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Assessing the Abdomen
Date ________________________
1. Anatomy review: Label the following structures.
Small intestine
f. Large intestine
g. Stomach
h. Appendix
i. Mouth
k. Anus
2. Match the structures in the first column to their descriptions in the second column.
1. Esophagus
a. Primary site for digestion
2. Pancreas
b. Muscular tube that connects mouth to stomach
3. Small intestines
c. Stores bile
4. Gallbladder
d. Secretes insulin, glucagons, and digestive enzymes
5. Appendix
e. Connects small and large intestines
6. Ileocecal valve
f. Common site of infection
7. Liver
g. Reabsorbs water
8. Large intestines
h. Produce saliva and amylase
9. Stomach
i. Churns food and secretes intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid
j. Primary function is metabolism and detoxification
10. Salivary glands
3. Place the following structures in the correct quadrants.
• Liver ___________________________________________________________________
• Gallbladder ______________________________________________________________
• Pancreas ________________________________________________________________
• Stomach_________________________________________________________________
• Spleen __________________________________________________________________
• Cecum __________________________________________________________________
• Appendix________________________________________________________________
• Sigmoid colon ____________________________________________________________
• Transverse colon __________________________________________________________
• Ascending colon __________________________________________________________
• Descending colon _________________________________________________________
5. Lou Walker, age 63, had a colon resection 3 days ago. He is NPO and has a nasogastric tube
connected to low suction. You begin his abdominal assessment with inspection.
What three movements should you look for when inspecting the abdomen?
6. After inspecting Mr. Walker's abdomen, you auscultate it. What is the rationale for performing
auscultation before palpating the abdomen?
7. You have trouble auscultating Mr. Walker's bowel sounds. How long should you auscultate
before charting that bowel sounds are absent?
8. Before charting that Mr. Walker has absent bowel sounds, listen over the ileocecal valve. Where is
this site located, and what is the rationale for listening over it?
9. Mr. Walker's abdomen is distended, and his bowel sounds are hypoactive. How do you explain
these findings?
10. Name two causes for hypoactive or absent bowel sounds.
11. Name two causes of hyperactive bowel sounds.