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Programme of the course of Anatomy for students of 1-st year Medical Faculty in Chair
and Department of Anatomy Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
Chair and Department of Human and Clinical Anatomy in Pomeranian Medical
Al. Powstańców Wlkp. 72
70-111 Szczecin
Tel. 0-91 466 14 80
Fax. 0-91 466 14 81
Head of the Departament:
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Florian Czerwiński
Coordinator of English Programme
Dr n. med. Grzegorz Sławiński
Number of hours:
Total: 240 hours including:
Lectures/seminars -60 hours
Practical classes- 180 hours
points ECTS: 22
Teaching aims:
Aim of teaching of anatomy for the 1-st year students of English Programme of
Medical Faculty is introduce detailed structure of human body with special emphasis of most
important anatomical anomalies and variations to the students.
Types of the classes
Course of Anatomy is lead In 1-st and 2-nd semester. It contains 240 didactic hours in
different form: lectures, practical classes, partial tests and final examination.
lectures/seminars 60 hours, and practical 180 hours.
Lectures/seminars - 60 hours. 30h in winter and 30h in summer semester (1 hour
twice a week). Groups no than 30 persons/group.
Practical classes. 180 hours. 90h in winter and 90h in summer semester (2 hours
three times a week). Classes are divided into theoretical part – explanation based on
the atlases, multimedia and presentations and practical part, when students work with
cadavers in the dissection room. Some cadavers are prepared by students under
assistants supervision and some, earlier prepared, are demonstrated to let the students
become familiar with the structure, relations and topography of human body. During
the classes the progress of students is controlled.
Anatomy course is divided into 10 parts:
First semester:
1. Osteology and syndesmology
2. Upper limb
3.Lower limb
5.Thorax and back
Second semester:
6. Abdomen
7. Pelvis and perineum
8. head
9. Brain
10. Organs of senses.
After each part, the colloquium evaluating knowledge obtained during lectures and
classes is held including the single or multiple choice test and practical skills test. In
case of failing, student has opportunity to retake the test twice in written or oral form.
Final examination evaluating knowledge of human anatomy is held after passing all
partial tests during the summer examination session. It consists of two parts
1.Theoretical - single or multiple choice question test.
2. Practical - evaluating the knowledge of anatomical structures on cadavers.
If examination is failed, it can be retaken twice in different form (written essay or oral
Recommended textbooks:
1. Gray’s Anatomy For Students, 2-nd edition; Richard Drake, Wayne Vogl, Adam
Mitchell; Churchill Livingstone, 2008.
2. Clinical Anatomy 7th edition; Richard S. Snell; Lippincot, Williams & Wilkins 2004.
3. Atlas of Human Anatomy F. Netter 4-th edition. 2006
4. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy (Two Volume Set) Williams & Wilkins
The program of the courses of Human Anatomy
for 1-st year students.
Osteology and syndesmology.
Course 1. – The axes, lines, planes and directions of the human body. Kinds of bones.
Structure of the bone. Functions of bones. Articulations of bones. The skeleton and its
division: the axial skeleton, bones of the skull, the bones of upper and lower extremities .
Course 2. – The axial skeleton. The vertebral column- description and division. The cervical
vertebra. The thoracic vertebra. The lumbar vertebra. The sacrum and coccyx. Articulations
(joints and synchondrosis) and ligaments of the vertebral column.
Course 3- The axial skeleton: the ribs- the structure and division. The true, false and
floating ribs. The sternum- the structure and division. The thorax cage- general description.
Articulations of the thorax- costovertebral and sternocostal joints.
Course 4.- The bones of the upper limb- bones of the shoulder girdle, arm, forearm and hand.
Articulations of the upper limb. Detailed description of the shoulder and elbow joints.
Course 5. - The bones of the lower limb- bones of the pelvis, thigh, leg and foot. Articulations
of the lower limb. Detailed description of the joints: hip, knee and ankle.
Course 6. –The skull- description. Bones of the brain-skull and face. Detailed description of
the occipital and parietal bone.
Course 7. Detailed description of the frontal, ethmoidal and sphenoid bones.
Course 8. – The temporal bone- division ( squama, tympanic, mastoid and petrosal parts)
detailed structure, canals and its contents. The tympanic cavity.
