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Biology Unit 5.1: Evidence of Evolution
My learning target: I will
 (7A) analyze and evaluate how evidence of common ancestry among groups is provided by the fossil
record, biogeography, and homologies, including anatomical, molecular, and developmental
(7B)analyze and evaluate scientific explanations concerning any data of sudden appearance, stasis, and
sequential nature of groups in the fossil record
(8B) categorize organisms using a hierarchical classification system based on similarities and differences
shared among groups (phylogeny)
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UNIT 5.1
7A Readiness:
I can analyze components of the fossil record
I can use relative dating to determine the sequence in which organisms
appeared in the fossil record
I can explain why the fossil record is incomplete
I can explain how natural selection impacted the fossil record
I can analyze a map of geographic regions and determine where similar
organisms may live (2G)
I can analyze vestigial structures between species and determine the
likelihood of common ancestry (2H)
I can analyze homologous structures between species and determine
the likelihood of common ancestry(2H)
I can analyze analogous structures between species and determine the
likelihood of common ancestry(2H)
I can analyze a genome map to evaluate the likelihood of common
ancestry between organisms(2H)
I can analyze an evolutionary tree to evaluate the likelihood of common
ancestry between organisms(2H)
I can analyze a number of DNA sequences to evaluate the likelihood of
common ancestry between organisms(2H)
I can analyze multiple embryos to evaluate the likelihood of common
common ancestry, fossil record, biogeography, homology, analogous, genome map, embryo, anatomical
homologous structures, molecular homology, developmental homology , relative dating, radiometric dating, DNA
sequence, taxonomic, phylogenic, offspring, species, native, ancestor, descended
I can explain how scientists use relative dating to determine the age of
I can explain how scientists use radiometric dating to determine the age
of fossils
I can analyze data & scientific explanations to determine factors that
may have led to the sudden appearance of specific traits or organisms
I can analyze data& scientific explanations to determine factors that
may have led to the stasis of specific traits or organisms
I can analyze data & scientific explanations to determine the sequence
of groups found in the fossil record
Given a cladogram/fossil record/evolutionary tree, I can determine
how the sequence may change as scientists gather more data (2C)
Given a cladogram/fossil record/evolutionary tree, I can draw
conclusions about ancestry (2G)
Fossil record, sequential, stasis, sudden appearance, punctuated equilibrium, gradualism, relative dating,
radiometric dating, cladogram
I can explain the purpose of a phylogenic tree
Using a phylogenic tree, I can determine the evolutionary relationship
between organisms (2G)
Phylogenic tree, ancestor, common ancestry, genetic kinship