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Thursday Sept 12/Friday Sept 13
• Stamp and review homework
• Activity: Interactions Among Organisms
• Notes: Populations in Ecosystems
• Read pg 119-127
• Complete Population Growth Activity
• Begin Test Review. Complete #1-24
Populations in Ecosystems
•Growth of Populations
•Long-Term Survival of Species
•Impact of Environmental Change
•Populations Respond to External Factors
A group of the same kind of
organism that lives in the same
place is called a ….
Three important characteristics of a population
are its:
• Geographic distribution or range.
• Population density – the number of
individuals per unit area.
• Growth rate
• Number of individuals __per unit area_____
• Varies depending on species and its ecosystem
US Population Density 1990
High or Low Density?
High or Low Density?
Three factors can affect population size:
• The number of ___births___
• The number of deaths.
• The number of individuals that enter or leave
the population.
A population can grow when
its birthrate is greater than
its __death rate_____.
Exponential Growth
• Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, a
population will grow exponentially_____.
• Exponential growth occurs when the individuals in a
population reproduce at a constant rate.
• The population becomes LARGER and LARGER
until it approaches an infinitely large size.
Turn to the person next to you and explain how
the two graphs are similar OR different?
Exponential Growth
Do populations really grow
Can populations continue to grow
exponentially forever?
What do you think?
• As resources become less available, the
growth of a population slows or __stops__.
• The result looks more like
the S-Shaped graph 
Logistic Growth
Carrying Capacity
• The environment can
only HOLD or
__CARRY__so many
• Largest number of
individuals that a given
environment can
support =
__Carrying Capacity__
What Limits Growth of a
Factor that causes population growth
Density Dependent
Limiting Factors
• Density-dependent factors operate only when a
population is large and dense.
• Examples:
• competition
• predation
• parasitism
• disease
Density Independent
Limiting Factors
• Density-independent affect all populations in a
given area in similar ways, regardless of the
_____population size_________.
• Examples:
• unusual weather like droughts
• natural disasters like hurricanes, forest fire
• seasonal cycles
• certain human activities
What is Environmental Stability?
How do ecosystems maintain
stability despite constant limiting
What is ecosystem stability?
• The vast majority of natural ecosystems
experience regular environmental
change, or disturbances.
• Most ecologists describe ecosystem
stability as the ability of an ecosystem
to maintain its structure and function
over long periods of time despite
How do Ecosystems maintain
stability with all of these limiting
• The sum total of the genetically based variety of all
the organisms in the biosphere is called biodiversity.
• Biodiversity______
is one of our greatest
natural resources.
Species of many kinds
have provided us with
many foods, industrial
products, and
Environmental Adaptations
• Populations have become __adapted__ to
live in specific conditions as a result of their
• For Example:
– Desert cacti
– Palm trees
– Snow Owls
What threatens BIODIVERSITY and
Threats to Biodiversity
• __Human activities____ can cause decreases in
the amount of biodiversity by:
– Habitat alteration
-- Pollution
– Improper hunting
--Introduced species
Introduced Species
• Throughout history humans have
transported apparently harmless
plants or animals which have
become invasive in a
new habitat_______
• Invasive species (also called exotic
species or nonnative species) are
those that rapidly increase their
populations due to lack of natural
predators and/or parasites
thereby giving it an advantage
over native species.
How does environmental change
affect ecosystem stability?
• Changing environmental conditions can cause
the decline of local __biodiversity___.
• Ecosystems that are ___less stable__
may not be able to respond to a normal
environmental disturbance.
How does natural environmental
change affect ecosystem stability?
• Fires, heavy storms, and natural climate
change can cause major changes in local
populations of plants and animals.
• A decline in natural biodiversity can make
an ecosystem less stable.
Something to think about for the
• How will the Earth’s increasing average
temperatures affect ecosystem structures
and functions?
• Scientists are not yet sure how predicted
changes in global climate within the next
several decades will affect ecosystem
stability worldwide.