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lead4ward science | 6-12 learning
Science Is A Second Language 6-12
• Each MS GL will have a set of vocab to
experience, HS will have Biology,
Chemistry, and Physics
• Each vocab activity is available on the
Instructional Strategies Playlist @
• Attachments can be downloaded form website
as a word document and edited
6th Grade: Heads Up
• Vocabulary words are provided to each
• Definitions are provided to each student
• Form inner/outer circle or choose
shoulder partner, face partner, etc.
*Words stay face down*
• Hold word up on your forehead - partner
tries to get you to guess word
with/without reading the definition
• Can be done with pictures as well
6th Grade: Heads Up
Metals, Nonmetals, metalloids
•Conductivity – ability to conduct electrical current
•Density – the amount of matter that will fit into a given amount of space
•Ductility – ability to be stretched into a wire without breaking
•Hardness – ability of a mineral to resist scratching
•Luster – how the surface of a mineral appears when it reflects light (e.g.,
shiny or dull)
•Malleability – ability to be formed or shaped under pressure (e.g., metals
hammered or rolled into thin sheets)
•Mass – the amount of matter in something
•Metalloids – substances that exhibit some properties of metals and
•Metals – substances that have the physical properties of luster,
conductivity, and malleability; may appear in all three states of matter
•Nonmetals – substances that have the physical properties of being dull,
insulators, and brittle; may appear in all three states of matter
•Streak – the color of a mineral seen when rubbed on a streak plate
•Volume – the amount of space that a substance or object occupies
7th Grade: Rock and Roll Vocab
• Vocabulary words are provided to
each student
• Definitions are provided to each
student – use 6-8 words for this
• Whole group dice and/or group dice
• Dry erase markers for tables
• Student Reference Sheet per table
7th Grade: Rock and Roll Vocab
Energy Flow in Living Systems
•Chlorophyll – the green substance (pigment) contained in the
chloroplast of plant leaves that captures the energy in sunlight
•Chloroplast – a structure in a plant cell that contains
chlorophyll; site of photosynthesis
•Compost bin – a collection of decaying plant material; may be
used for fertilizer
•Decomposition – the process by which decomposers break
down dead material and waste into simpler substances
•Energy pyramid – diagram that demonstrates the flow of
energy through a food chain
•Glucose – a sugar molecule; product of photosynthesis
•Photosynthesis – process by which producers / plants use the
energy in sunlight to create their own food
•Trophic level – the position that an organism occupies in a
food chain, i.e., what it eats, and what eats it
8th Grade: Fact or Fib Showdown
Students write FACT in the upper left of
their desk and FIB on the upper right with
dry erase marker OR on paper
Students are assigned a thinking
Teacher will present the statement Students will hover – then slap “FACT or
FIB” on their desk & justify their
Teacher will clarify and verify what was
learned & students will justify
facts/correct fibs
8th Grade: Fact or Fib Showdown
•Atom – smallest particle of an element that maintains the properties of that
•Atomic mass – average mass of one atom of an element (from particles in
the nucleus)
•Atomic number – the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom; used to
determine an element's position in the periodic table
•Electrical charge – a property of a subatomic particle; positive (protons),
negative, (electrons), or neutral (neutrons)
•Electron – a negatively charged particle in the electron cloud surrounding the
atomic nucleus
•Electron cloud – the negatively charged space containing electrons that
surrounds the atomic nucleus
•Neutron – a (neutral) particle with no electrical charge within the atomic
•Nucleus – the positively charged center of an atom containing the protons
and neutrons
•Periodic table – a conceptual model in which the elements are organized
according to their properties; often displayed as a chart
•Proton – a positively charged particle within the atomic nucleus; used to
identify an element
•Subatomic particle – a particle smaller than an atom, such as a proton,
neutron, or electron
•Valence electron(s) – electron(s) located in outer energy level (electron shell)
Biology: Justified List
• Teacher populates the justified list
with examples and non-examples
• Students are provided vocabulary list
• Students check the boxes that are
• Students justify why the example is
correct or incorrect in the
justification portion
• Teacher corrects misconceptions and
verifies correct answers
Biology: Justified List
•Biomolecule – an organic molecule produced by living
organisms and consisting
•predominantly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
•Carbohydrates – a group of organic molecules that includes
sugars, starch, and cellulose, which can be used for energy or
structural support
•Enzyme – a protein that catalyzes (speeds up) a reaction
without being changed by it
•Lipids – a group of organic molecules that includes fats, oils,
waxes, and steroids that are insoluble in water and used for
energy storage and insulation
•Nucleic acids – a group of organic molecules that includes DNA
and RNA, which store and transmit genetic information
•Proteins – a group of organic molecules that provides structure
and facilitates chemical reactions (enzymes)
Chemistry: Vocabulary dominoes
• Teacher/Students populate the Squares
with vocab
• Student groups of 3-4
• Left of the dealer goes first and
plays the spinner
• Each student must play a card off of
the spinner or a previous card and say
why those cards can/should touch –
group must agree to play it
• Animate with ChatterPix
Chemistry: Vocabulary dominoes
•Chemical change – a change in the chemical composition and
identity of a substance
•Chemical property – a characteristic of a pure substance that
describes how it interacts with other substances
•Extensive property – a physical property that depends on the
amount of matter present
•Intensive property – a physical property that does not depend on
the amount of substance present
•Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space
•Physical change – a change that alters a substance without
changing its chemical composition or its identity
•Physical property – a characteristic of a pure substance that can
be observed or measured without changing the substance’s
chemical identity
Reactivity – tendency of a substance to undergo chemical
physics: Vocabulary Pyramid
Kinematics in one dimension and graphing motion
•Acceleration – vector quantity that measures the rate of change in
•Average velocity – total displacement divided by time
•Displacement – vector quantity which refers to an object’s change in
position (final position – initial position)
•Distance – scalar quantity that refers to the total length traveled
•Frame of reference – the perspective from which motion is observed
•Instantaneous velocity – vector quantity that refers to the velocity at any
single point in time
•Kinematics – the study of how things move
•Magnitude – absolute value describing quantity, not direction
•Scalar – physical quantity that has a magnitude only
•Speed – scalar quantity that refers to the distance traveled per unit time
•Vector – physical quantity that has both a magnitude and a direction
•Velocity – vector quantity that measures rate of change of position of an