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Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
Project due today.
Homework 4 available today, due in one week.
Midterm two weeks from today.
The midterm covers material up to and including HW4.
We’ll make practice exams and study materials available, and
schedule a review session.
The midterm will include conventional “problems to solve” (like the
homework) and conceptual questions (like the in-class exercises).
Today we cover common modeling errors, and basic hypothesis
Hypothesis Testing
Phenotype Sequencing Information Graph
λ → K ; τ → P “phenotype present/absent”: This would be a
correct description BEFORE screening. But AFTER screening, P
is a constant (“phenotype present”) and now τ → K .
Clarification: many of you included an edge λ → K in the target
gene model in addition to the τ → K edge. That is perfectly fine
(not an error). I did not include that edge in the answer just
because it will ordinarily be a very small effect; to first
approximation we only need to consider the τ → K edge.
Hypothesis Testing
Forensic Test Causality
A common mistake was thinking in terms of correlations rather
than modeling. For example, in the match model X and S are
clearly correlated, which might lead you to draw an edge between
But if you do this, what is the model?
Drawing such an edge implies that the microarray measurement
somehow travels back through time and space to alter the
physical state of the person and hence to affect the other sample
and measurement. Such a model would violate not only basic
genetics but also basic physics.
“As simple as possible but no simpler” definitely requires that the
model obey fundamental laws of science.
Hypothesis Testing
Confusion Over Correlation vs. Causation
the general chain rule and the general idea of conditional
probability should be thought of in terms of correlation.
Remember: the chain rule is inherently symmetric
(non-directional); it lets you look at a set of variables in any
direction you like and does not distinguish any one direction as
better than any other direction.
Since causality is by definition directional (“A causes B”), that is
an acausal mindset, i.e. it ignores causality.
Causality is a hidden variable, so we (have to) infer it from
observable data, just like any other hidden variable!
I.e. we propose different causal models and test them to see
which best predicts the observable data.
The general chain rule is non-directional (acausal) but modeling is
directional (causal), flowing from hidden to observable.
Hypothesis Testing
Appeasing the Gods of Modeling
Hypothesis Testing
Why Causality Matters: “Cargo Cults”
During WW II, Japanese and US forces began air-dropping vast
quantities of supplies and materiel to remote Pacific islands.
Tribes on these islands suddenly experienced a bonanza of
clothing, food, tools they’d never seen before (literally falling from
the sky), along with a lot of odd behavior they’d never seen before
(soldiers doing drill exercises, airstrip construction, “landing light”
fires etc.)
When the war ended and the goodies stopped arriving, some
tribes began “cargo cult” rituals (e.g. marching with carved
wooden rifles; lighting signal fires at airstrips; wearing carved
wooden headphones and waving landing signals) on the theory
that this would cause more goodies to fall from the heavens.
A perfectly reasonable correlation to draw! But it didn’t work, because
the causality model was wrong.
Science seeks to model causality because it improves prediction
power. If you ignore causality you will make wrong predictions.
Hypothesis Testing
Error: Leaving Out a Key Variable
θ → X , θ → S proposed as match model.
This throws out the baby with the bathwater, i.e. in this model X
and S are no more connected than anyone else in the population.
You are modeling them as unrelated people!
Always ask yourself, “Does my information graph fully capture the
connections between the data that I intuitively expect?” Try
considering “positive” vs. “negative” controls, e.g. are X,S more
connected than they would be to an unrelated person U?
Hypothesis Testing
Why Not Include Mystery Dad?
say we propose to include a copy number variable ν for someone
we don’t have any sample observation for.
at first glance, this still seems relevant to the variables we care
about, e.g. the unknown father in the not-dad model will affect the
child C.
Question: what is the probability φ of inheriting the SNP from “Mystery
p(ν|θ ) = (0)(1 − θ )2 + 2θ (1 − θ ) + (1)θ 2
ν=0 2
= θ −θ2 +θ2 = θ
Exactly the same as if we had drawn an edge directly from θ to the
child, completely ignoring Mystery Dad!
