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Unit 5 Study Guide - Muscular System
1. Know the 5 basic functions of muscles.
2. Know the differences between the 3 types of muscle (skeletal, cardiac, and smooth)
3. Know the 3 layers that make up skeletal muscle and what they contain: epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium
4. Know the function of aponeurosis (tendons).
5. Know the function of the following muscle parts/organelles: sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR),
T tubules, myofilbrils, myofilaments and sarcomeres.
6. Know what a sarcomere represents and how it changes during a contraction.
7. Know what the Z line and M line represent.
8. What happens to the A band, I band, and H zone during contraction and release.
9. Know the difference between thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments.
10. Know what body system and types of cells controls muscle contractions
11. Know the basics of what happens during and action potential at the neuromuscular junction.
12. Know what acetylcholine(Ach) and acetylcholinesterase (AchE) do.
13. Explain the role of actin, tropomyosin, troponin, myosin, ATP and calcium in a muscle contraction.
14. Know how a muscle releases.
15. What is muscle tension?
16. What is the difference between incomplete and complete tetanus?
17. What is a motor unit?
18. What is the difference between small and large units (give examples of each)?
19. Why is the purpose of recruitment?
20. Know the difference between isotonic and isometric contractions and provide examples of each.
21. How are concentric and eccentric isotonic contractions different?
22. What is muscle tone and how does it relate to atrophy?
23. How does the threshold of stimulation relate to the ability of a muscle to move a load?
24. Know the role of ATP and creatine phosphate in muscle movement and energy.
25. Be familiar with the levels of ATP, O2, CP and glucose in a muscle at rest, moderate activity and at peak activity.
26. What is muscle fatigue and what causes it and how does it relate to recovery period and oxygen debt?
27. Understand how and when the 3 energy systems are used in muscles: Phosphagen, Glycogen-Lactic Acid,
28. How do fast vs. slow fibers relate to anaerobic and aerobic endurance?
29. What is the relationship between the origin, insertion, and muscle action?
30. Know the roles of agonist (primer mover), antagonist, synergist and fixator muscles in body movement. Be able to
give examples of each in the upper arm.
31. Know actions and location of the following muscles:
a. Face: frontalis, occipitalis, orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus, buccinator, orbicularis oris, masseter.
b. Neck: sternocleidomastoid and platysma
c. Internal: diaphragm, internal intercostals and external intercostals
d. Shoulder: deltoids (synergist supraspinatus), trapezius, teres minor/infraspinatus, teres major, rhomboid
muscles (importance only)
e. Trunk: pectoralis major, rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus, external and internal obliques, and
latissimus dorsi
f. Hips/buttock: gluteus maximus and medius and the iliopsoas group.
g. Arm: biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, supinator, pronator, flexor digitorum
superficialis, the flexor carpi and extensor carpi (ulnaris and radialis)
h. Legs: the hamstrings, the quadriceps, the calves (gastrocnesius and soleus), tibialis anterior and
posterior, extensor digitorum longus and flexor digitorum longus.
32. Know what muscles make up the quadriceps and hamstrings.
33. Be familiar with the agonists and antagonists for the following movements: bending forward and back at the waist,
abducting and adducting arms, raising and lowering heels, flexing and extending forearms, and flexing and
extending calf at knee joint.
34. In the film Extraordinary Human, which type of muscle does both Jason and Ami’s disorder target?
35. How are proteins related to both Jason and Ami’s condition?
36. What does RICE stand for in muscle injuries and why is it important?
37. Know the basics of how the following diseases affect the muscular system: muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia,
myasthenia gravis, cerebral palsy, and myositis
38. Know what causes rigor mortis.
39. Know how botulin toxin affects muscles.
40. Know the difference between muscle paralysis and rigidity.