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Year 6
Earth and Space Sciences
Dynamic Earth
Structure of the Earth
Plate Tectonics
Table of Contents
Lesson 1 – Engage
Lesson 2 – Explore
Lesson 3 – Explain
Lesson 4 – Explain
Lesson 5 – Elaborate
Lesson 6 – Evaluate
Student Misconceptions
Potential Misconceptions
Australian Curriculum
Teacher Background
Appendix A – B
Appendix C – D
Appendix E – F
Appendix G
Reference List
5 E’s
Lesson 1
Lesson Description
Teacher will show short clips of the following:
A volcano erupting.
An earthquake shaking stuff about – e.g. NZ 2011
Christchurch earthquake.
The Himalaya Mountains.
The March 2011 Japanese tsunami.
Teacher will keep a learning
log of the unit - to be used
for summative assessment.
Computer access to
1: Round Robin
Students will participate in a round robin activity (4 students to
a group.
Students write their individual thoughts and then
collaborate with their group members to come up with
agreed explanations.
A group speaker will read out students answers during the
group discussion.
Lesson 2
Student Notebooks
Question – these clips are all related to each
other. The clips showed a volcano, an earthquake,
a mountain range and a tsunami. What caused
these events to occur? How are these things
Question – what do you think is meant by the
term “continental drift” – what do you know
Cloze worksheet
about it? How does it relate to the clips you saw?
Students will complete CLOZE activity (See
appendix A).
2: Scientific Method in action
Teacher will show students the following map (See
appendix B).
Question: Who has heard of tectonic plate theory
before? Any ideas what it may be and how it is related to
earthquakes/ volcanoes/ mountains?
Picture of world map
Teacher will summarise tectonic plate theory (another
later lesson will explain this theory in detail): is the theory
that the Earth’s lithosphere is made up of plates, which
have moved throughout Earth’s history. The theory
explains the how and why behind mountains, volcanoes,
and earthquakes, as well as how, long ago, similar animals
could have lived at the same time on what are now widely
separated continents. This map shows all the major plates.
Experiment: Help students to visualise what might change on
the earth’s surface when the tectonic plates move.
Styrofoam Cups
Divide students into groups of two partners.
Have every group fill a pie pan with 1 inch of water.
Pass out a Styrofoam cup to each child.
Have each student tear the cup into about 12 pieces
to represent the major tectonic plates underlying the
earth’s surface, and float them on the water, in turns.
They have just modelled the lithosphere—the place
deep below the surface of the earth where the
tectonic plates are located. In the real lithosphere,
the tectonic plates are floating on magma. Here they
are floating on water.
5. Students should gently experiment with their
Styrofoam tectonic plates. First, they should pull
them apart. Ask them, “What do you see in the space
where the Styrofoam pieces once touched?” (Water.
In real life, this is magma.) What might it create?
6. Now, students should gently bump two plates
together. Ask them, “What might happen on the
surface from a bump like this below? Could it push
magma into a mountain range? Cause an
earthquake?” (Yes.)
7. Now, students should push one plate under the other
(water squirts a bit). Tell students, “Remember, water
is magma in our model. So what might you get here
on earth from magma shooting up—a volcano?”
8. Now model the Haiti earthquake that struck in
January 2010. It was caused by the motions of two
plates grinding past each other in opposite directions.
In the case of Haiti, the Caribbean plate moved east
past the North American plate. It’s called a strike-slip
9. Ask students to experiment for five minutes in
different ways with all 12 plates. Ask them to think of
what would happen on the surface.
10. Now, ask students to turn to the nearest person who
isn’t their partner and show him/her one plate
interaction. The partners should interpret it—that is
tell what happens on the surface when tectonic plates
behave the way you have shown them. Then students
should trade places.
Teacher will give students a handout (See appendix C) that
they will label each tectonic plate – this will help students
see how many plates the world has. Teacher will guide
students and help them to understand the locations of the
tectonic plates, volcanos and the boundaries (this will lead
into the next lesson).
Lesson 3
3: Different types of Plate Movement
Divergence, Convergence, and Lateral Slipping
At the boundaries of the plates, various deformations occur as
the plates interact; they separate from one another (seafloor
spreading), collide (forming mountain ranges), slip past one
another (subduction zones, in which plates undergo destruction
and remelting), and slip laterally.
