Download Python Socket Programming

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slide 1
Python Socket Programming
sockets are often used to establish a connection between machines
Python has a socket module for this purpose
the Python socket module maps onto the standard C socket library
sockets provide a ISO OSI-7 transport level layer interface
either UDP or TCP transports can be used
both use the Port level of addressing within UDP or TCP
slide 2
Simple server
from socket import *
myHost = ""
myPort = 2000
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((myHost, myPort))
create a TCP socket
bind it to the server port
allow 5 simultaneous
pending connections
while 1:
# wait for next client to connect
connection, address = s.accept() # connection is a new socket
while 1:
data = connection.recv(1024) # receive up to 1K bytes
if data:
connection.send("echo -> " + data)
# close socket
slide 3
Simple client
import sys
from socket import *
serverHost = "localhost"
serverPort = 2000
# servername is localhost
# use arbitrary port > 1024
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
# create a TCP socket
s.connect((serverHost, serverPort)) # connect to server on the port
s.send("Hello world")
# send the data
data = s.recv(1024)
# receive up to 1K bytes
print data
slide 4
Streaming an MP3 file though stdout and stdin
stdin is the default input file descriptor
stdout is the default output file descriptor
try this:
cat 01.mp3 | madplay -
cat is a program which reads a file and writes it to stdout
the | symbol is the pipe which connects the stdout of the left
program to the stdin of the right program
slide 5
Streaming an MP3 file though stdout and stdin
madplay is a mp3 player which has been told to read its file from where - means stdin
you should aim to replace the program cat with your own Python
client which streams the mp3 file from your Python server
the client only needs to write the mp3 file to stdout
where madplay will read it and play it!
slide 6
SSH component of your Python client
secure shell pipe module
import os
import sys
from socket import *
slide 7
SSH component of your Python client
def createTCPSocketSSH (remoteHostname, remotePort=22, localPort=-1):
global localPortNo
if localPort == -1:
localPort = localPortNo
localPortNo = localPortNo+1
tryNo = 1
while 1:
command = "ssh -f -g -A -X -N -T -L%d:localhost:%d %s\n" \
% (localPort, remotePort, remoteHostname)
result = os.system(command)
if result == 0:
localPort = localPort+1
tryNo = tryNo + 1
if tryNo == maxTries:
# create a TCP socket which connects to our ssh pipe
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("localhost", localPort))
return s