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Chapter 3- The Basics of Digestion Test
True or False. (A) for true and (B) for False.
Most of the digestion and absorption of food and nutrients occurs in the large intestine.
The digestive system breaks food down into absorbable units that enter the blood for
distribution the body cells; indigestible foodstuffs are eliminated as feces.
3. The small intestine is at least 20 feet long (possibly up to 30 feet or 9 meters long) and divided
into 3 sections: the duodenum, the cecum, and the ileum.
4. The large intestine is actually much shorter than the small intestine.
5. Bile produced in the pancreas helps in the digestion and absorption of fats.
6. We eat about 5000 kg of food per year. We produce about 1.7 liters of saliva per day.
7. The presence of fat tends to enhance the flavor of food.
8. Bile is stored in the gallbladder.
9. Colon cancer is the 7th leading cause of cancer deaths.
10. The hypothalamus is stimulated by insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, to signal the
brain that you are “full” of carbohydrates.
11. an inflammation of the gums that leads to multiple dental diseases; caused by infections or by
plaque adhering to the surface of the teeth.
12. an early form of periodontal disease that involves the gums swelling, bleeding, and oral pain.
13. difficulty swallowing
14. an inflammation of the stomach or intestines caused by a virus or bacteria
15. production of excessive gas in the stomach or the intestines; occurrence 10-20 times a day
16. difficulty passing stools; often due to insufficient fiber or water intake;
17. frequent, loose, watery stools; more serious due to loss of fluids and electrolytes;
A. gastroenteritis
B. gingivitis
E. constipation
C. flatulence
AB. dysphagia
D. periodontal disease
AC. diarrhea
Multiple Choice:
18. The process that converts whole foods into simple nutrients is called
A. absorption.
B. digestion. C. ingestion.
D. elimination.
19. Which of the following is NOT involved in mechanical digestion?
A. chewing B. grinding C. enzymes D. peristaltic movement of food
20. Hydrochloric acid has all the following digestive functions EXCEPT
A. activation of the enzyme pepsin.
B. breakdown of connective tissue in meat.
C. neutralization of stomach acid.
D. destruction of some ingested microorganisms.
Which is NOT true regarding saliva?
A. It helps dissolve small food particles.
B. It allows us to comfortably swallow dry food.
C. We each produce 1 to 1.5 liters every day.
D. It provides the enzyme that begins protein digestion.
22. The sphincter between the stomach and the small intestine is the
A. ileocecal sphincter.
C. lower esophageal sphincter.
B. upper sphincter.
D. pyloric sphincter.
23. Which of the following correctly sequences the segments of the small intestine?
A. duodenum; jejunum; ileum
C. ileum; colon; jejunum
B. jejunum; ileum; duodenum
D. ileum; esophagus; colon
24. Which of the following does NOT occur in the colon?
A. absorption of water
C. absorption of the majority of nutrients
B. production of some vitamins
D. absorption of electrolytes
25. Which of the following is the wave-like motion that contributes to mechanical breakdown both
in the esophagus and intestine
A. pendular movement B. peristalsis C. segmentation D. absorption
26. The ________ produces bile and the ________ stores it.
A. pancreas; bladder
C. gallbladder; pancreas
B. liver; gallbladder
D. gallbladder; liver
27. Which of the following statements about flavor is NOT true?
A. It is a combination of taste and aroma.
B. People have an innate preference for sour, salty, and bitter foods.
C. We have at least 10,000 taste buds.
D. We detect aromas with the olfactory cells in the nasal cavity.
28. Which of the following foods leaves the stomach first?
A. carbohydrates B. fats C. protein D. fiber
29. All of the following belong to the five basic categories of taste are sweet, salty, sour, bitter and
A. sweet
B. moldy C. acrid D. umami
30. When the food is chewed and mixed with saliva it is called a ________.
A. chymus
B. bolus
C. pylorus
D. fundus
31. The stool is stored in the final part of the large intestine, called the ________.
A. appendix
B. anus
C. rectum
D. colon
32. What substance produced by the stomach acts as a barrier to protect the stomach lining from
irritation or damage from hydrochloric acid.
A. bicarbonate B. mucus
C. bile
D. pepsin
33. The brain seeks pleasure which often influences our choices and cravings for__________.
A. fats
B. sweet
C. bitter
D. creamy
Short Answer: Answer on the back of Scantron sheet. Pick one. 3 pts.
34. How do aromas affect what you eat? Which types of foods tend to have the more intense
35. What part of the brain signals us that you are hungry and should eat?
36. Humans share and innate preference for what types of foods? What receptor cells in the mouth
and nasal cavity allow perception of these flavors and tastes?
37. What is villi and what is their role in digestion?
38. Label the organs of the digestive tract and its accessory organs. Write letter with
name on back of scantron sheet. 5 pts.
Extra Credit: (spelling can be off by a letter or two) 1 pt. each Write answer on the back of Scantron
Name the six parts of the large intestine. 3 pts.
GERD is the acronym for … and LES