Divergent Plate Movement: Seafloor Spreading
Seafloor spreading is the movement of two oceanic plates
away from each other (at a divergent plate boundary), which
results in the formation of new oceanic crust (from magma
that comes from within the Earth's mantle) along a mid-ocean
ridge. Where the oceanic plates are moving away from each
other is called a zone of divergence. Ocean floor spreading
was first suggested by Harry Hess and Robert Dietz in the
Convergent Plate Movement:
When two plates collide (at a convergent plate boundary),
some crust is destroyed in the impact and the plates become
smaller. The results differ, depending upon what types of
plates are involved.
Oceanic Plate and Continental Plate - When a thin, dense
oceanic plate collides with a relatively light, thick continental
plate, the oceanic plate is forced under the continental plate;
this phenomenon is called subduction.
Two Oceanic Plates - When two oceanic plates collide, one
may be pushed under the other and magma from the mantle
rises, forming volcanoes in the vicinity.
Two Continental Plates - When two continental plates collide,
mountain ranges are created as the colliding crust is
compressed and pushed upwards.
Lateral Slipping Plate Movement:
When two plates move sideways against each other (at a
transform plate boundary), there is a tremendous amount of
friction which makes the movement jerky. The plates slip,
then stick as the friction and pressure build up to incredible
levels. When the pressure is released suddenly, and the plates
suddenly jerk apart, this is an earthquake.
Hands on activity:
Start by watching the Plate Tectonics
Computer Access
Then, have students wash their hands, and hand them a candy
bar that has several layers. Snickers, Milky Way, and Twix will
work best. After they open their candy bars, instruct students to
use a plastic knife to make cracks in the chocolate. These cracks
represent fault lines. Explain to them how these fault lines are
the meeting places of large plates, which are represented by the
chocolate. Next, have your children demonstrate the following
tectonic movements:
One candy bar for each child
Plastic knives
Tension: Have students pull the ends of their candy bars
Compression: Have students push the ends of their
candy bars together.
Shearing: Have students move the two halves of the
candy bars opposite one another.
As they experiment with each type of movement, have your
children discuss the changes they see in the layers of the candy,
which represent the layers of the Earth. Explain that the
movement of the plates causes, rifts, mountains, and
This environmental science activity for kids will demonstrate the
power of plate tectonics. An important concept, this idea will
explain the occurrence of earthquakes, the development of
mountains, and the appearance of rifts along the ocean floor.
Lesson 4
4: Continental puzzle
Use of Appendix D
A recap discussion will be held about plate tectonics and the
different forms of plate movements. From here, the teacher will
engage in discussion regarding Alfred Wegener’s theory of
continental drift and how he believed all of the Earth’s
continents used to form one single landmass or supercontinent,
known as Pangea. Wegener’s theory implies that over millions
of years these landmasses have gradually separated,
establishing the 7 distinct continents we know today. Up until
the 1950’s and 60’s Wegener’s theory was rejected, as it
seemed impossible, to others, for such vast areas to move.
A world Map
As a group discuss questions such as:
1 “How do you think Wegener may have come to
this theory to begin with?”
2 “Why do you think his theory was rejected for so
Writing tools (Paper, pen)
(additional work, might be
too complex and need
3 “What were some of the examples that lead
Wegener to believe the continents used to be
Have the students discuss their thoughts in small groups.
Review results as a class
Wegener saw the continents as large puzzle pieces that used to
fit together.
He used the location of discovered flora and fauna fossils from
separate continents, to further his belief that it was impossible
for these animals to have evolved together unless they used to
live on the same landmass
Have the students complete the continental puzzle activity. In
groups, students should be debating the fossil evidence shown
on the puzzle pieces. They should reflect on their prior
knowledge of how to use evidence. They will discuss and reach
consensus about how to put the puzzle together and be able to
defend their choices. They will record their findings and ideas in
their notebooks, including how they made their decision and
why they made their decision.
Apply scientific inquiries and technological designs to examine
Earth’s lithosphere and its changes, using the rock cycle
remnants, soil formation and tectonic movements, and fossil
Expand this conversation toward different planetary constructs,
such as Mars. After discussion has been made regarding Earth’s
own plate tectonics (Australia moving about 6cm a year, plate
movement, heat, etc.), discuss with the class if a planet such as
Mars would have plate tectonics or any evidence of continental
drift. (This activity could be made as an external or additional
homework task).
