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Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
6.1- Promotion
1. ___________________ involves all communications used by a business to create a favorable
impression of its products or services.
2. Businesses use a _________________ __________, which is a combination of advertising,
public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion to reach their _________________
3. Name four (4) things an effective promotional mix can help a business with.
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________
4. A business that sells a product that is used by more than one __________________
_____________________ may use different __________________________ ______________
for each target market. When more than one type of _____________________ is used, they
must _________________________ each other and deliver a consistent message about the
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
5. The main objective of any promotion is to get someone to buy a product or service. Many
marketers use the __________________ __________________ to help accomplish this goal.
____________________ is an acronym that stands for ____________________________,
_________________________, ________________________ , and ______________________,
which are the four stages of promotion.
6. Describe the four stages of promotion.
a. Attention:_______________________________________________________________
b. Interest:
c. Desire:
d. Action:
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
7. To increase the effectiveness of its promotions, a business should create a _________________
________________, which outlines how all of the elements in the promotional mix will work
together to reach the target market.
8. List and Explain the step-by-step process used to create an effective promotional plan.
a. Determine the Target Market________________________________________________________________________
b. Identify Promotional Objectives________________________________________________________________________
c. Set the Promotional Budget________________________________________________________________________
d. Determine the Promotional Mix________________________________________________________________________
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
e. Implement and Evaluate the Promotional Plan________________________________________________________________________
6.2- Advertising and Public Relations
_________________________ is a paid form of communication intended to
_____________________ and _________________________ an audience to take some kind of
10. Advertising is used more commonly than any other form of ______________________ to
introduce _____________ ____________________ to the market.
11. An advertising _______________________ may include _________________ ________ in
magazines and newspapers, _________________ _____________________ for radio,
________________________ on television, ________________________ _________________
on the Internet, or ads on ________________________ _________________________.
12. List the six (6) advantages of advertising.
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________________
13. List the five (5) disadvantages of advertising.
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________________
14. Activities and events that create goodwill for a business or other organization are referred to as
__________________________ ___________________________. This involves writing
_________________ ___________________, organizing _____________________
____________________, producing company ___________________________,
_________________ events, and exhibiting at _____________________ __________________.
15. ______________________ is any nonpaid form of communication designed to arouse public
interest about a product, service, business, or event. Businesses may write a
_________________ ____________________, which is a written statement to inform the
media about a new product or special event.
16. A good PR campaign highlights company-sponsored ____________________ or
_____________________ activities as a way to build a positive image in the minds of
17. Responding to _________________________ publicity or a ______________________ event is
also part of the public relations function.
18. Advertising uses _____________________ and _____________________ techniques to
communicate a message. The goal of public relations is to get __________________ publicity for
a business and its products or services.
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
19. Publicity is often considered to be ___________________ advertising. The cost of public
relations is relatively _________________________.
20. The biggest disadvantage of ______________________ ____________________ is the
_________________ of control.
6.3- Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
21. ___________________________ __________________________ is face-to-face
communication between the buyer and seller that attempts to influence the buying decision.
The biggest disadvantage of personal selling is the __________________. Salespeople make one
sale at a time, making the cost per customer __________________.
22. The first step in the sales process is _____________________ _________________
______________. Sales leads can be obtained in many ways. A ____________________ is a
recommendation from a customer or another business. A second way is
_________________________ , which involves establishing informal ties with a group of people,
including friends, business contacts, coworkers, acquaintances, and fellow members of
professional and civic organizations, who can provide valuable business advice.
23. The first contact that the salesperson makes with the customer is called the
_________________. During the ______________________, salespeople can introduce
themselves, their ______________________, and their _______________________.
24. Effective salespeople will use a ___________________________ process, which involves
researching prospective customers before initially contacting them.
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
25. During the approach, the salesperson’s top priority is to ______________________ the
customer’s ________________________.
26. A ___________________________ is a personalized presentation that shows how a product can
benefit and provide value to the customer. The demonstration should be
______________________ to the customer’s ______________________.
27. After the sales presentation, most customers will have ___________________________ or raise
_________________________. Salespeople should view ____________________________ as
an opportunity to supply more information.
28. The ______________________ is the step in the sales process when the customer decides to
buy a product or service. _______________________ may be required to close the sale. A
__________________________ is an attempt to arrive at a sales agreement by making tradeoffs.
29. ____________________________ ________________________ occurs when the salesperson
offers related products and services that could enhance the use of the purchased product. The
idea is to _________________________ customer satisfaction.
30. One of the most important steps in the sales process is the ________________________, which
involves contacting the customer after the sales to ensure satisfaction.
31. A business sets _______________________ ___________________ for itself as well as for each
of its salespeople. To meet these goals, businesses will use a combination of methods, such as
______________________________ for salespeople and sales ___________________________
for customers.
32. ____________________ __________________________ involves the use of marketing
activities that provide extra value and buying incentives for customers.
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
33. List the nine (9) common types of sales promotions.
34. Sales promotion accomplishes things that other components in the promotional mix cannot.
Sales promotions can be used to _______________________ a new product,
____________________ short-term consumer demand, __________________________ brand
loyalty, and ________________________ consumer behavior.
35. Sales promotions are commonly used to get _______________________ to try new products.
__________________________, ____________________________ and ________________
__________________________ help reduce the consumer’s risk of trying a new product.
36. When a business decides that it wants to ________________________ an immediate response
from customers, it will use ____________________ _____________________________.
37. Sales promotions can strengthen _____________________ ________________________ by
rewarding consumers for repeat purchases.
38. Effective ____________________ __________________________ are designed to
__________________________ consumer behavior.
39. List at least two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of Sales Promotions:
a. Advantages:
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
b. Disadvantages
i. _________________________________________________________________
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
ii. _________________________________________________________________
40. Sales promotions may be directed to customers by __________________,
____________________, or through _________________, ____________________, or
_____________________ media outlets.
6.4- Other Types of Promotion
41. Name the three (3) other types of promotional tools that businesses use to reach customers:
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________
42. An _____________________________ is a public expression of approval or support for a
product or service. ________________________ are also known as _____________________.
43. List the three (3) restrictions that apply to endorsements:
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________
44. Can consumers really be persuaded by the charm and look of celebrities? See page 168 for
answer. Don’t just answer based on your opinion.
Ch. 6- Promotion Planning
45. ______________________________ promotion is one of the most effective ways of spreading
the news about products and services. For the most part, businesses do not have
_____________________ over ______________________________ promotion.
46. __________________ _________________________ uses techniques to get consumers to buy
products or services from a non-retail setting. Direct marketing techniques include
___________________ ________________, _____________________,
___________________________, and _____________________.
47. ______________________ ________________________________ is the process of displaying
products in a way that makes them appealing and enticing to customers.
48. Visual merchandising includes ___________________ displays, ______________________
displays, and _________________.
49. Visual merchandising also involves the ___________________ of the store. ________________,
___________________ _____________________, _____________________, and even
___________________ control can affect the shopping experience.