read and write.
d. They opened finishing schools for young ladies from the upper classes.
Both Geoffrey Chaucer and Dante Alighieri wrote in
a. the vernacular.
c. calligraphy.
b. English.
d. Latin.
How did the work of the Flemish School differ from Italian Renaissance painting?
a. Flemish painters focused on the details of everyday life, while Italian painters often
showed mythological scenes.
b. Flemish painters focused on religious symbolism, while Italian painters focused on secular
c. Flemish painters used watercolors, while Italian painters used oils.
d. Italian painters focused on the details of everyday life, while Flemish painters tackled
grand themes.
What was the art of illumination?
____ 61.
____ 62.
____ 63.
____ 64.
____ 65.
____ 66.
____ 67.
____ 68.
____ 69.
____ 70.
____ 71.
a. composing music in Latin
b. decorating written manuscripts with pictures or designs
c. installing stained glass windows in cathedrals
d. traveling from court to court to spread news
Epic poems differed from religious texts in that they were intended to be
a. accessible only to the clergy.
c. read in private.
b. studied in universities.
d. entertaining.
Some Christians may have disagreed with the ideas of Thomas Aquinas because he
a. was uneducated.
b. did not believe in the existence of God.
c. practiced alchemy despite Church laws forbidding it.
d. wanted to reconcile faith and reason.
Which of the following founded new towns during the medieval period?
a. farmers
c. feudal lords
b. bishops
d. merchants
One outcome of the Council of Trent was that
a. Lutherans rebelled against Church decrees in Sweden and established a theocracy.
b. the distinction between Catholicism and Protestantism blurred.
c. Charles Borromeo helped return most of Germany to the Catholic Church.
d. Austria and Poland returned to the Catholic Church.
What military advantage did the English have over the French in the Hundred Years’ War?
a. better navigational instruments
c. better weapons
b. more soldiers
d. a powerful Navy
The schism of 1054
a. led to the beginning of Muslim invasions of the Byzantine Empire.
b. ended the golden age of Byzantine art and architecture.
c. increased the power of the pope.
d. created two distinct churches.
The Church’s scholastic education gave way to the subjects known as humanities and inspired the movement
known as
a. the Protestant Reformation.
c. secularism.
b. the vernacular.
d. humanism.
Which king drove the Vikings north of London?
a. Henry
c. Harold
b. Alfred
d. William
The pope’s influence in the Middle Ages resulted from
a. the powerful army he headed under General Charlemagne.
b. his appointment by the Roman Emperor.
c. the fact that nearly everyone in Europe was Christian.
d. the economic influence of the Papal States.
William Shakespeare’s works are known for
a. a deep understanding of human nature.
b. teaching ideal behavior.
c. subtle symbolism.
d. their complicated language that did not appeal to the uneducated.
The Black Death led to
a. greater religious tolerance in Western Europe.
b. the collapse of the medieval manor system.
c. massive witch hunts throughout Europe.
d. the end of the Hundred Years’ War.
____ 72. Many artists in the Middle Ages created works of art
a. in order to create a secular common culture.
b. to satisfy debts to feudal lords.
c. to raise funds for the Crusaders.
d. that were displayed in churches and cathedrals.
____ 73. The goal of the First Crusade was to
a. take Jerusalem and the Holy Land away from the Muslims.
b. take Jerusalem and the Holy Land away from the Byzantines.
c. convert Muslims to Christianity.
d. conquer Constantinople.
____ 74. The pope excommunicated all Crusaders taking part in the Fourth Crusade because they
a. massacred entire communities of Jews in Europe.
b. worshipped idols and prayed to icons.
c. burned the holy city of Jerusalem to the ground.
d. attacked a Christian city to pay their passage to the Holy Land.