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Quinceañera Dress
Miriam Caballero
Noemi Chavez
• Nationality: Mexican(s).
• Population (2006
estimate): 107.4 million.
• Ethnic groups: IndianSpanish (mestizo) 60%,
Indian 30%, Caucasian
9%, other 1%.
• Religions: Roman
Catholic 89%, Protestant
6%, other 5%.
• Government: Federal
Culture: Mexican Holidays
• January 6th and 7th:
Dia de los Reyes Magos
• September 16: Mexican
Independence Day
• February 14: El Dia Del
Amor y La Amistad
(Valentine's Day)
• November 1 and 2: Dia
de los Muertos
• May 5: Cinco de Mayo
• December 12: Dia de la
Virgen de Guadalupe
• The people of Mexico take great pride of their
country, culture, ethnicity, lifestyle and economic
independence. Exchanging proper greetings is
considered very important in Mexican cultural
• Mexican culture also exhibits strong family ties,
respect, hard working and socializing together in
the community.
• 95% are Christians of whom 87% belong to the
Catholic faith
• People are expected to address all members of
a group individually
• Mexico is known worldwide for its folk art
traditions, mostly derived from a
combination of the indigenous and
Spanish crafts (clay pottery, colorfully
embroidered cotton garments
• Between the Spanish conquest and the
early Twentieth Century, Mexican fine arts
were largely in imitation of European
• The Aztec maintained their subsistence by
utilizing fishing, hunting, gathering and
gardening techniques.
• The valley rivers were rich in fish, insects,
shrimp, tadpoles, and a naturally occurring
pasta called ahuatl.
• Those near the ocean ate crabs, oysters, fish
and turtles.
• Among the wild animals are rabbits, snakes,
armadillos, deer, pumas and coyotes.
The Earth Myth
Chalice ("Serpent Skirt“) was the Earth goddess of life and
death in the Aztec mythology.
She was depicted as a woman wearing a skirt of snakes and
a necklace of hearts torn from victims.
She also had sharp claws in her hands and feet.
Coatlicue was a goddess thirsty of human sacrifices.
Her husband was Mixcoatl, the cloud serpent and god of the
Coatlicue gave birth to Huitzilopochtli after a ball of feathers
fell into the temple where she was sweeping and touched
This weird pregnancy greatly offended her existing four
hundred children who were encouraged by Coyolxauhqui
to kill their dishonored mother
However, Huitzilopochtli emerged from the womb of his
mother fully armed and saved her.
Huitzilopochtli cut off the head of his sister, Coyolxauhqui
and threw it into the sky to become the Moon.
Time line for Aztecs
• 1195 Aztecs arrived in Valley of Mexico.
• 1325 Tenochtitlan was founded. First
temple built by Aztecs.
• 1375 Acamapichtli becomes first ruler of
• 1428 Aztecs joined forces with Texcoco &
Tlacopan formed Triple Alliance.
Atzcapotzalco conquered.
• 1458 Moctezuma sent armies to conquer lands.
• 1469 Moctezuma I died.
• 1502 Moctezuma II became ruler. Aztec Empire at
• 1519 Cortez comes to Mexico. Moctezuma II killed.
• 1522 Tenochtitlan rebuilt, named Mexico City by
Cortez. Declared capital of Spanish colony of New
Aztecs values
• Human sacrifices were
necessary to honor the
gods and to be
responsible for human
• They believed that
humans were
responsible for the
pleasure or displeasure
of the gods and,
therefore, they want to
make sure that the god
were happy.
• Twenty to fifty thousand
people were sacrificed
Aztecs Culture
• The people who were sacrificed were
often painted red and black.
• The red symbolized blood and new life
• the black represented the evils they had
• Aztec priests who conducted the sacrifices
wore black robes stained with blood.
Aztec Moral Values
• Children learned history, myths, religion
and Aztec ceremonial songs
• Boys received intensive military training
and also learned about agriculture and
the trades.
• Girls were educated to form a family, and
were trained in the arts and trades that
would ensure the welfare of their future
Spain Values
• The Indians were forbidden from engaging in commerce.
• They were to be allowed only one wife
• They were to work in the fields and mines, but not overworked,
and they were to be fed and not beaten.
• Spaniards strongly believed in Catholicism and as a result they
forced the Indians to changed their beliefs by replacing their
stone images with a cross and the image of the Virgin Mary.
• They promised to obey the king's laws if he respected their
rights "and if not, not."
• macho attitudes
• Preserving the traditional role of the family
• Distant and formal relations between the sexes
• Passage of wealth only among the elite
• Only the elite had the power to make the decisions based on
the prestige.
Rite of passage
• During the Aztec period, women were treated as secondclass citizens, unimportant, and only available for
bearing children and obeying their husband.
• Young females were taught by elder women to learn the
skills the girls would need to know for the rest of their
• Such skills include housework, cooking, and weaving.
• This rite symbolized the change from childhood into
• For women, the age of fifteen became a time of decision.