Lesson 5
Lesson 5: Tectonics and Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
In the elaborate phase students need to extend and deepen
their understanding of plate tectonics and apply their
knowledge to a range of situations.
Students need to apply the knowledge they have gained in
previous classes, to understand volcanic and seismic activity in
Australia. A brief YouTube clip can be shown to the class to
refresh them of the different forms of volcanoes. Australia has
an abundance of mineral resources resulting from past volcanic
Access to Google Earth
Different types of volcanoes
activity, and an abundance of coastal rainforests and rich,
fertile, volcanic soil. A bit of time spent in the classroom
discussing Australian volcanic history could be followed by an
excursion to a local post volcanic area (such as the glass house
mountains). If an excursion is not possible, Google Earth could
be used to view the map from above which can lead to a
fantastic information area containing information about the
mountains and accompanying pictures.
The Gold Coast has a rich indigenous past and our indigenous
population view our volcanoes quite differently – This segment
could be crossed with a social studies class to investigate how
local indigenous people regard the volcanic region. Indigenous
presenters are available through the Minjungbal Aboriginal
Museum in Tweed Heads, Gold Coast.
Show students the News report of a magnitude 5 earthquake
that hit just Near Perth in 2010.
Think: Pair: Share – why does Australia have
earthquakes when we are not on a tectonic plate
boundary (formative assessment to ensure students
understand the concept of minor fault lines)?
Think: Pair: Share – Australia has many dormant and
extinct volcanoes, yet we are not on a tectonic plate
boundary – what kind of volcanoes are the volcanoes in
Australia likely to be? (Appendix E). What kind of lava
are they likely to produce the most? (This will get
students to apply their information about hotspots and
basalt lava to form shield volcanoes).
Concept map:
 Students need to help compile a concept map on the
board about what they know about Earthquakes
 What large earthquakes do you know about in
Australia’s history?
 Prompt students by asking, what is meant by a large
earthquake? I.e. applying their knowledge of magnitude
of earthquakes.
 Provide students with a map of Australia, with its fault
lines, for their log books.
 Question and document where the students’ believe the
greatest risk of earthquakes would take place in
Appendix E + F
Once sufficient time has been given to complete the fault line
activity, show the students an earthquake hazard map of
Australia, developed by Geoscience Australia.
Students will be instructed to research the Geoscience Australia
website and answer the following questions in their log books
(may be done in pairs).
Have any earthquakes occurred in Australia in the past
24 hours? Week, etc.? If so what were their magnitudes?
Does the area match up with areas of high fault lines on
your map?
What earthquakes have occurred in the surrounding
regions near Australia?
Are these earthquakes more frequent or of higher
magnitude? WHY do you think seismic activity is higher
in this region?
Check the Earthquake Historic Events to see the
significant earthquakes in Australia’s history and the
Tsunami events to see tsunami activity.
These events have triggered an increase in funding for
seismic monitoring and tsunami warning systems, what
other role does the government play in the impact of
natural disasters?
Additional questions can be modelled around the website, for
instance the inclusion of a more frequently hit area such as
Thailand and what the magnitudes of those readings are.
Reflect as a class on what was discovered in the lesson.
Question students on what they learnt. Did
anything surprise you? Updates to the class concept map should
be made with the help of the class.
Lesson 6
Lesson 6: Outline to the students that they are a scientist
reporting to the government on a natural disaster. You, and
your partner, will prepare a 5-6 minute long presentation
(PowerPoint or Multimedia) on the event.
The presentation should include:
1. What occurred and When
2. Where the disaster was situated on a map and pictures/
video footage
3. Why/ how the disaster occurred (include an overview of
tectonics behind the disaster and any other related
important science – e.g. type of volcano, why tsunamis
occur etc.)
4. What warning devices were in place and what could
have been done to reduce the impact of the disaster?
Students will work in pairs for this activity and will be allocated a
natural disaster (one of the list below) to investigate – time will
be provided in class and you should also spend time outside
school hours to prepare your presentation.
