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Inductive and Deductive
Objective: Students will be able to determine between
inductive and deductive reasoning problems and then
solve the problem accordingly.
Observing the data, recognizing a pattern and
making generalizations
• Do you see a pattern
• Can you describe what the pattern is
• Can you find the next consecutive terms
Helpful to make a table, with the sequence
of numbers the y values and the order of
the sequence the x
1st term is 2
2nd term is 4
3rd term is 6
4th term is 8
Pattern is they go up by 2
Next numbers in sequence are 10,12,14
More Patterns
1,4,9,16, . . .
add the next consecutive on number
write as a table
1 2 3 4
1 4 9 16
Square the x value
O,T,T,F, . . . .
First letter of the number, One, Two
J,F,M,A,M, . . . .
First letter of the month
Deductive is to explain why
Proven Facts
Solve an equation write the reason for
each step
This idea is what are proofs are based on
Solve the equation for x. Give a reason
for each step in the process. 3(2x + 1)
+ 2(2x + 1) + 7 = 42 − 5x
Bisect is to cut in half
½ obtuse < ½ 180
½ obtuse <90
Reason is additive property – if you add the same thing to already congruent
sides it will stay congruent, same idea with solving equations
Objective: Students will be able to determine
between inductive and deductive reasoning
problems and then solve the problem
On a scale of 1 to 4 Do you feel we meet the
objective for the day.
If we did not meet the objective, what did we
miss and how could I improve.
Pg 99 for 3 and 7 also state what the pattern
Pg117 1-6 all of these have two answers, read
question carefully