Girls had the choice to either devote their life to church
or to marry
• Mexico has pronounced wet and dry seasons. Most
of the country experiences a rainy season from June
to mid-October and significantly less rain during the
remainder of the year. February and July generally
are the driest and wettest months, respectively.
• Mexico City has a yearly median temperature of 15°C
with pleasant summers and mild winters.
• The warm climate forced the Aztecs to develop
clothing that was loose and flowing.
• Women wore sleeveless blouses and wraparound
• Men wore cloth around the hip area and a cloak over
a shoulder.
Functionality: Define Aztecs Social Classes
and rituals
Functionality: Define Aztecs Social Classes
and rituals
• Dress also helped one to recognize social status
and rank
• Dress is an important area in many facets of
Aztec culture and played a vital role in
determining class, government rank, and religion
• One reason they wore clothing was for
• Aztecs overall view of beauty is that adornment
along with tasteful colors makes for beautiful
Maguey’s thread
Feathers: 235 recorded species of birds
Coarse cotton fabric
Eared Quetzal
Mexican Trogon
Form: Old Dress in Aztecs
Spain old dresses
Matrix of Values
Universal Values
Personal Values
Performance Value:
The dress is made with
It ranges from up to
high quality materials All depends on time of
and may contain
payment (at store or
personalized attributes by placing an order by
desired by the user
catalog or online)
Purchasing and using
the dress reinforces
traditional social
values as well as
supports the
individual’s desires
Cash, Checks and
Credit will be
accepted at stores but
only credit and debit
when purchasing
The product can be
shown at store, by
catalog, or online.
The product will be
available at our stores
and will be also
available to order
online and by catalog
The product can be
The traditional Quinceañera is a celebration of a young Hispanic woman coming to
the age where her family acknowledges and celebrates with her that she is now a
young woman and no longer a child.
Through out the many years of invasive education and persuasion by European
Societal forces, the tradition of Quinceañera has maintained its place in preserving
the traditions of Hispanics through out the Americas and honoring our young
women as they are gently ushered into the age of adulthood.
Quinceañeras is celebrated through out Latin America in many various forms and
It remains the fairy tale dream for many young Hispanic girls, who dream of the day
when all their family and friends will join in recognition and celebration of the day
that they are held in the bosom of love and softly carried across the threshold of
maturity, set down, with their feet firmly planted in the richness of tradition, faith
and history. Choosing the right dress has been one of the most desired activities for
young girls when it comes to celebrating their fifteenth birthday because of the
unique design that it conveys.
It symbolizes their special moment where the most important person is them.
• La Quinceañera is a tradition that comes from the Spanish as well
as from the Aztecs for the celebration of the fifteenth birthday, and
as mentioned before its commonly celebrated in Hispanic cultures in
places like Mexico and South America. Mostly every Hispanic girl
dreams of the coming of this celebration. Since this celebration is
part of their culture and tradition almost every girl feels the need to
celebrate her fifteenth birthday.
• The quinceañera dress especially symbolizes the moment in which
young girls become women just like when the Spanish and Aztecs
wore special clothing when celebrating the coming of age of young
• Young girls dream of the kind of dress they want to use because
they know how unique this dress can be.
• Choosing the right dress is not always easy. We are trying to
address the need of young girls to find their ideal dress because we
know how much it means for them and knowing this desire of most
Hispanic young girls we know there is a big market to satisfy.
• Our product brand name is “Spring 15” and the
reason why we chose this name is because
spring represents the moment when tiny seeds
blossom into pretty flowers just like young girls
that become young ladies.
• The fifteenth birthday is a very special moment
for young girls and with our product we are
trying to make this occasion even more special
and unique.
• The way we package our products depends on
the method of purchase.
• If our product is bought at one of our stores we will place
it in a big white box in order to protect the dress from any
water damage.
• If bought by catalog or online we wrap it up in another
box in order to send it through mail and protect it from
any kind of damage. Our theme is “Dream it and make
it come true”.
• As far as our retail merchandising we plan to decorate
our stores with colonial backgrounds in order to highlight
the Spanish influence on this tradition.
• In Mexico, one of the eras that are most valuable was
the colonial times where the Spanish influence was at its
peak. Many girls today dream of wearing a dress just like
the ones used by young girls at that time.
Knowing this, we believe that highlighting this aspect will help us attract our
target market.
We also know that the Quinceañera celebration is also a celebration
influenced by the Aztec culture.
We know that the Aztec valued bright and different kind of colors, so we
plan to offer our customer with the opportunity to select the color of their
dress from a wide selection.
By keeping in mind how important is the Quinceañera tradition for Hispanic
girls and by using in our product and stores the characteristics that are most
valuable to these people, we will satisfy their need of buying a product that
really targets their needs and desires, and that reinforces their traditions.
We also plan to advertise our product in magazines that appeal to young
girls due that this is our main target market.
We want to include in these magazines our product but also inform young
girls of the history of the Quinceañera tradition due that most of the people
ignore its roots.
New Dress in Mexico