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Mary Shihata
Diana Morgan
Nichole McKay
Emily Gilsdorf
Skylar Ellery
Michael Springer
• Buddhism is a
nontheistic religion
• Siddhartha Gautama
AKA Buddha
• Buddha means "the
awakened one”
• There is no God as an
eternal deity.
• Gautama, the founder
of Buddhism, did not
claim to be divine
Basic Beliefs
The four noble truths
There is suffering.
There is cause for suffering.
There is cessation of suffering.
There is path leading to the
cessation of suffering.
Samsara, karma, nirvana, rebirth
The purpose of life is to end suffering.
The Noble Eightfold Path
Right view right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood
right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration
• Practice it at home or
at a temple
• His followers were never
expected to treat him
as a god
• His followers practice
what he believed in
and how he thought
they should live every
• Meditation, mostly
practiced by Zen
• Mudras, Symbolic
hand gestures
• Most rituals were
combined with another
religion depending on
the area (China,
Japan, and Southeast
• Vesak is the birthday of
the Buddha and the most
important festival in
• The Elephant festival is
held to show that a tame
elephant can help to
tame a wild one to say
that an older one should
guide a new Buddhist.
• Once a year in august,
on the night of a full
moon, a procession is
held for one of Buddha’s
teeth held in a great
• It was believed that
women were able to
achieve enlightenment
and go to nirvana, just
as men were. They were
perceived as equal and
had religious freedom
as well as entrance to
the Holy Order.
Texts and Books
• Cannon and noncanonical texts
• Cannon = words and
teachings of Buddha
• non-canonical = simply
commentaries on the
Canon text
• Ex. of non-canonical,
The Tripitaka (Pali
Mahayana Sutras
the Tibetan Book of
the Dead.
Sent out missionary efforts to
spread Buddhism to other
places, including many Indian
sub-continents such as Burma
and Sri Lanka.
Founder of Buddhist logic
Missionary and translator of the
Buddhist tradition, he spent a
considerable amount of time
"on mission" in china.
Origin and Diffusion
• Buddhism wasn’t hardly
thought of 483 BCE
• The first council was a main
part of the origin of
Buddhism. This group
gathered at the council and
separated into two schools,
the Mahasamghikas and the
• At the Third Council the
Buddhists gathered and split
into a third school, the
• These separations are known
as the Great Schisms.
Contact with other
• Buddhism and Hinduism
had a great deal of
contact up until, and
even after, 600 C.E.
because both "religions"
originated in the Indian
and Chinese regions of
• Both religions believe in
practicing peace.
Similarities and
• Hinduism and
Buddhism believe in
reincarnation based on
a person's actions in
the present life.
• Buddhism preaches
the practice of treating
everyone kindly, just as
Christianity does.
• Buddhism, however,
does not have many
shared aspects with
other religions, seeing
as how Buddhism is not
a religion and is more
of a philosophy.
"A Basic Buddhism Guide: 5 Minute Introduction." A Basic Buddhism Guide: 5 Minute Introduction. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"A Basic Buddhism Guide: What Is Buddhism?" Buddhist Studies. Buddha Dharma Education Association & Buddhanet. Web. 16
Sept. 2014.
"About Buddhism." About Buddhism. N.p., 2007. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"Basics of Buddhism." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
"Buddhism: Chronology and History." Faculty Web Pages. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014
"Buddhist Holidays & Festivals." Buddhist Holidays. Dreamweaver. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.
"Buddhist Studies: Asoka." Buddhist Studies: Asoka. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"Buddhist Studies: Buddhism & Women: Position of Women." Buddhist Studies: Buddhism & Women: Position of Women. N.p., n.d.
Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
Gunasekara, Dr V. A. "The Buddhist Attitude to God.” BuddhaSasana. Multi-religious Seminar, 1 Feb. 1993. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
Laden, Jennifer, and Patrick Whelan. Ap World History 2015. N.p:n.p., n.d. Print
Penny, Sue. Buddhism. Austin, TX: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1997. Print
Robinson, B.A. "Religions of the World.” Ontario Consultants, 8 July 2013. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"Sacred Texts in World Religions." Sacred Texts: Buddhist Sacred Texts: The Sutras. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.