Course 9. – Bones of the face. Description of the maxilla, palatine, zigomatic, lacrimal, nasal
bones, inferior nasal conchae and vomer .
Course 10. – The structure of the mandible and temporo-mandibular joint. Fossas of the skull
temporal, infratemporal, pterygopalatine, retromandibular, their borders, connections and
Course 11. The base and roof of the skull. The anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossaborders and connections. The orbit. The nasal cavity. The paranasal sinuses.
Course 12. Practical and written test.
Upper limb.
Regions of the upper limb. Superficial veins. Muscles of the shoulder girdle
(origin, insertion, innervation and blood supply). The axillary cavity. The delto-pectoral
sulcus and trigone. The subclavicular artery and its branches. The origin of the spinal nerve.
The cutaneus nerves.
Course 2.
The brachial plexus- origin, relations, short and long branches. The axillary
artery and its branches. The axillary vein and its tributaries. The fascies and muscles of the
arm (origin, insertion, innervation and blood supply). The medial and lateral biceptal groove.
The brachial artery and its branches..
Course 3.
Muscles of the forearm (innervation). The cubital fossa- limits and contents.
The radial and ulnar arteries- course and branches on the forearm. Long branches of the
brachial plexus on the forearm. The anatomical snuff-box.
Course 4.
Muscles of the hand (innervation). Retinaculum of flexors- the carpal tunnel,
borders and contents. Retinaculum of extensors- compartments and contents. Arterial arches
of the hand- origin, relations, branches. The arterial nets of the wrist (carpal and dorsal). Long
branches of the brachial plexus on the hand.
Course 5.
Repetition. Topography of the upper limb. Injuries of the nerves. Pulse
detection. Mobility of the upper limb.
Course 6.
Practical and written test.
Lower limb
Course 1.
Regions of the lower limb. Superficial veins and nerves. The fascia lata.
Muscles of the pelvic girdle (division, origin, insertion, function, innervation and blood
supply). The greater and lesser ischiac foramina. The inguinal ligament. Lacuna communis
(lacuna vasorum and musculorum). The greater femoral triangle. The lesser femoral triangleiliopectineal fossa. The common iliac artery. The internal iliac artery- parietal branches,
external iliac artery.
Course 2.
The ilio-sacral plexus- short and long branches. Muscles of the thigh (groups,
origin, insertion, function, innervation and blood supply). The femoral canal. The adductors’
canal. The obturatory canal. ( walls, connection, contents). The femoral artery and its
branches. Branches of the iliosacral plexus on the thigh( femoral, obturatory, sciatic nerves).
Course 3.
Muscles of the leg (groups, innervation, function). The popliteal fossa- limits
and contents. The popliteal artery – course and branches. The tibial nerve. The common
peroneal nerve ( superficial and deep peroneal nerves). The sural nerve.
Course 4.
Muscles of the foot (division, innervation, function). Medial malleolar canal –
borders and contents. Retinaculi of flexors and extensors. Vessels of the foot (arterial arches,
veins). Innervation of the foot.
Course 5.
Repetition. Topography of the lower limb. Injuries of the nerves. Pulse
detection. Mobility of the lower limb. Congenitive and required anomalies.
Course 6.
Practical and written test.
Course 1.
General description and topography of the neck ( the processus spinosus C7,
the hyoid bone, the jugular notch , the pharyngeal eminenece, pulse detection) . Muscles of
the neck.( superficial, infra-and suprahyoid, deep). Fascies and spacies of the neck.
Superficial veins and cutaneus nerves.
Course 2.
The subclavian artery and its branches ( thyro-cervical trunk, costo-cervical
trunk, vertebral, internal thoracic arteries).
Course 3.
Cervical plexus and its branches. The cervical loop (ansa cervicalis)- origin,
relations, innervation. The hypoglossal nerve- the course and topography. The phrenic nervecervical part. Jugular (carotid) sheath .The common carotid artery and its division- the internal
and external carotid artery.
Course 4.
. The external carotid artery and its branches ( sup. thyroid, lingual, facial,
pharyngeal asc, occipital, auricular post, maxillar and temporal superficial). The internal
carotid artery – cervical part. The jugular vein and its tributaries. The thyroid and parathyroid
Course 5.
