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1. What is the definition of metabolic rate?
2. Name 3 factors that affect your metabolic rate.
3. What are the 4 components of digestion?
4. What enzyme is present in saliva? What does it digest?
5. What are 2 advantages to having gastrointestinal tract vs. having a gastrovascular cavity?
6. What is the food called as it leaves the mouth? as it leave the stomach?
7. In humans, physical digestion occurs in 2 different places along the alimentary canal.
Describe the 2 instances of physical digestion.
8. What causes the food to move along the esophagus?
9. What are the 5 major nutrients other than water that we need to consume to survive?
10. What 2 structures increase the internal surface area of the small intestine by 500 times?
11. Name all of the organs that food passes through (in order) in the human digestive system,
starting with the mouth.
12. Name 3 accessory organs to the digestive system.
13. Name the 2 muscles that allow food into and out of the stomach.
14. What are the 3 components of gastric juices in the stomach and what do they do?
15. What is an ulcer?
16. What muscles contract when you vomit?
17. The presence of acid in the duodenum (small intestine) causes a chemical signal to be
sent to the pancreas. What does the pancreas release that neutralizes the acid?
18. Name 3 substances that are secreted by the cells of the small intestine.
19. What are the average dimensions (length and diameter) of an adult small intestine? What
length of it is the duodenum?
20. The 3 sections of the small intestine are: the duodenum, the _______ and the _______.
What part of the digestive process occurs in the last 2 sections?
21. Where is bile produced and where is it stored?
1. the rate at which the body converts stored energy into working energy
2. Any 3 of: body size (larger, higher); physical activity (more active, higher); sex (males
higher); age (older, lower); hereditary factors (higher or lower)
3. ingestion, digestion, absorption, egestion
4. amylase; starts digestion of starch
5. -cells in the alimentary call can be organized into highly specialized organs for digestion
-more efficient at digesting foods & absorbing nutrients
6. bolus; chyme
7. -mouth: teeth chew food
-stomach: muscles contract frequently to break apart food
-small intestine: bile emulsifies fat
8. peristalsis (rhythmic contractions of muscles)
9. carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (fats), vitamins & minerals
10. villi & microvilli
11. mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus
12. liver, pancreas, gall bladder, salivary glands...
13. sphincters (gastroesophageal sphincter and pyloric sphincter)
14. mucus: protects the lining of the stomach from acid & enzymes
hydrocholoric acid: kills pathogens, activates pepsinogen
pepsinogen: when activated, digests proteins
15. a lesion or open sore in the lining of the stomach; usually caused by a species of bacteria
16. the abdominal muscles & the diaphragm
17. bicarbonate ions
18. -prosecretin (is converted into secretin and signals the pancreas)
-enterokinase (converts trypsinogen to trypsin)
-erepsins (protein-digesting enzymes)
-bicarbonate ions
-pancreatic lipases (break down fats)
19. 2.5 cm in diameter * up to 7 metres long
duodenum is about 25-30 cm long
20. jejunum & ileum; absorption of nutrients occurs here
21. bile is produced in the liver, stored in the gall bladder