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marketing activity that is designed to increase sales, increase customer
knowledge, and/or change perceptions
There are many methods of promotion. Each method of promotion helps get a product in
front of customers. It is up to a company to determine which promotional methods to use,
and how to use them. Five key methods of promotion are (1) personal selling (2) advertising
(3) sales promotion (4) direct marketing and (5) publicity/public relations.
 Personal Selling: individualized sales approach where sales rep works directly with
potential customer to try and convince potential customers to buy a product
 Advertising: process of creating information that promotes the product or service
through a paid channel to try and influence the target market
 Sales Promotion: initiative by a company to increase sales through special promotion,
including free gifts, discounted prices, samples, vouchers, competitions, product
combinations, and more
 Direct Marketing: process of providing physical, tangible marketing materials such as
mailings, flyers, or catalogs to consumers
 Publicity: marketing that uses public relations influences, and is controlled by
independent sources
 Public Relations: strategic communication that is beneficial for an organization and the