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Ph D. Ass. Aleksandrova A.V.
General Pharmacology
studies the main principles
of interaction between drug
and body.
It has two parts:
1. Pharmacokinetics
2. Pharmacodynamics
includes the following
- Absorption
- Distribution
- Metabolism
- Excretion
The main routes of drug
(through gastrointestinal tract -GIT)
(by- passing GIT).
*Intraarterial and other
ORAL administration - the most simple, natural and comfortable for
the patient path, does not require sterilization and medical assistance.
Oral drugs are used in various dosage forms: powders, granules,
tablets, capsules, dragees, solutions, infusions, decoctions,
Peculiarities of drugs usage inside:
- The influence of hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice (penicillin,
erythromycin, epinephrine).
- The influence of food on absorption: slowing due to changes in pH,
increasing intestinal motility, or formation of complexes that are not
- Low bioavailability as a consequence of first-pass metabolism inactivation of the mucous membrane enzymes of small intestine and
liver before entering the drug into the systemic circulation.
- Irritant and ulcerogenic effect of drugs on the stomach and
intestines (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chlorpromazine,
- Impossibility to use inside (resection of the digestive organs, severe
diseases that are accompanied by malabsorption syndrome);
contraindications (peptic ulcer, gastritis); vomiting, unconscious state.
Sublingual and transdermal
- absorption of drugs very fast (when placing
them under the tongue and behind the cheek).
In this route of administration drugs are not
destroyed by digestive enzymes and hydrochloric
acid. Drugs enters directly into the systemic
circulation bypassing the liver.
In this way prescribed drugs only with high
activity and high lipid solubility - (validol,
nitroglycerin in relieving angina, nifedipine - with
relief of hypertensive crisis).
A considerable part of the substance (50%)
enters the bloodstream, bypassing the liver,
in addition with this route of
administration the substance is not
destroyed by enzymes of the digestive
Rectally administered drugs
in the form of suppositories
or as enemas (50-100 ml).
Administration by
important in emergency medical practice (injection of
antidotes, during anesthesia), and vaccination.
The volume of solution is administered not more than
1-2 ml, effect occurs within 15-20 minutes after
Applied sterile isotonic aqueous or oily solutions,
This route of administration is less painful than an injection
into the subcutaneous tissue.
Effect in 10-15 minutes.
The volume should not exceed 10 ml.
The absorption of the drug from muscle can be accelerated by
applying a body warmer, or conversely, slow down, using ice.
Applied sterile aqueous solutions, permitted introduction
of hypertonic solutions (not more than 20-40 ml). Intravenous
injection is carried out by introducing a one-time or drip method.
Within a short time achieves maximum drug
concentration in the heart, high concentration – in CNS and only
then is the distribution in the body.
To eliminate the toxic effects, injections of potent and
toxic drugs should be carried out slowly and before this,
substances should be dissolved in solution of sodium chloride or
For intra-arterial administration resorted when
you need to make a greater concentration of the
drug (antibiotic, anticancer drugs) or have an effect
on the vascular wall (introduction of vasodilators for
treatment of endarteriite limbs).
This way makes inhalation anesthesia, for topical use
aerosols of bronchodilators, corticosteroids, local
anesthetics, antibiotics. The depth of penetration into
the respiratory tract depends on the size of the drug
Transdermal (cutaneous)
Used to direct action on the pathological process or
to obtain a reflex response of the internal organs.
Therefore, drugs must penetrate to a sufficient depth
that determines the basis of ointments, pastes,
Now began to apply the
transdermal therapeutic systems
for prolonged drug absorption
from surface of skin for the getting
of resorptive action.
Medicine also administered in eye,
nasal s, ear drop, and applied to the
nasal mucosa.
Absorption of drugs
is the penetration of drug into the blood from the site
of administration.
During the absorption drug crosses cell membranes.
There are such kinds of this crossing as a:
- passive diffusion
- filtration
- carrier-mediated active transport
- endocytosis and exocytosis.
Passive diffusion - occurs along the
concentration gradient of the zone with a
higher concentration in the lower
concentration zone ( penetrate low weight
lipid soluble and non ionized molecules).
Filtration - drug through the pores of cell membranes
(epidermis or mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract,
the capillary endothelium) occurs with the flow of water
depending on the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures (n this
way penetrate the water molecules, urea, glucose, some ions).
