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Mock Exam I, Spring 2012
1. (True/False) Within the Bryophytes, the gametophyte is dependent upon the sporophyte for nutrition.
2. (True/ False) When vascular cambium meristematic cells create initials and derivatives, they produce
more phloem derivatives.
3. (True/False) A vascular plant with male and female gametangia on the same plant with an
independent gametophyte has to be a seed plant.
4. (True/False) In gymnosperms, the food supply for the embryo is 2N.
5. (True/False) In a flowering plant, the food supply for the embryo is 1N.
6. (True/False) The embryo sac in flowering plants includes only the egg in the female gametophyte.
7. (True/False) Cork cambium is derived from collenchyma cells.
8. (True/False) Roots cannot carry out photosynthesis because of their lack of parenchyma cells.
9. (True/False) Land plants and charophycean green algae both possess a phragmoplast.
10. Mitosis occurs within the life cycle of a fern:
a. By the zygote when it develops into a sporophyte
b. By the sporangium whenever it makes homospores from the sori.
c. By the gametophyte whenever it makes gametes
d. All the above
e. A and c
11. A plant is a monocot. Which characteristics could it have?
a. Two cotyledons
b. A distinct handle
c. A fibrous root system
d. Vascular tissue that is compacted
e. Floral organs in multiples of 7
12. Where would you find microsporangium in the life cycle of a pine?
a. Within the embryo sac in an ovule
b. In the pollen sacs in the anther
c. On a sporophyll in a pollen cone
d. On a scalelike sporophyll found in an ovulate cone
e. Forming a seed coat surrounding a pine seed
13. What are the parts of a seed in the gymnosperms?
a. Megasporocyte
b. Seed coat
c. Gametophyte tissue
d. New sporophyte
e. B, c, and d
f. All the above
14. Which is the correct order of events within the angiosperm life cycle?
a. The ovule within the style contains a microsporocyte that creates microspores by meiosis, one
survives to make a male gametophyte.
b. The ovule within the ovary contains a megasporocyte that creates 4 megaspores by mitosis, one
survives to make a female gametophyte.
c. The ovule within the ovary contains a 1N megasporocyte that creates 1 megaspore by meiosis
that makes a female gametophyte.
d. The ovule within the ovary contains a 2N megasporocyte that creates 4 megaspores by meiosis,
one survives to create a female gametophyte.
e. The ovule within the ovary contains a megaspore that makes a female gametophyte by meiosis.
15. Which is the correct order of events within the angiosperm life cycle?
a. The microsporocytes (2N) within the filament undergo meiosis to create microspores (2N) that
create a male gametophyte (1N) containing 1 generative cell that makes 2 true sperm and one
tube cell that creates a pollen tube.
b. The microsporocytes (2N) within the anther undergo meiosis to create microspores (1N) that
create a male gametophyte (1N) containing 1 generative cell that makes 1 true sperm and 1 tube
cell that makes a pollen tube.
c. The microsporocytes (2N) within the anther undergo meiosis to create microspores (1N) that
create a male gametophyte (1N) containing 1 generative cell that makes 2 true sperm and 1 tube
cell that makes a pollen tube.
d. The microsporocytes (2N) within the anther undergo mitosis to create microspores (1N) that
create a male gametophyte (1N) containing 1 generative cell that makes 2 true sperm and 1 tube
cell that makes a pollen tube.
e. None of the above
16. How many times does a female gametophyte (embryo sac) undergo mitosis to make gametes within
the angiosperm? And how many gametes are made?
a. 4 times; 6
b. 4; 7
c. 3: 7
d. 3; 8
e. 2; 4
17. What describes the endosperm made in the angiosperm?
a. 1N; made by fusion of a 2N double-nucleated cell and sperm.
b. 2N; provides nutrition to embryo.
c. 3N; made by fusion of a 2N double-nucleated cell and sperm.
d. 2N; makes the zygote
e. 2N; made by fusion of 1N cell and sperm
18. What cells are dead at functional maturity?
a. Sclerenchyma cells
b. Tracheids
c. Vessel elements
d. A and b
e. A, b, and c
19. Choose the one with the correct order of tissues of a woody tree trunk starting from the outside to the
a. Secondary phloem, primary xylem, cork, cork cambium ,vascular cambium, pith, primary
phloem, secondary xylem
b. Cork, vascular cambium, cork cambium, pith, secondary xylem, primary xylem, secondary
phloem, primary phloem
c. Primary xylem, secondary xylem, pith, cork cambium, vascular cambium, cork, primary
phloem, secondary phloem
d. Cork, cork cambium, primary phloem, secondary phloem, vascular cambium, secondary
xylem, primary xylem, pith
e. Cork cambium, cork, secondary phloem, primary phloem, vascular cambium, primary xylem,
secondary xylem, pith
20. Which of the following plant groups of is known for being a storage reservoir for carbon, which helps
stabilize the atmosphere?
a. Ferns
c. Angiosperms
d. Charophyceans
e. Gymnosperms
21. Which of the following have separate male and female gametophytes?
Modern flowering plants
a. I and II only
b. I, III, and IV only
c. III and IV only
d. I, II, III, and IV
e. None of the above
22. Which of these functions have NOTHING to do with the carpel of a flower?
a. Housing the ovules
b. Capturing pollen
c. Producing eggs
d. All of the above are associated with the carpel
e. None of the above are associated with the carpel.
