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Earth Systems and Resources Quiz 2
1) Five hundred million years ago, basaltic lava flowed in an area now known as Monticello,
the historic home of Thomas Jefferson. Some of this rock has since re-crystallized under intense
heat and pressure and then has been eroded by wind and rain. The order of the rock cycle in this
case is BEST described as
A) metamorphic, igneous, sedimentary.
B) igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.
C) igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary.
D) metamorphic, sedimentary, igneous.
2) Marble is formed when intense heat and pressure is applied to limestone. What type of rock
is marble?
A) metamorphic
C) extrusive igneous
B) sedimentary
D) intrusive igneous
3) More than a billion years ago, the continent of Africa hit North America, generating
enormous pressure and heat while pushing up the Blue Ridge Mountains to a height of 30,000
feet. Most of these mountains have since been worn away by wind, rain, and the growth of
living organisms. The order of the rock cycle in this case is BEST described as
A) Igneous  sedimentary.
B) Metamorphic  igneous.
C) Igneous  metamorphic.
D) Metamorphic  sedimentary.
4) Granite is a coarse or medium-grained rock that is rich in quartz and feldspar. It is formed
when bodies of magma cool and harden deep below the earth. What type of rock is granite?
A) metamorphic
B) sedimentary
C) extrusive igneous
D) intrusive igneous
5) Metamorphic rock is changed into igneous rock by
A) weathering and erosion.
B) sedimentation and lithification.
C) heat, pressure, and chemical activity.
D) melting followed by cooling and solidification.
6) If you were to travel from the surface to the center of Earth, the temperature would
A) increase minimally.
B) stay about the same.
C) increase dramatically.
D) decrease dramatically.
7) According to the
information in the diagram,
which layer of the Earth is
A) Crust
B) Mantle
C) Outer core
D) Inner core
8) Ocean trenches are formed when
A) two oceanic plates slide past each other.
B) an oceanic plate goes under another oceanic plate.
C) two oceanic plates grind past each other along transform faults.
D) two oceanic plates hit each other causing both plates to rise up.
9) What geological forces might be responsible for
this range of mountains?
A) diverging tectonic plates
B) converging tectonic plate
C) erosion of the land by the ocean
D) deposition of sediments by the ocean
10) Which is a result of seafloor spreading?
A) magma piles up on top of the plates involved
B) the plates involved are cracked on the surface
earthquakes occur along the edge of
the larger plate
the plates involved grow in size as
the ocean floor extends
11) How does tension affect rock?
A) Tension pulls rock apart.
C) Tension causes folded mountains.
B) Tension pushes rock masses together. D) Tension causes reverse faults.
12) Compression is a kind of stress that causes the formation of
A) volcanoes.
B) fault-block mountains.
C) folded mountains.
D) a rift valley.
13) Different events on Earth are associated with different tectonic plate boundaries. Which
events are associated with transform plate boundaries?
A) folded mountains
B) faults and earthquakes
C) trenches and island arcs
D) volcanoes and sea floor spreading
14) Which of these pieces of evidence did NOT help in the development of the theory of plate
A) The outlines of the different continents look like they could fit together like puzzle pieces.
B) Similar fossil evidence has been found on continents separated by great distances.
C) Nearly identical rock formations were found on the east coast of the U.S. and the west
coast of Europe.
D) No mountains in the world are increasing in size.
15) What name did Alfred Wegener give to the supercontinent that once existed 200-300
million years ago?
A) Pangaea
B) Eurasia
C) Panthalassa
D) Permian
16) The gap between two diverging plates is called a
A) spread.
B) ridge.
C) rift.
D) valley.
17) Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, two tectonic plates are moving away from each other. In this
area, earthquakes likely occur along
A) reverse-slip faults.
B) strike-slip faults.
C) reverse faults.
D) normal faults
18) Earthquakes are caused
A) by slow, steady movement in the lithosphere.
B) by slow, steady movement in the asthenosphere.
C) by sudden movement along a fault.
D) when movement along a fault stops.
19) Some convergent boundaries form subduction zones. Along what kind of fault are most of
the earthquakes likely to occur along these boundaries?
A)horizontal faults
B) strike-slip faults
C) normal faults
D) reverse faults
20) Normal faults are the result of stress that
A)pulls rocks apart.
B) pushes rocks together.
C) pushes rocks horizontally.
D) pulls rocks horizontally.
21) When an earthquake occurs, the first seismic waves to reach a nearby city are
A) primary waves.
B) secondary waves.
C) surface waves.
D) tertiary waves .
22) The point on Earth’s surface directly above where the energy is released in an earthquake is
A) aftershock.
B) epicenter.
C) primary wave.
D) seismic station.
23) Secondary waves can travel through
A) lakes
B) oceans
C) air
D) rocks
24) Seismograms from how many different seismic stations are needed to locate an
earthquake’s epicenter?
A) three
B) two
C) one
D) none
25) Which seismic wave type causes the most ground motion to occur?
A) primary waves
B) secondary waves
C) tertiary waves
D) surface waves