Carrier-mediated transport (CMT)-movement of substances across
the plasma membrane by protein carrier molecules used when molecule
cannot cross membrane or crosses very slowly, protein carrier molecules are
embedded in lipid, and have site which specifically binds the molecules).
There are two forms of CMT: active transport and facilitated diffusion
Active transport requires a direct expenditure of energy, where
as facilitated diffusion is not energy dependent.
Active transportcan move substances against a concentration
gradient, facilitated diffusion cannot.
Endocytosis and exocytosis.
The movement of macromolecules such as proteins or
polysaccharides into or out of the cell is called bulk transport. There
are two types of bulk transport, exocytosis and endocytosis, and both
require the expenditure of energy (ATP).
exocytosis, materials are exported out of the cell via
secretory vesicles.
*Endocytosis, on the other hand, is the process by which
materials move into the cell. There are three types of
endocytosis: phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptormediated endocytosis.
Bioavailability of a drug is the fraction of
administered dose that reaches the systemic circulation.
Factors influencing on the bioavailability
- Route of administration
- The individual organism (age, gender)
- The state of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, cardiovascular
- Pharmaceutical factors (adjuvants, especially of production
Bioavailability is one of the principal
pharmacokinetic properties of drugs. When a drug
is administered intravenously, its bioavailability is
100%, however, when a drug is administered by
other routes (such as orally), its bioavailability
generally decreases (due to incomplete absorption
and first-pass metabolism) or may vary from patient
to patient.
Oral formulations of a drug from different manufacturers
or different batches from the same manufacturer may
have the same amount of the drug
equivalent) but may not yield the same blood levels –
Two preparations of a drug are considered
when rate and extent of
bioavailability of the active drug from them is not
significantly different under suitable test conditions.
the intestinal and hepatic degradation or alteration of a drug or substance
taken by mouth, after absorption, removing some of the active substance
from the blood before it enters the general circulation.
Distribution of drugs in the body
Distribution of the drug in tissues and organs depends
on various factors:
- The size and shape of the molecule.
- Solubility in lipids.
- The intensity of regional circulation.
- The degree of protein binding.
- Competition for binding with plasma proteins.
- Protein concentrations in plasma.
- Biological barriers (walls of capillaries, cell (plasma
membrane), the blood-brain barrier and other).
Apparent volume of distribution (V)
The volume into which the total
amount of a drug in the body would have to
be uniformly distributed to provide the
concentration of the drug actually measured
in the plasma.
Factors determining the rate of
distribution of drugs
1. Protein binding of drug:
A variable and other significant portion of absorbed drug may become
reversibly bound to plasma proteins. The active concentration of the drug
is that part which is not bound, because it is only this fraction which is
free to leave the plasma and site of action.
- Free drug leave plasma to site of action
- binding of drugs to plasma proteins assists absorption
- protein binding acts as a temporary store of a drug and tends to
prevent large fluctuations in concentration of unbound drug in the
body fluids
- protein binding reduces diffusion of drug into the cell and there by
delays its metabolic degradation
e.g. high protein bound drug like phenylbutazone is long acting.
Low protein bound drug like thiopental sodium is short acting.
2. Plasma concentration of drug (PC):
It represents the drug that is bound to the plasma proteins
(albumins and globulins) and the drug in free form.
It is the free form of drug that is distributed to the tissues and
fluids and takes part in producing pharmacological effects.
The concentration of free drug in plasma does not always
remain in the same level e.g.
1) After I.V. administration plasma concentration falls sharply
2) After oral administration plasma concentration rises and falls
3) After sublingual administration plasma concentration rise
sharply and falls gradually
3. Clearance:
- Volume of plasma cleared off the drug by
metabolism and excretion per unit time.
Protein binding reduces the amount of drug
available for filtration at the glomeruli and hence
delays the excretion, thus the protein binding
reduces the clearance.
4. Physiological barriers to distribution:
There are some specialized barriers in the body due
to which the drug will not be distributed uniformly in all
the tissues.
These barriers are:
a) Blood brain barrier (BBB) permeable only to lipid-soluble
drugs or those of very low molecular
weight. (thiopental sodium is easily crossed but not
b) Placental barrier: which allows non-ionized drugs with
high lipid/water partition coefficient by a process of simple
diffusion to the foetus e.g. alcohol, morphine.