Natural Disasters:
Mt Krakatoa, Indonesia – August 26-28, 1883 – Volcanic
eruption/ tsunami
Tohoku, Japan – March 11, 2011 – Earthquake/ tsunami
Indian Ocean, Sumatra, Indonesia – December 26, 2004
– Earthquake/ tsunami
Nevado del Ruiz, Columbia – November 13, 1985 –
Volcanic eruption/ mudslide
Christchurch, New Zealand – February 22, 2011 –
Earthquake/ liquefaction
Mount Pelée, Martinique – April 23 – May 8, 1932 –
Volcanic eruption/Pyroclastic flow
Students will present these Disaster Reports – likely to take 1 ½
lessons each. There will be a short discussion time after each
presentation and presentations are to go for around 5-6 mins
(give or take 1 min). Presentations will be marked according to
the rubric.
In the end of the final class of the unit, time will be taken for
students to reflect on their learning. The original diagnostic
assessment questions from the first lesson will be revisited, and
students will reflect on how their answers have changed. The
teacher will ask students what they liked most and least about
the unit, what they found the most interesting and
what surprised them the most. Students will be asked to reflect
on what they would like to know more about and any other
Student Misconceptions about Plate Tectonics:
Only continents move (Wegener’s original concept, along with the common use of
‘Continental Drift’ term in general texts, secondary education earth science films,
Plate movement is imperceptible on a human timeframe (common use of fingernail
growth analogy is only true for slowest plates and underestimates importance of
Earthquakes occur from collapse of hollow spaces in the earth
The earth’s core is hollow, or large hollow spaces occur deep within Earth
Wind blowing through subterranean passages causes earthquakes
Continental ‘shelves’ are similar to shelves in homes, extend out over edge of
continent and can break and collapse to form tsunamis (so Boxing Day tsunami was
due to shelf collapse)
All mountains are volcanoes
Earthquakes are rare events
The ground cracks opens during an earthquake to swallow people and buildings
(comes from human centred approach)
Earth shaking is deadly (as opposed to building collapse, tsunamis, landslides, fire,
etc.) (Taylor, M Ford, B. 2006).
Potential Misconceptions (if lessons are not taught properly):
Crust and Lithosphere (or plates) are synonymous terms.
The edge of a continent is the same thing as a plate boundary.
Most crust motions (especially those associated with processes of mountain building
or deep sea trench formation) are due to vertical motions, not lateral (i.e. it is the
lateral movement of plates that causes the mountains – not that there is vertical
movement to cause them.
Divergent ocean ridges are due to vertical uplift or convergence, rather than
divergence (In students’ experience, buckling is usually due to convergence or uplift,
not heat/density differences, so illustrations of ridges do not readily fit with a pulling
apart motion).
Present oceans only began as Pangea broke apart – tied to general idea that Pangea
was the original continent at the Earth’s start (few educational earth science films
mention what came before Pangea & emphasis on Atlantic spreading leads to Pacific
being overlooked).
Over time there has been no significant change in ratio of oceanic to continental
areas (idea of stasis is a common misconception, but this was also part of Lyell’s
original concept).
Seismic waves involve the long distance net motion of particles (Taylor, M Ford, B.
Australian Curriculum links:
Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earth’s surface
Investigating major geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and
tsunamis in Australia, the Asia region and throughout the world
Recognising that earthquakes can cause tsunamis
Describing how people measure significant geological events
Exploring ways that scientific understanding can assist in natural disaster
management to minimise both long and short term effects
Considering the effect of drought on living and nonliving aspects of the environment
Our learning module on Plate Tectonics encompasses many, if not all of the elaborations
found in the year 6 Earth and Space Sciences section, as seen above. The first lesson
(Engage) touches on events such as Earthquakes, Volcanic activity and tsunamis, through a
variety of different methods. Initially this is displayed to the students via visual imagery and
further exemplified when they are made to discuss and document how they think the
events are occurring amongst their peers. This lesson structures the unit to come regarding
tectonics, as they will learn it is due to the movement of said plates that causes these events
to occur.
The second lesson (Explore) focuses primarily on the Earth’s lithosphere followed by
discussion and hands on practice regarding the plate tectonics around the Earth. This
lessons sets in place a precursor for Wegner’s Theory of continental drift and can be linked
to scientific understanding and exploration. Further discussion could broaden this topic to
include what scientific means are going into monitoring the movements of the plates.