23. Which of the following is false about the embryo sac?
a. It contains a diploid cell
b. It is the female gametophyte
c. The endosperm is created here
d. Asymmetric cytoplasmic division occurs here
e. It produces the tube cell and the generative cell
24. (True/False) You can find ground tissue in leaves.
25. (True/False) Vascular cambium is only found in the shoots and stems of plants.
26. Dermal tissue ______________.
a. Is a single layer of epidermal cells
b. Is where photosynthesis takes place
c. Is where you can find sieve tube elements
d. Has a secondary cell wall
e. Play a large role in storage and support
27. Vessel elements are connected by _______.
Perforation plates
Sieve plates
Companion cells
Fiber cells
28. Which of the following is false about xylem?
Xylem cells are functional when dead
Xylem cells transport water and minerals
You can find fiber cells in the xylem
You can find vessel elements in the xylem
You can find companion cells in the xylem
29. Sieve tube elements _________.
Are functional when dead
Are aided by companion cells
Are part of the phloem
Both B and C
Both A and C
30. The word tonoplast refers to ________.
Everything interior of the cell wall in a plant cell
A route through which water can travel from the root hairs to the xylem
The membrane surrounding the large central vacuole
An organelle found only in plant cells
A meristematic cell
31. (True/False) Plasmodesmata are channels in the cell walls of plants that allow for cytosol movement
between the protoplasts of adjacent cells.
32. Which of the following characteristic is correctly matched to its cell type?
a. Collenchymas cells – most abundant and least specialized of all plant cells
b. Parenchyma cells – often grouped in bundles
c. Sclerenchyma cells – thin and flexible
d. Collenchymas cells – lack secondary cell walls
e. All of the above are matched incorrectly
33. In what growth zone do tissues begin to form during primary root growth?
a. The zone of elongation
b. The zone of cell division
c. The zone of lateral growth
d. The zone of differentiation
e. The zone of meiosis
34. Suberin __________.
a. Fills cork cells
b. Is a waxy substance
c. Helps a plant retain water
d. All of the above
e. A and B.
35. The periderm consists of the _______.
Cork and bark
Cork cambium and bark
Phloem and cork cambium
Phloem and cork
Cork and cork cambium
36. (True/False) An older tree is able to be fully functional with a hollow core.
37. (True/False) In plants, water always moves from an area of low solute concentration to high solute
38. The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always ____________.
a. Produces spores
b. Is called the gametophyte
c. Is larger than the haploid stage
d. Develops from a spore
e. Produces egg and sperm
39. Which of the following conditions would still allow a sieve-tube element to live?
a. Lacking plasmodesmata
b. Being a single layer without adjacent cells
c. Lacking ribosomes
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
40. In an U-shaped apparatus, the two sides are separated by a semi-permeable membrane. The left side
contains pure water open to the atmosphere, and the right side has solute potential of -.5 Mpa and a
pressure potential of 0.6 Mpa. Which way will water move?
a. It will not move
b. From the right to the left
c. From the left to the right
d. Cannot be determined by this information
e. The solutes will move from the right side to the left side.
41. (True/False) The continuum of three cell walls is the symplast.
42. The Casparian stip prevents water and minerals from entering the stele through the
a. Plasmodesmata
b. Endodermal cells
c. Symplast
d. Apoplast
e. Xylem vessels
43. A plant cell placed in a solution with a higher water potential will
a. Lose water and become turgid
b. Gain water and become turgid
c. Lose water and shrink within the cell wall
d. Gain water and shrink within the cell wall
e. Not enough information is given to answer this question
44. The casparian strip __________.
Is a belt of suberin
Is located on epidermal cells
Forces water to move through a semi-permeable membrane
Is found interior to the vascular tissue bundles
I, II, and IV
I, II, and III
I, III, and IV
III and IV only
I and III only
45. Which of the following statements concerning transmembrane transport is false?
a. Active transport moves molecules against their concentration gradient
b. Transport pores/channels can be gated or ungated.
c. Gated transport pores/channels require ATP
d. Cotransport refers to the coupled movement of molecules.
e. All of the above is false.