5. Affinity of drugs to certain organs:
The concentration of a drug in certain tissues
after a single dose may persist even when its
plasma concentration is reduced to low.
Thus the hepatic concentration of mepacrine
is more than 200 times that of plasma level. Their
concentration may reach a very high level on
chronic administration. Iodine is similarly
concentrated in the thyroid tissue.
Metabolism of drugs
this is a complex of physical, chemical or biochemical transformations
of drugs in the body. The main organ for drug metabolism is the liver.
Phase I reactions:
1. Oxidation
2. Reduction
3. Hydrolysis
Phase II reactions:
1. Glucuronidation
2. Methylation
3. Sulfation
Enzymes responsible for metabolism
of drugs:
a) Microsomal enzymes:
Present in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the liver,
kidney and GIT
e.g. glucuronyl transferase, dehydrogenase , hydroxylase
and cytochrome P450
b) Non-microsomal enzymes:
Present in the cytoplasm, mitochondria of different organs.
e.g. esterases, amidase, hydrolase
Phase - I reactions
a) Oxidation:
Microsomal oxidation involves the introduction of an oxygen and/or the
removal of a hydrogen atom or hydroxylation, dealkylation or demethylation
of drug molecule
e.g.conversion of salicylic acid into gentisic acid.
b) Reduction:
The reduction reaction will take place by the enzyme reductase which
catalyze the reduction of azo (-N=N-) and nitro (-NO2) compounds
e.g. prontosil converted to sulfonamide.
c) Hydrolysis:
Drug metabolism by hydrolysis is restricted to esters and amines (by
esterases and amidases) are found in plasma and other tissues like liver. It
means splitting of drug molecule after adding water
e.g. drugs which undergo hydrolysis are atropine and acetylcholine.
Phase - II reactions (conjugation
This is synthetic process by which a drug or its
metabolite is combined with an endogenous substance
resulting in various conjugates such as glucoronide, ethereal
sulfate, methylated compound and amino acid conjugates.
Glucuronide conjugation:
It is the most common and most important conjugation
reaction of drugs. Drugs which contain
a) Hydroxyl, amino or carboxyl group undergo this process
e.g. phenobarbitone.
b) Sulfate conjugation: Sulfotransferase present in liver,
intestinal mucosa and kidney, which transfers sulfate group
to the drug molecules
e.g. phenols, catechols, etc
Here the source of methyl group is s – adenosyl methionine
Phase - II reactions (conjugation
c) Acetyl conjugation: The enzyme acetyl transferase, which is
responsible for acetylation, is present in the kupffer cells of
liver. Acetic acid is conjugated to drugs via its activation
by CoA to form acetyl CoA. This acetyl group is then
transferred to-NH2 group of drug
e.g. dapsone, isoniazid.
d) Glycine conjugation: Glycine conjugation is characteristic
for certain aromatic acids
e.g. salicylic acid, isonicotinic acid, p-amino salicylic acid.
These drugs are also metabolized by other path ways.
e) Methylation: Adrenaline is methylated to metanephrine by
catechol-o-methyl transferase.
*The result of stage I is formation of active or
inactive products which enter the stage II reactions.
*Stage II reactions lead to the formation of inactive
metabolits excreted from the body.
Biotransformation of drugs can changes
due to various factors:
- Features of drug metabolism.
- Comorbidities.
- Hunger (diet).
- Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
- Age.
- Gender.
- Genetic features.
Prodrug - an inactive substance that is converted to a drug
within the body by the action of enzymes or other chemicals.
Drugs which increase the activity of microsomal enzymes
in the liver are named inductors of microsomal
(barbiturates, antiepileptics - benzonal, phenytoin, carbamazepine,
tranquilizers, corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, testosterone, antibiotics griseofulvin, rifampicin).
*Usage of these drugs will decrease the efficiency of the drugs,
which metabolized with the participation of cytochrome P-450.
Drugs which decrease the activity of microsomal enzymes
in the liver are named inhibitors of microsomal
*Result of this can be cumulation or prolongation of action.
