Download Dr Vera`s Formulation Activated Vitamin B3 or NAD nicotinamide

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Patient Information Sheet
The Active Form of Vitamin B3 – NAD
One of the most important vitamins or cofactors in the body is vitamin B3. Its active form,
that is known as Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), is involved in hundreds of
reactions in the body, particularly in the breakdown and usage of the carbohydrates,
fats and proteins in our diet used to create energy and new tissues.
NAD is involved as a cofactor in many enzyme systems, particularly those involved in energy
production within in the Krebs or energy cycle. It plays a critical role in what we call the
electron chain transport unit - a vital part of the body’s energy production cycle. Without
NAD, your body will not produce the energy it requires in order to maintain its proper
function and this means life itself!
The body can produce vitamin B3 from your food - for instance the amino acid Tryptophan
from protein foods such as milk, meat, fish etc., can be converted to vitamin B3 when B3
stores are low. For this reason, if you have to take 5 hydroxy-tryptophan for depression,
sleeping, cravings etc., it is a good idea to take activated B3 - NAD at the same time to
make that vital energy that is required within the brain to help overcome depression is
The body’s usage of B3 increases during times of physical or emotional stress, but it also
increases during times of neurological stress. Particularly in Parkinson’s disease and
Alzheimer’s disease or in Panic/Anxiety attacks. Using the activated form of the B3 (NAD)
saves having to use the extra energy that is normally required to convert the Nicotinamide or
Nicotinic Acid form of B3 into NAD. This is important within the brain, where research has
shown that low energy in certain areas of the brain is one of the main factors in depression.
With the active form vitamin B3 you have a form that is immediately available for use. It
goes into the cell and is able to do its work straight away. When you take the Niacin or the
Nicotinamide form of B3, you need much higher dosages to have the same effect as the NAD,
and they have to be converted to the active form of B3.
NAD plays a role in immune function, which it can improve by stimulating the immune
system’s energy production, boosting its ability to deal with any bad bugs within your body.
In the brain, NAD stimulates the production of L Dopa and Noradrenalin, which are very
important neurotransmitters or nervous system chemical messengers. There is scientific
evidence to suggest that it works very well in Alzheimer’s disease. That’s not surprising
when you realise that it’s involved in neurotransmitter production and the production of
energy within the brain itself. The used for NAD include Alzheimer’s disease
Immune System Booster
NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
Nicotinic Acid
Magnesium oxide
Malic Acid
Panic / Anxiety attacks
Parkinson’s disease
Poor Memory and Concentration
Some types of Schizophrenia
The dosage needed is usually only 1 capsule, 2-3 times per day.
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