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Ancient Greece study guide
1. The word “alphabet” comes from Greek words meaning word and parts
2. Define a Greek “citizen.” Free native-born men over 18 who owned land
3. Fill in the empty box in this chart.
Two Kinds of Greek Drama
4. In what way did a boyʼs life in Athens differ from a boyʼs life in Sparta? Athenian boys went to
school; Spartan boys served in the military
5. What is an agora? What most likely happened in the agora of Athens? people voted on their
6. How was ancient Greek democracy different from democracy in the United States today? citizens
voted directly on all issues
7. The word “philosophy” comes from the Greek word for: “love of wisdom”
8. How was ancient Greek democracy different from American democracy? all citizens voted on
every issue
9. What was Alexanderʼs goal for his empire? to bring different cultures together using one
10.What makes much of Greece a peninsula? surrounded by water on three sides
11.What idea that is important today came from ancient Athens? people should rule themselves
12.Which of these ideas was first introduced in ancient Greece? Earth moves around the sun.
13.How did the philosopher Aristotle affect the modern study of plants and animals? He created a
system to divide them into groups.
14. How was it possible that different parts of Greece had different forms of government? steep
mountains made communication difficult and kept people apart
15.What influence from ancient Greece is visible in this picture of the Lincoln Memorial in
Washington, D.C.? columns
Ancient Greece study guide
16. The ancient Greeks worshiped the sea god Poseidon. What does this tell us about the Greeks?
the seas were important to them; used for trade
17. Suppose that an Athenian soldier wrote this passage, about 480 BC: “I will stand shoulder to
shoulder with the brave men of Greece -- Spartans as well as my fellow Athenians -- and fight to
the death, if that is what it takes to stop the Persians.” What does this passage indicate?
Athenians and Spartans would join to fight a common enemy.
18.In what way are many theaters today like the ones in ancient Greece? The rows rise so people
can see and hear.
19. What two reasons prevent Greece from using irrigation to farm? no rivers and steep, rocky
20.What is one way the modern Olympics are like those of ancient Greece? an athlete lights a flame.
21. What is a reason the ancient Greeks produced so much olive oil? They could grow olive trees in
a small space.
22. Why did early Greek communities sometimes fight each other? they wanted more farmland
23. Which column is exports and which is imports?
Olive Oil
24. Why were some Greek tyrants well liked? they made laws that improved peopleʼs lives
25. How did the Persian Empire expand its territory? by conquering its neighbors
Ancient Greece study guide
26. Which form of government in a Greek city-state usually came first? monarchy
27. What kinds of laws did most Greek oligarchs pass? laws that favored the rich
28. Who would have most likely said these words? “I was in the army when people began to
complain about members of the government getting richer while everybody else was getting
poorer. So I stepped forward, and with the peopleʼs help, I became the leader.” a tyrant
29. Sparta used heavy iron bars as money. What conclusion does this suggest? Sparta discouraged
trade with other city-states.
30. Which sentence best describes education in Sparta? Both boys and girls got military training.
31. What was an important result of the Persian Wars? They prevented Persia from conquering
32. Why was the Parthenon built? to honor the goddess Athena
33. Why was Mount Olympus important to the Greeks? They thought the gods lived there.
34. What type of statues did Greek sculptors create? making lifelike statues in natural poses.
35. What was one reason that Greek actors wore masks in ancient Greek theater? Men played
female characters.
36. Why is Alexander called “the Great”? He conquered a huge area.
37. What was the lasting influence of Alexanderʼs conquests? the spread of Greek culture
38. Draw an example of a Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian Greek column.
39. Unlike the women of Athens, the women of Sparta could own what? property.
40. Most Greek kings had councils of aristocrats, or groups of people to advise him. Who belonged to
these councils? rich men who had land from their families