The larynx ( cartilages, articulations, ligaments). The quadrangular membrane
and elastic cone. Muscles- anatomical and functional division.. Cavities of the larynx.
Innervation and blood supply of the larynx.
Course 6.
The pharynx- laryngeal part. Inferior sphincter of the pharynx- attachments and
innervation. Parapharyngeal space and its contents.
Course 7.
Cervical part of the sympathetic trunk. Cranial nerves- IX, X, XI, XII- their
course in the neck .
Course 8.
Trachea, the esophageus, the cervical part. Lymph nodes of the neck.
Course 9.
Practical and written test.
Thorax and back
Course 1
Topographic lines and regions of thorax. Palpation of bony structures- clavicle,
sternal angle, ribs. Projection of valves and the heart on chest wall. Muscles: superficial, deep
and diaphragm. Lymph nodes: superficial, deep. Intercostal vessels and nerves. Internal
thoracic artery.
Course 2.
Mediastinum: boundaries, division, cavities. The thymus gland- structure,
relations. Pericardium: parietal and visceral, ligaments, innervation, sinuses.
Course 3.
The heart- detailed structure- size, shape and external features; cardiac
chambers and internal features; fibrous skeleton of the heart. Epicardium, myocardium,
endocrdium. Vessels of the heart ( coronary arteries and veins). Conduction system. Nerve
supply to the heart.
Course 4.
The trachea and bronchi- division, topography, structure. Lung: structure
position, relations, surface features, fissures and lobes, hila and roots. Nerves and of the
lungs. Blood supply- functional and systemic (nutrient).
Course 5.
Thoracic aorta- ascending,; arch of the aorta, descending its branches.
Brachiocephalic veins, superior and inferior vena cava. Vagus nerve- thoracic part.
Course 6.
Mediastinal lymph nodes: groups, division. Thoracic duct. Azygos vein
system-, azygos, hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos vein.
Course 7.
Oesophagus: relations, topography. Sympathetic trunk and its branches. The
phrenic nerve- thoracic part.
Course 8.
The back. Regions, fasciae, muscles of the back. Suboccipital trigone- limits
and contents. Lumbar trigone. Lumbar tendinous space. Dorsal rami of the spinal nerves.
Course 9
Test: practical and written
Course 1.
Walls of the abdomen, topographic points and lines, muscles of the abdomen,
fascias, sheath of rectus, inguinal canal and its content.
Course 2.
Anterior abdominal wall: internal view. Umbilical ligaments. Transversalis
fascia and ligaments. Hernias. Iliac arteries, terminal branches of internal thoracic. Intercostal
nerves and lumbar plexus- repetition
Course 3.
Peritoneum- development, omental bursa, mesenteries, peritoneal recesses,
inter- and extraperitoneal localisation.
Course 4.
Abdominal aorta and its branches. Inferior vena cava- tributaries. Hepatic
portal system, anastomoses between portal and systemic circulation.
Course 5.
The esophageus. Stomach, small and large intestine, ileocaecal valve,
vermiform appendix- topographic, internal and surface anatomy, nerves, vessels, function.
Course 6.
Liver, biliary ducts and gallbladder- topographic, internal and surface anatomy,
nerves, vessels, function.
Course 7.
Pancreas, spleen- topographic, internal and surface anatomy, nerves, vessels,
function. Lymphatic drainage of abdomen.
Course 8.
Retroperitoneal cavity. Kidneys, suprarenal glands- topographic, internal and
surface anatomy, nerves, vessels, function. Gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine system.
Symphatetic trunk.
Course 9.
Practical and theoretical test.
Lesser pelvis and reproductive system
Course 1.
Bones of the pelvis- repetition. Muscles and fasciae of the pelvis and
perineum. Anal triangle and urogenital triangle, superficial and deep perineal space.
Ischiorectal fossa- borders, content. Pelvic and urogenital diaphragmas.
Course 2.
Peritoneum in the lesser pelvis; recto-uterine, vesico-uterine and rectovesical
pouch. Rectum, anal canal. Internal and external iliac arteries and their branches.
Course 3.
Urinary system. Kidneys- topography, capsules, external and internal
structure. Vessels and nerves of the kidneys.
Course 4.