Hypothesis Testing
Principle: Ignore Irrelevant Variables
I told you that the information graph for a model should be “fully
reduced”. But formally, what does that mean?
Principle: if the inclusion of a specific hidden variable does not
change the joint probability of the observations under your model, it is
irrelevant to your model.
Example: p(X , C , M |θ ) is the same regardless of whether we
include Mystery Dad ν in the not-dad model or not.
Example: what about the hidden variables for mother and child
(µ, γ )? No, they are the key variables that connect the
observations M , C. Removing them (and connecting M , C
straight to θ ) completely changes p(X , C , M |θ ).
Hypothesis Testing
What If a Hidden Variable Is Not Crucial for Linkage?
Do we really need κ, λ in the mismatch model? e.g. we could
eliminate κ :
p(X |θ ) =
∑ p(X |κ)p(κ|θ )
Why not just write an edge θ → X representing p(X |θ )?
Note that these variables do not connect together multiple
observations. So are they irrelevant?
Hypothesis Testing
Principle: the “Single Peak” Likelihood Rule
Here’s what p(X |θ ) actually looks like for θ = 0.5, σ = 0.1:
It is not “one model”, but three models mixed together.
The three peaks reflect three distinct states of a hidden variable
that this model is ignoring.
Principle: one edge = one likelihood model = one peak
Hypothesis Testing
Why Follow the Single Peak Rule?
Keeps us honest by making us work with standard models we
understand (normal, binomial etc.). A model built exclusively of
such standard parts is completely unambiguous and “meaningful”
in the sense that there is no question about “what the model
By contrast, if we can force any arbitrary pdf we like into an edge,
the “meaning of the model” is no longer visible in the information
graph structure. Instead it has been “swept under the rug”,
hidden inside that edge.
The person that this helps is you -- it helps you come up with the
right model. For example, how likely is it that you’re going to
come up with the correct, properly mixed three-peak likelihood
model p(X |θ ), if you haven’t even realized that there’s a hidden
variable κ that plays a role in this problem?
Hypothesis Testing
Another Example
Do we need a hidden state γ for the child in the paternity test
Yes, for exactly the same reason: the child’s observable C has
multiple likelihood peaks (reflecting our uncertainty about the
child’s copy number).
Trying to work out the likelihood for p(C |κ, µ) straight from the
dad and mom variables κ, µ makes my head explode (too
But I can handle p(γ|κ, µ) and p(C |γ) one at a time just fine.
Breaking things down into pieces makes your life easier!
Hypothesis Testing
What Joint Probability Does the Info Graph Represent?
It represents the joint probability of all the variables in the
information graph.
If you believe you know the value of a hidden variable, you can
condition on that value, e.g. compute p(X , S |θ ) instead of
p(X , S ).
But if your assumed value is wrong, your resulting calculation will
be wrong too!
Hypothesis Testing
Summation Errors
forgetting that you need to sum over the hidden variables: If a
variable κ appears in the likelihood model (information graph) for
a set of observables X , Y , Z , but not in the joint probability
p(X , Y , Z |θ ) you’re computing, you must sum over κ to eliminate
unsure how to factor a summation: if the expression you’re
summing contains a factor that doesn’t depend on one
summation variable, it can be factored outside the summation for
that variable.
If all the factors that depend on a given variable κ do not depend
on another variable λ , then the summation over κ can be moved
outside the summation over λ , and vice versa. When you write
this, use parentheses to show the factoring clearly.
Practice this on examples; work it out; make sure you understand
Hypothesis Testing
Computational Complexity Errors
counting observable variables as increasing the complexity:
Please remember why we have multiple terms to compute:
because we have uncertainty about hidden variable value(s). We
are summing over all the possible states of the relevant hidden
variable(s), to calculate the correct joint probability of the
observations (note that any calculation that tried to avoid this step
would just be wrong).