(antidepressants, antiarrhythmics – qui.nidine, preparations female sex
hormones, contraceptives, anticancer drugs, antibiotics - chloramphenicol,
erythromycin, teturam).
The final stage of the pharmacokinetic process of drug and is occurs through the
excretory system of the body:
Kidney (glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion);
Liver (with bile);
Exocrine glands (salivary, sweat, mammary gland).
The majority of drugs are excreted by the kidneys.
Hydrophilic may be excreted throught the kidney
in unchanged form; lipophilic drugs are converted
into hydrophilic metabolites which are excreted
with urine.
a) Renal excretion:
A major part of excretion of chemicals is
metabolically unchanged or changed.
The excretion of drug by the kidney involves:
1) Glomerular filtration
2) Active tubular secretion
3) Passive tubular reabsorption.
The function of glomerular filtration and
active tubular secretion is to remove drug out
of the body, while tubular reabsorption tends
to retain the drug.
1) Glomerular filtration:
It is a process, which depends on
- the concentration of drug in the plasma
- molecular size, shape and charge of drug
- glomerular filtration rate.
Only the drug which is not bound with the
plasma proteins can pass through glomerulus. All
the drugs which have low molecular weight can
pass through glomerulus e.g. digoxin, ethambutol,
In congestive cardiac failure, the glomerular
filtration rate is reduced due to decrease in renal
blood flow.
a) Renal excretion:
2) Active tubular secretion:
The cells of the proximal convoluted tubule
actively transport drugs from the plasma into the
lumen of the tubule
e.g. acetazolamide, benzyl penicillin, dopamine,
pethidine, thiazides, histamine.
a) Renal excretion:
3) Tubular reabsorption:
The reabsorption of drug from the lumen of
the distal convoluted tubules into plasma occurs
either by simple diffusion or by active transport.
When the urine is acidic, the degree of ionization
of basic drug increase and their reabsorption
Conversely, when the urine is more alkaline, the
degree of ionization of acidic drug increases and
the reabsorption decreases.
b) Hepatobiliary excretion:
the conjugated drugs are excreted by hepatocytes in the bile.
Molecular weight more than 300 daltons and polar drugs are
excreted in the bile.
Excretion of drugs through bile provides a back up
pathway when renal function is impaired. After excretion of
drug through bile into intestine, certain amount of drug is
reabsorbed into portal vein leading to an enterohepatic
cycling which can prolong the action of drug
e.g. chloramphenicol, oral estrogen are secreted into bile and
largely reabsorbed and have long duration of action.
Tetracylines which are excreted by biliary tract can be used for
treatment of biliary tract infection.
c) Gastrointestinal excretion:
When a drug is administered orally, a part of
the drug is not absorbed and excreted in the faeces.
The drugs which do not undergo enterohepatic
cycle after excretion into the bile are subsequently
passed with stool
e.g. aluminium hydroxide changes the stool into
white colour, ferrous sulfate changes the stool into
black and rifampicin into orange red.
d) Pulmonary excretion:
Drugs that are readily vaporized, such as
many inhalation anaesthetics and alcohols are
excreted through lungs.
The rate of drug excretion through lung
depends on the volume of air exchange, depth of
respiration, rate of pulmonary blood flow and the
drug concentration gradient.
e) Sweat:
A number of drugs are excreted into the sweat either by
simple diffusion or active secretion
e.g. rifampicin, metalloids like arsenic and other heavy
f) Mammary excretion:
Many drugs mostly weak basic drugs are accumulated
into the milk.
Therefore lactating mothers should be cautious about the
intake of these drugs because they may enter into baby
through breast milk and produce harmful effects in the baby
e.g. ampicillin, aspirin, chlordiazepoxide, coffee, diazepam,
furosemide, morphine, streptomycin etc.
Some terms of pharmacokinetics
Clearance (Cl) of a drug is the volume of plasma from
which the drug is completely removed per unit of time.
The amount of eliminated drug is proportional to its
concentration in the blood
CL=rate of elimination/C
Half-life (t1/2) of a drug is the time taken for plasma
drug concentration to reduce to half its peak level.
Volume of Distribution (Vd) is dose administered
i.v divided by plasma concentration. Drugs that are
highly lipid soluble have a very high volume of
distribution. Drugs that are lipid insoluble remain in
the blood, and have a low Vd.