Ureter- topography, parts, vessels and nerves. Urinary bladder- shape,
localisation, interior and ligaments of the bladder, vessels and nerves. Male and female
urethra- parts, sphincters, vessels and nerves.
Course 5.
Male reproductive organs. Testes and epididymes, deferent and ejaculatory
ducts, spermatic cords - topography, components, anatomy, vessels and nerves.
Penis and scrotum, accessory glandular structures - topography, components, anatomy, vessels
and nerves.
Course 6.
Female reproductive organs. Ovaries, uterine tubes and uterus- topography,
components, anatomy, ligaments, vessels and nerves.
Course 7.
Female reproductive organs.Vagina, female external genital organstopography, components, anatomy, vessels and nerves. Menstruation cycle. Anatomy of
pregnancy and parturition.
Course 8.
Scrotal nerve. Sacral part of the parasympathetic system. Repetition.
Course 9. Practical and written test.
Course 1.
Bones of the skull- repetition. Muscles of the head – division, function,
innervation. External carotid artery- course, branches. Facial artery- course and branches.
Dura matter- venous sinuses of the head.
Course 2.
Facial nerve- nucleus, course, branches, parotid plexus. Intermidiate nerve.
Trigeminal nerve- division, ganglia.. Superficial temporal, occipital, posterior auricular
artery- course and branches.
Course 3.
Orbital fossa. Lacrimal gland. Ophtalmic artery. Muscles of the eyeball and
their innervation- oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), abducens (VI) nerves. Ophtalmic nerve
(V1)- course, branches. Ciliary ganglion
Course 4.
Maxillary (V2) and mandibular (V3) nerves- course and branches. Maxillary
artery segments, course and branches. Messenteric muscle-attachments, innervation,
Course 5.
Internal carotid artery- course. Internal jugular vein- tributaries. Veins of the
head. Connections between extra- and intracranial veins. Parotid gland- description, function.
Course 6.
Oral cavity- vestibulum, proper oral cavity (walls). Palatine (hard, soft)muscles. Kinds of teeth. Alveolar arches. The tongue- description, muscles and functions.
Submandibular and sublingual glands. Lingual artery- course and branches.
Course 7.
External nose. Nasal cavity (vestibulum, meatuses, paranasal sinuses).
Innervation and blood supply. Olfactory nerve.
Course 8.
Pharynx- division, description. Muscles of the pharynx- attachments and
function. Innervation and blood supply. Pharyngeal plexus. Ascending pharyngeal artery.
Course 9.
Cranial nerve: glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), hypoglossal (XII)- course and
Course 10. Temporomandibular joint. Fossas: retromandibular, infratemporal, temporal,
pterygopalatine- borders and contents.
Course 11. Topographic spaces, their contents and connections ( sublingual,
parapharyngeal, retropharyngeal, submandibular, submental).
Course 12.
Practical and written test
General description of the brain- lateral, medial and inferior surface. Meninges
of the brain. Intermeningeal spaces (subdural, subarachnoid). Division of the central nervous
system (anatomical and clinical). Lateral telencephalon- hemispheares and lateral ventricles.
Course 2.
Medial telencephalon. Rhinoencephalon. The limbic system. The basal nuclei.
The extrapiramidal system.
Course 3.
Diencephalon- thalamus, hypothalamus (pituary gland and its function)division, internal and external structure, function. The third ventricle. Mesencephalon
division, internal and external structure, function.
Course 4.
The hind-brain. Internal and external structure of the pons, medulla oblongata
and cerebellum and their function. Nuclei of the cerebellum. The 4-th ventricle- borders and
Course 5.
External and internal structure of the spinal cord. Meninges of the spinal cord.
Intermeningeal spaces (supradural, subdural, subarachnoid). Cerebral arterial circle of the
brain (Willis’s circle). Arteries of the spine medulla. Veins of the brain and spine medulla.
Cerebro-spinal fluid – origin, function and circulation.
Course 6.
Practical and written test
Organs of senses
Course 1. External, medial and internal ear- structure, contents, function. Vestibulocochlear
Course 2. Eye. Eyeball – structure (layers), innervation, blood supply. Optic nerve. External
and internal muscle of the eye. Protective organs of the eye.
Course 3. Practical and written test
Repetitory classes