* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Week 2 Week 3 Science (Year 5) To identify the different planets in the solar system and their positions in comparison to the Sun. To understand that the Earth, Sun and Moon are spherical and that science has helped to confirm this. To know the relative sizes of the Sun, Earth and Moon in general terms. To describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. To be able to use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night To be able to describe the phases of the Moon. To know where and when the Ancient Greek civilisation existed and order events on a timeline. To know some significant events from the history of Ancient Greece. To know about the Greek Empire, how it was established and maintained and the impact on the wider world. To understand the religious beliefs of the Ancient Greek people and know some of the gods they worshipped. To understand the Ancient Greek writing system and know some wellknown Greek writers and stories To research and describe important Ancient Greek artefacts. To evaluate a range of existing products To generate designs for a product. To generate designs for packaging. To make packaging for the product. To handle food and equipment safely and hygienically. To evaluate a final product. To know what puja is and why it is important for Hindus. To know what Holy Communion is and why it is important for Christians. To compare the purpose and values of a mandir and a church. RE What is the purpose and value of a sacred space? DT Week 1 Topic Medium Term Planning: Spring 1 Hardworking Hazels Week 4 To measure, mark, cut and shape a range of materials. To discuss places that have personal value. To use religious vocabulary to identify and explain some features, symbolic objects, actions and sounds found in a church. To use religious vocabulary to identify and explain some features, symbolic objects, actions and sounds found in a mandir. Week 5 Week 6