By definition, we have zero uncertainty about our observable
variable(s). We are simply calculating the probability of the
specific value we observed, so we don’t need to sum over other
possible values.
Hypothesis Testing
More Errors
complexity = the length of the longest variable chain: No, the
complexity is just the total number of terms we have to sum,
which reflects how the summation factors.
complexity = maximum number of incoming edges: this is close
to the right idea, but has to be applied intelligently. A node with C
incoming edges represents a conditional probability connecting
C + 1 variables. If we had to sum over all of those (hidden)
variables, the complexity would be O (N C +1 ). But of course if we
actually don’t have to sum over some of those variables, it
reduces the complexity.
Instead of looking for a “magic formula” you can apply without thinking,
you need to think about what you’re doing: summing over some hidden
variables, factored in a certain way.
Hypothesis Testing
Computational Complexity
If you’re unsure how a summation determines the computational
If an expression is summed over M distinct variables each with N
possible states, the number of terms to be summed is N M .
However, if the summations over some of the variables can be
factored as outlined before, we can simply do those sums
separately (each of which gives us a single value), and finally
multiply those values in a single step. This enables us to compute
the total value of the whole sum without doing O (N M )
The overall complexity is given by the maximum number of
nested summation dimensions (i.e. variables whose summations
cannot be factored away from each other).
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing should be central to the scientific method.
But there are basic problems with mathematical tools for
hypothesis testing, and many traps for unwary users.
Key concept: we need to define a scoring function whose values
always mean the same thing, no matter what model or
observations we are applying them to. In other words, the scoring
function must have an absolute scale, so that “0.05” always
means the same thing.
This is solved by extreme value tests, also called a p-value.
Hypothesis Testing
Phenotype Sequencing Example
Consider the unpooled case where we have s mutant strains, and
separately sequence each one to find mutations.
Propose an extreme value test for distinguishing target genes
from non-target genes.
Hypothesis Testing
Phenotype Sequencing Example
Assuming 1/τ > λ , the target gene model predicts a larger number of
strains (approximately s/τ ) will have mutations in a target gene, than
would be expected under the non-target gene model (approximately
sλ ). For a given gene, call the count of strains that have at least one
mutation in this gene O. We now evaluate the likelihood of getting at
least the observed count O = o, under the non-target gene model h− ,
using the binomial:
p(O ≥ o|h− ) =
O =o
q O (1 − q )s−O
where q = p(k ≥ 1|λ ) is the probability of getting at least one
mutation in a non-target gene in a single strain (Poisson model).
Hypothesis Testing
An Epsilon Test
A researcher interested in a hypothesis h performs an experimental
observation X , and finds that p(X1 |h) < 0.05 for the observation X1
from his first experiment. He now wishes to define a rigorous test for
rejecting the hypothesis: if for any confidence level ε , no matter how
small, he can obtain p(X1 , X2 , ...Xn |h) < ε by simply repeating the
experiment some finite number of times n, the hypothesis is rejected.
Another researcher insists that this test is invalid due to possible bias.
Who is right? Justify your answer mathematically.
Hypothesis Testing
An Epsilon Test Answer
This “test” is meaningless. Even for observations drawn directly from
the model, the expected probability of the observations goes down
exponentially with increasing sample size.
Thus, even observations that are completely consistent with the model
would pass this proposed test for rejecting the model. Remember that
there is no absolute scale for interpreting the meaning of a regular
Hypothesis Testing
Basic SNP Scoring P-value
You are scoring a candidate SNP under the same assumptions as
before: N reads from a pool of multiple people (assume each read is
untagged and comes from a different person), with a fixed sequencing
error rate ε . Any site where a “mutant” basecall b’ is observed (in
addition to the “reference” basecall b) is considered a candidate SNP.
Propose an extreme value test t + that ensures a false positive rate
p(t + |h− ) = α , where h− means “there is no SNP at this position”.
Hypothesis Testing
Basic SNP Scoring P-value Answer
Assuming that θ > ε , the SNP model h+ predicts a larger number M
of observations (reads) with basecall b’ than expected under h− . So
we can construct an extreme value test T, defined as T = t + if
p(M ≥ m|h− ) ≤ α , where m is the observed value of M. Under our
binomial model,
ε M (1 − ε)N −M
p(M ≥ m|h ) = ∑
Hypothesis Testing
Bonferroni Correction
If we perform N independent p-value tests at significance level α ,
we expect N α false positive test results purely by random chance.
So if we want β or fewer false positives total on average, we must
set the significance level to be
Hypothesis Testing
Lies, Damned Lies, and P-Values
Hypothesis testing gets presented with a ton of impressive
sounding jargon and math, that makes people tend to just accept
on faith whatever is being said, without questioning it.
Unfortunately there are so many common traps that you must
question it, to avoid serious errors.
If you have any dealings with data analysis in the future, you are
going to deal with tons of p-value results -- whether you realize it
or not.
I’m just going to quickly list the major traps you must watch for.
Be conservative: don’t use or accept anything that you don’t
really understand. This stuff is confusing for a reason: it is flawed
and dangerous.
Hypothesis Testing
P-Values Are Backwards
“If the p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the hypothesis.”
A p-value test allows us to assure that p(t + |h− ) = α for any
significance level α we set, (e.g. α = 0.05).
But in real-world prediction problems the probability that matters
is the converse, p(h− |t + ).
Since it’s h− we’re rejecting, it’s the probability of h− we should
be considering.
I.e. if p(h− |t + ) < 0.05, we reject h− .
If this doesn’t seem clear as day to you, please STOP AND
THINK until it is.
P-values teach people the fallacy that “converses are equivalent”
as official doctrine!
Everyone is just assuming p(h− |t + ) ≤ p(t + |h− ).
Is this a little problem or a big problem?
Hypothesis Testing
A Big Problem
p(h− |t + ) =
p(t + |h− )p(h− )
p (t + )
People treat p-values as if p(h− |t + ) ≤ p(t + |h− ). But that’s only true if
p(h− ) ≤ p(t + ) = p(t + |h− )p(h− ) + p(t + |h+ )p(h+ )
On the RHS we’re multiplying p(h− ) by p(t + |h− ) = α , a tiny fraction.
To make up the difference, the second term has to be bigger than
(1 − α)p(h− ) ≈ p(h− ). This can only be true if p(h+ ) ≥ p(h− ).
Typically we’re looking for an h+ that is really rare, e.g. one gene
out of the whole genome, so the second term is much smaller
than the first, in which case we immediately conclude
p(h− |t + ) → 1!
Hypothesis Testing
The Solution: You Must Take Priors Into Account
The good news: you can compute the posterior odds ratio, from the
p-value and the prior odds ratio.
p(h− |t + )
p(h+ |t + )
p(t + |h− )p(h− )
p(t + |h+ )p(h+ )
To be conservative, you could assume p(t + |h+ ) ≈ 1. But
calculating it properly will make this test more sensitive.
This properly takes into account the false positive problem, which
the p-value by itself completely ignores.
Since false positives are a huge problem in bioinformatics, this is
really crucial.
Hypothesis Testing
Never Multiply P-Values
Say you have several different independent datasets that each
test a hypothesis h.
You have a p-value for each of the datasets.
Even though the datasets are independent, multiplying their
p-values does not give you a valid p-value.
Example: 10 completely random datasets each with p-value of
0.5. Their product is 0.001, even though the p-value for the whole
dataset should still be 0.5.
Ideally, combine all the data and compute a single p-value on the
whole set.
Alternatively, sort all the p-values in ascending order, and plot
log rank
vs. log p> . Should see a diagonal line Y = X .
Hypothesis Testing
Log-Rank vs. Log-P-value Plot
Hypothesis Testing
Why Do We Use NULL Hypotheses?
Textbooks say: “to test your hypothesis h, construct a null
hypothesis h0 and calculate the p-value of the data under h0 ”,
where h0 typically means “the data occured by random chance”.
But... this calculation does not test h! Note that no aspect of the
specific model h is even being considered in this calculation.
For two completely different models h1 , h2 you would just do the
exact same calculation...
Hypothesis Testing
insufficient data
data sample
N →∞
NULL model h0
not rejected
rejected: p> → 0
pretty good model h
not rejected
rejected: p> → 0
the perfect model Ω
not rejected
not rejected
Say I test my phenoseq target gene model assuming τ = 5, but
the true value turns out to be τ = 4. If the obs dataset is big
enough, the p-value will eventually notice that the data do not
exactly fit the model (i.e. the p-value will converge to zero), and
the model will be rejected, even though it is very close.
I don’t want that, so I test h0 and let it get rejected instead!
I then say this somehow confirms my model h.
Hypothesis Testing
What Is Really Being Tested?
insufficient data
data sample
N →∞
NULL model h0
not rejected
rejected: p> → 0
the perfect model Ω
not rejected
not rejected
primarily, whether the data sample size is insufficient.
secondarily, whether the simplistic NULL model is a perfect
model of the real world.
It usually isn’t, so usually all you are testing is whether there are
gross discrepancies that the dataset is big enough to detect.
Hypothesis Testing
When is This a Real Test of h?
If h ∪ h0 ⊇ S constitutes the set of all possible models of the data,
then by definition p(h|obs) = 1 − p(h0 |obs).
In that case, computing p(h0 |obs) really does test h.
But in reality, this is almost never the case.
E.g. phenotype sequencing: target vs. non-target may sound like
they cover all the possibilities, but actually these are just two of
the infinite possible models of mutation distributions. For
example, many other models could cause some genes to be
mutated more than others, e.g. variations in mutation density;
variations in background selection pressure, etc.
In that case, rejecting h0 does not test h.
Not a huge problem if human beings looking at the raw data are
convinced “it looks like” what model h predicts. In this case, the
human tests h and the p-value tests h0 , to see if the data sample
size is sufficient.
Hypothesis Testing
Suggestion: Use Posterior Odds Ratios
p(h|t + )
p(h0 |t + )
p(t + |h)p(h)
p(t + |h0 )p(h0 )
Unless h ∪ h0 ⊇ S, this can’t show that h is the “right model”, but
merely that it is a better model than h0 .
At least the odds ratio makes that explicit!
Note that the test t + : p(O ≥ o|h0 ) ≤ α is still defined strictly in
terms of model h0 .
The only way model h enters into this is by measuring the
frequency with which test result t + would occur in observations
produced by the h model.
Hypothesis Testing
With Odds Ratios, Who Needs P-values?
The whole reason for computing a p-value was to have an
absolute scale for interpreting its value.
But if we explicitly compare the likelihood under h versus the
likelihood under h0 , we no longer need an absolute scale.
We just interpret h relative to h0 :
p(h0 |obs)
p(obs|h0 )p(h0 )
This is just Bayes’ Law expressed in ratio form.
This is both simpler and potentially more informative (the test
statistic T may not be a sufficient statistic for the actual
distribution of the data).
Hypothesis Testing
The Biggest Error: Circular Logic
Probabilistic tests can only be applied to predictions.
If you first predicted, “My statistical model says the Kings are
going to win their next 8 games.”, the outcomes of the next 8
games can be used to test your model.
But these criteria cannot be applied retrospectively! If you
selected some string of observations because they seem unlikely
under a model, you cannot then propose to use them to test the
You must use the whole dataset to test the model.
model selection: similarly, if you select a model because it fits
some data well, you cannot then propose to use those data to
test the model.
You must use a separate, independent dataset to test the model.
Hypothesis Testing