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Friday, June 5, 2009 – Answer Sheet
Read Section 10.1
The Human Circulatory System and the Components of Blood
pages 318-322
Describe the 3 essential components of a circulatory system
Describe how the Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory and Urinary systems work together to maintain
homeostasis within the body
List the components of blood and their relative percentages.
Define all words in BOLD
Why are Red Blood Cells unique?
Describe the structure of a hemoglobin molecule (ensure you describe how many chains are present and what
names are given to the chains – see Figure below). How many oxygen molecules (O2) does each
hemoglobin molecule carrier within the blood stream? Assuming a person has 25 trillion (from textbook)
RBCs in his/her body and each RBC picks up the maximum amount of oxygen each time through the lungs,
how many oxygen molecules will be carried to all the tissues in one complete circuit of the person’s blood
through the lungs?
Each hemoglobin molecule carries 4 O2
25 000 000 000 000 RBC
250 000 000 molecules hemoglobin
4 O2 molecules
Molecule of Hemoglobin
= 25 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
Oxygen molecules carried in
one complete circuit of the blood
The Components of Blood
Answer the following, page 322:
Understanding Concepts: 1, 2, 3, 4
Applying Inquiry/ Communication Skills: 5
Read Section 10.2
The Structure and Function of the Human Heart and Blood Vessels
pages 323-333
Define all words in BOLD if they are referenced directly in the questions below.
Describe the types of tissues found within the heart
Describe how many chambers are found in the heart and their names (be specific). What is the function of
each chamber (be specific).
1: Inferior Vena cava
2: Right Atrium
3: Tricuspid Valve
4: Right Ventricle
5: Left Ventricle
6: Left Atrium
7: Pulmonary Veins
8: Aorta
9: Pulmonary Artery
1: Aorta
2: Superior Vena Cava
3: Right Pulmonary Artery
4: Pulmonary Artery
5: Right Pulmonary Veins
6: Pulmonic Semilunar Valve
7: Right Atrium
8: Tricuspid Valve
9: Right Ventricle
10: Inferior Vena Cava
11: Descending Aorta
12: Septum
13: Left Ventricle
14: Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve
15: Aortic Semilunar Valve
16: Right Atrium
17: Left Pulmonary Veins
18: Left Pulmonary Artery
A: Superior Vena Cava
B: Right Pulmonary Artery
C: Aorta
D: Left Pulmonary Artery
E: Left Pulmonary Veins
F: Semilunar Valves (Pulmonic & Aortic)
G: Right Atrium
H: Tricuspid Valve
I: Inferior Vena Cava
J: Chordae Tendinae
K: Right Ventricle
L: Papillary Muscles
M: Left Atrium
N: Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve
O: Left Ventricle
P: Septum
Q: Cardiac Muscle
Name the 3 main circulatory systems within the body. Label
the following Figure to the right.
Systemic System
Pulmonary System
Cardiac System
1: Right Atrium
2: Right Ventricle
3: Left Pulmonary Artery
4: Left Lung (capillaries)
5: Left Pulmonary Veins
6: Left Atrium
7: Left ventricle
8: Aorta
9: Descending Aorta
10: Lower Body (capillaries)
11: Inferior Vena Cava
12: Right Pulmonary Artery
13: Right Lung (capillaries)
14: Left Pulmonary Veins
15: Carotid Arteries
16: Upper Body (capillaries)
17: Superior Vena Cava
Describe the cardiac cycle (see Figure 10.11 and the Figure below)
Describe the different types of blood vessels found within the body. Describe their structure (see Table
10.1). What is a capillary bed?
Look at the Figure presented to the right. Give a
logical explanation to what is happening and
what could be regulating this process in the two
Figures. This occurs in your body all the time
without you knowing it.
Describe how the heart’s muscular contractions are controlled? (see Figure 10.15 and the following Figure)
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
• P wave: atria depolarize
• QRS complex: ventricles depolarize
• T wave: ventricles repolarize
What is an ECG? What information does it provide?
What is Blood Pressure? How is it measured? What are normal readings for a healthy individual? How does
blood pressure change within the circulatory system? (see Figure 10.19).
Heart Structure Answer Sheet
Circulatory System Concept Map
Structure of the Human Heart Answer Sheet
The Circulatory System and the Human Heart
The Sequence of Blood Flow Answer Sheet
Anatomy of the Heart Answer Sheet
Answer the following, page 334:
Understanding Concepts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a to c, 6
Applying Inquiry/ Communication Skills: 7 a to e, 8 a to c