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Year 9 Revision sheet 2009.
Semester 2 Science Examination.
The examination is for 90 minutes and is based on the work of the semester.
 Chemistry
 Forensic Science
 Evolution OR Managing Resources.
The examination consists of three sections
1. Multiple choice
2. Short answers
3. Longer written response.
To revise you should review your notes from class, experiment reports, unit tests. Parts of chapters
2, 3, 15 and 9 (or 17) are also relevant.
You will be provided with a periodic table and table of ions.
You must be able to label the different parts of the atom and know the charge that each sub
atomic particle carries.
You must be able to use atomic number and mass number to find the number of protons,
neutrons and electrons are in a given atom.
You need to be able to write the shell configuration for an atom
You will be given a periodic table but need to be able to find metals and non-metals, groups,
periods and Noble Gases, Alkali Metals, Alkali Earth Metals and Halogens.
You will be given a table of ions but need to be able to use these to write the formulae for
some simple ionic compounds.
You must know the three main groups of substances: Metals, Ionic substances and Covalent
materials. Be able to give examples of each, the type of atoms found in each type, their main
properties and how the model of how the atoms are held together explains those
Important Terms and Ideas
Element, atom, compound, mixture, molecule, atomic number, mass number, anion, cation, ion
Brittle, conductor, lustrous malleable, ductile, property
Forensic Science
Lochard’s Principle
Types of scientists involved in forensic work eg pathologist, ondontologist, psychologist etc
How blood , fibres, fingerprints and DNA are useful in forensic examinations
Species and types of adaptations
Darwin, Wallace and Lamarck’s contributions to the understanding of evolution.
The steps of Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection
Evidence for evolution – Fossils, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology and DNA.
Divergent and convergent evolution, coevolution
The main periods of time during which life has developed on Earth
The key stages of human evolution
Some important terms to know include
Biogeography, biotic, abiotic, variation, competition, mutation, speciation, palaeontologist
Know examples of these processes to help explain these eg Darwin’s finches, Giraffes, flying squirrel
and sugar glider etc.