The third lesson (Explain) focuses heavily on how the different surfaces of the Earth are
shaped via plate movement. This lesson draws attention to how volcanic formations are
created both above ground and below, as well as earthquake activity that takes place over
the globe, drawing back to, in particular Australia and New Zealand. Additionally, the hands
on lesson, allows students to appreciate that the Earth’s subsurface is comprised of a variety
of different formations and rock types. Again this particular lesson draws attention to how
events take place.
Lesson four introduces Wegner’s theory of continental drift. This allows students to think
scientifically about Wegner’s justification for his theory and discuss why the scientists at the
time may have rejected his claims. Additionally, the concept of external planets such as
Mars and its formation is questioned, drawing on drought discussions and environmental
Lesson 5, utilises ICT allowing students to discover different methods to measure global
events, such as earthquakes. Furthermore, this lesson makes use of fault line readings,
furthering the student’s understanding on the likeliness of earthquakes taking place in
particular regions.
The final lesson for the unit, lesson 6, draws on all the knowledge the students have
accumulated and allows them to formulate their own discussion topic regarding a particular
real life disaster event.
All of these lessons draw on the Australian curriculum’s general capabilities, through a
variety of different approaches. The unit is consistently using multimodal techniques to
engage and include different strengths and abilities, whether through visual, kinaesthetic or
digital means, inclusion is made for a variety of learners. This science unit further delves into
energy transfer from different physical bodies and systems (volcanism, subduction,
convergence, divergence, lateral slipping, earthquakes, etc.). Students begin to see the role
of variables in measuring changes and learn how look for patterns and relationships
between variables. They develop explanations for the patterns they observe, drawing on
Furthermore, this unit incorporates a variety of cross curricular elements including, history
(aboriginal volcanic relevance), a variety of different linguistic skills, both in a written and
verbal capacity, and mathematical elements such as longitude and latitudinal plotting when
using apps such as Google Earth.
Teacher Background Knowledge:
As an educator of science it is important to
completely understand the topic you are
teaching. According to the theory of plate
tectonics the Earth's crust is composed of a
number of individual plates that change shape
and position over time. Geophysical evidence
indicates that the face of Earth's surface has
changed significantly since its initial formation
and that the plates on which the continents are
located are in constant motion. The movement
of the plates is responsible for the formation of ocean basins, mountain ranges, islands,
volcanoes, and earthquakes. Important concepts in the theory of plate tectonics include the
The ocean floors are continually moving — spreading from the center, sinking at the edges,
and being regenerated.
Convection currents beneath the plates are responsible for plate movement.
The source of energy responsible for generating the heat and convection currents that
move the plates is most likely radioactivity deep in Earth's mantle (Carter, F. 2011).
You wouldn’t recognise the Earth if you could see it 225 million years ago. Back then, all the
major continents formed one giant supercontinent; called Pangaea.
Perhaps initiated by heat building up underneath the vast continent, Pangaea
began to rift, or split apart, around 200 million years ago. Oceans filled the
areas between these new sub-continents. The land masses continued to move
apart, riding on separate plates, until they reached the positions they currently
occupy. These continents are still on the move today.
Exactly what drives plate tectonics is not known. One theory is that convection
within the Earth's mantle pushes the plates, in much the same way that air heated by your
body rises upward and is deflected sideways when it reaches the ceiling.
Another theory is that gravity is pulling the older, colder, and thus heavier ocean floor with
more force than the newer, lighter seafloor. Whatever drives the movement, plate tectonic
activity takes place at four types of boundaries: divergent boundaries, where new crust is
convergent boundaries, where crust is consumed;
collisional boundaries, where two land masses collide;
and transform boundaries, where two plates slide against each other ( Science
Odyssey, 1998).
Worksheets for Activities:
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F (Fault lines)
Different types of
Appendix G
Carter, F. (2011). 5Es Engage - Plate Tectonics. Retrieved from
Ferrett, R. (2005). Australia's volcanoes. Sydney: Reed New Holland.
Frankel, H. R. (2012). The Continental Drift Controversy. Cambridgeshire: Cambridge
University Press.
Georg Stadler, M. G. (2010). Science AAAS. The Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle
Flow: From Local to Global Scales, 1033-1038.
Science Odyssey. (1998). Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker. Retrieved from Science Odyssey:
Taylor, M. f. (2006). Retrieved from Investigating Ideas about Plate Tectonics: