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Study Guide Review
1. Cuneiform
The Sumerians wrote on clay like tablets. Their
writing was in the shape of wedge like
2. The Egyptian sun god
The Egyptians were polytheistic, which means
they worshiped many different gods.
3. The Israelites God
The Israelites believed that by saying God and
later Jesus' name out loud they were being
4. Torah Covenant
Israelites believed that God made a covenant or
agreement with them to return them to the
promise land of Canaan if they obeyed his
laws. Much like the Covenant that God will
return for his people one day and welcome
them into Heaven.
5. Phoenician Alphabet
The Greeks borrowed their alphabet from the
Phoenicians and we (the western civilization)
borrowed our alphabet from the Greeks.
6. The Great Pyramids
The Great Pyramids were built in Giza for King
Kufu. Pyramids were used to bury Pharaohs
7. Hieroglyphics
Egyptians writing could be found in many
different places. It was normally written on
walls and later papyrus paper. Egyptian
writing is a series of pictures that mean
different things.
8. Cats
Cats in Egypt were revered and thought of as
highly as gods.
9. Jews and Christians
During ancient times not many religions
believed in one God. However, Jews,
Christians and the Ancient Israelites have this
in common.
10. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Gardens were built in Babylon which is
present day Iraq. The gardens were built by
Nebuchadnezzar for his wife.
11. Joshua
After Moses died, Joshua is going to lead the
Israelites into Canaan. He was believed to
have lived until her was 110. He was alive the
late part of the Bronze Age. He also led the
Israelites at the victory at the wall of Jericho.
12. Trojan War
Homer wrote the Iliad about the Trojan War. His
sequel to the book, The Odyssey, was about
the heroes return home.
13. Cave Walls
During the Stone Age people expressed
themselves by painting pictures on cave walls.
This is how we have records of activity from
this time period.
14. The farming revolution
When people began to farm, this brought an
end the nomadic lifestyle. People no longer
had to move from place to place in search of
food. They grew it themselves.
15. Both had major rivers and both depended
on this river to flood to produce fertile soil.
Egypt and Mesopotamia relied on the flooding
of the Nile/ Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to
produce fertile soil for their crops.
16. 30
16. 4000 miles long
The Nile River runs throughout Egypt and
provides the country with water. This is
important because most of Egypt is covered
by deserts.
17. Read and Write
Many people were unable to read and write
through much of history. Because of scribes
from ancient times, we are able to have an
account of what life was like.
Yes we said this already its on your
exam 2 times!!
18. Phoenician Alphabet
The Greeks borrowed their alphabet from the
Phoenicians and we (the western civilization)
borrowed our alphabet from the Greeks.
19. 40 years
After the Israelites left Egypt they wondered in
the desert for about 40 years until they
reached the promise land.
20. Organized Government, Art, Religion, Class
Division, Cities, writing system
21. Hosea
22. Minoan
23. Gilgamesh
24. Sumerians
The Sumerians are credited for inviting many
different items. One of which is the wheel.
25. Paleolithic
The Stone Age is sometimes called the
Paleolithic time period. This is the time period
in which cavemen existed.
26. Protect Greece from the Persians
The Persian king Darius and his son Xerxes made
it their mission to take over Greece. The
Greeks met the Persians in many wars.
Including the famous war Battle of
27. Phillip II
Although Phillip adored Greece he wanted to
take them over to build a stronger army
against the Persians
28. Athena
Each god and goddess of the Greeks had
different talents and jobs to carry out.
29. Conquering them , bribing them and asking
Phillip II from Macedonia adored everything
about Greece. He decided to take them over
in hopes that with a united force they could
ward off the Persians.
30. Euclid
King Ptolemy asked if Euclid could teach him an
easy way to learn geometry. Euclid made fun
of him by saying their was no royal way.
Meaning he couldn’t get a free ride on
31. Corinthian
Greek columns are still used today… especially in
the western world.
32. Jacob
Jacobs sons formed the 12 tribes of Israel. Later
they will split and 10 will form Israel. The
other 2 will form Judah.
33. Pigs
Circe believed men to be no better than
animals. So, she turned all the men on
Odysseus’ crew into pigs.
34. The Underworld
Circe told Odysseys he had to travel into the
underworld to talk to a dead blind prophet
and that this prophet could tell him how to
get home.
35. 12
However by the end of his journey he does not
even have one ship.
Poseidon is the reason why Odysseus is having a
hard time getting home. Poseidon is angry
with Odysseus because he blinded his son.
37. Penelope
Penelope was faithful and waited on Odysseus
for 20 years.
38. The Trojan War
39. Ithaca
40. Hittites
41. Herodutus
42. Giza
43. Comedy and Tragedies
44. Alexander the Great
45. Oligarchy
Sparta had an oligarchy government. Very few
countries use this form of government
46. Epicureans
This group was started by the philosopher
This is known as the Exodus. Moses believed he
was led by God to free the Israelites from
captivity in Egypt.
48. Abraham
49. Stone Age/ or Pre History
50. Assyrians
51. Fire
52. Hatshepsut
Was the first female pharaoh. After her death,
the Egyptians tried to erase every sign she had
existed. In drawings and statues of her, she is
depicted as a man. With a male head dressing
and a beard.
53. Hippocratic
This is the oath that doctors still take today. It is
known as the Hippocratic Oath. It says a
doctor will do no harm.
54. Hereditary
Today when we think of this we think of
inheritance but during ancient times when a
parent died they passed on their title or status
tp their child and this is known as hereditary.
56. Wheel
57. Trade
58. Pericles
59. Sargon
60. The center of the universe
61. Fertile soil and the development of
62. Cross out… every civilization we have studied
worshiped at least one god.
63. Enslaved people
64. Iron ore deposits
65. Prophet
66. Judaism
67. Daniel
68. Amenhotep
69. Alexander the Great (yes you have used him
before… you are using him again)
70. Socrates
Socrates was a philosopher in Athens. He taught
people to question everything including the
government. Obviously the government in
Athens did not like this and sentenced him to
death for corrupting the youth of Athens.
71. David
David was anointed in secret to be the king of
Israel. Saul was the king at the time and
Samuel was afraid Saul would have him killed.
After Saul dies, David becomes the known
72. Were like mortals but had powers. They did
not believe they were all powerful.
They believed they fought with each other, had
children and married.