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The Moon Cycle
 The moon is a “natural satellite” which means it naturally
orbits the Earth.
 It reflects the light of the sun, it does not make its own
 Some planets have multiple moons, we have only one.
 The moon orbits and rotates at the same speed, so we
always see the same side.
 The moon orbits 9 degrees around the Earth every day
 It takes 29.5 days for a full moon cycle to happen, from
full moon to full moon. Remember this because it is
roughly a “moonth”!
 The moon rotates counterclockwise.
New Moon
Once each month, the
moon comes all the way
around in its orbit so that it
is more or less between us
and the sun. If the moon
passed directly between
the sun and Earth at new
moon, a solar eclipse
would take place every
Waxing Crescent
At this moon phase, the
Earth, moon and sun are
located nearly on a line in
First Quarter
although the moon appears
half-lit to us, it’s good to
recall that the illuminated
portion of a first quarter
moon truly is just a quarter.
On the night of first quarter
moon, we see half the
moon’s day side, or a true
quarter of the moon.
Another lighted quarter of
the moon shines just as
brightly in the direction
opposite Earth!
Waxing Gibbous
Moon continues on its orbit
around the Earth, away from the
sun. Slightly more is visible than in
the first quarter
Full Moon
At full moon, the moon
and sun are on a line, with
Earth in between
Waning Gibbous
Moon is getting smaller
Last Quarter
At the last quarter phase,
the moon in its orbit
around Earth is at right
angles to a line between
the Earth and sun. The
moon is now threequarters of the way around
in its orbit of Earth, as
measured from one new
moon to the next.
Waning crescent
Because the moon is
nearly on a line with the
Earth and sun again, the
day hemisphere of the
moon is facing mostly
away from us once more.
We see only a slender
fraction of the moon’s day
side: a crescent moon.