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Histology Review
Part I: Matching Definitions
Match the terms with their corresponding definition.
________ 1. Histology
A. Multiple cell layers
________ 2. Basement membrane
B. Response to tissue damage
________ 3. Apical Surface
C. The study of tissues
________ 4. Microvilli
D. “House” chondrocytes & osteocytes
________ 5. Cilia
E. Surface that may have cilia or microvilli
________ 6. Simple
F. Sends impulse to other neurons
________ 7. Stratified
G. Flattened cells
________ 8. Squamous
H. Supporting cells of neural tissue
________ 9. Transitional
I. Surrounding fluid of connective tissues
________ 10. Ground substance
J. Fat cells
________ 11. Fibroblasts
K. One cell layer
________ 12. Adipocytes
L. AKA bone
________ 13. Macrophages
M. Connects muscle to bone
________ 14. Collagen fibers
N. Bone cells
________ 15. Elastic fibers
O. Little channels in bone
________ 16. Tendons
P. Connects cells of cardiac muscle
________ 17. Ligaments
Q. Produces/maintains ground substance
________ 18. Plasma
R. Cartilage cells
________ 19. Lacunae
S. Receives impulses from other neurons
________ 20. Chondrocytes
T. Wavy, branched fibers
________ 21. Osteocytes
U. More than one nucleus per cell
________ 22. Osseous tissue
V. Beat to move materials across surface
________ 23. Canaliculi
W. Phagocytize foreign particles
________ 24. Multinucleated
X. Epithelium that can stretch easily
________ 25. Striations
Y. Projections that increase surface area
________ 26. Intercalated discs
Z. Separates epithelium from other tissues
________ 27. Dendrites
AA. Straight, unbranched fibers
________ 28. Axons
BB. Connects bone to bone
________ 29. Neuroglia
CC. Banding pattern
________ 30. Inflammation
DD. Watery matrix of blood
Part II: Matching Locations
Match the tissue type with its location in the body.
________ 31. Simple squamous
A. Blood vessels, esophagus, intestines
________ 32. Stratified squamous
B. Brain, spinal cord
________ 33. Simple cuboidal
C. Connects skin to muscle
________ 34. Stratified cuboidal
D. Epiglottis, outer ear
________ 35. Simple columnar
E. Connects ribs to sternum, trachea
________ 36. Pseudostratified columnar
F. Lining nasal cavity & respiratory tract
________ 37. Transitional
G. Lymph vessels
________ 38. Areolar
H. Glands, ducts, kidney tubules
________ 39. Adipose
I. Alveoli of lungs
________ 40. Dense
J. Blood vessels
________ 41. Blood
K. Heart
________ 42. Lymph
L. Skin surface
________ 43. Hyaline Cartilage
M. Between vertebrae & pubic bones, joints
________ 44. Elastic Cartilage
N. Skeleton
________ 45. Fibrocartilage
O. Urinary bladder, ureters
________ 46. Bone
P. Sides, breasts, buttocks, behind eyes
________ 47. Skeletal Muscle
Q. Connected to bones for movement
________ 48. Cardiac Muscle
R. Tendons & ligaments
________ 49. Smooth Muscle
S. Lining of digestive tract
________ 50. Neural Tissue
T. Large ducts of pancreas
Part III: Identifying Tissue Type
Use the choices from part II.
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