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La geocultura de la Ciudad de México
Please answer the question using complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. Refer to
your textbook’s beginning pages of the chapter.
1. What’s the name of the monument that was built to commemorate 100 years of
independence from Spain?
2. Where was Hernan Cortés’s former residence?
3. Who was the Aztec emperor at the time of the Spanish conquest?
4. What’s the name of the Aztec artifact discovered in 1790?
5. What was Mexico City’s name when it was the Aztec capital?
6. What’s the name of the god of water and rain?
7. What’s the name of the avenue inspired by the Champs Élysées in Paris?
8. What’s the name of the festival celebrated in the floating gardens of Xochimilco?
9. What’s the “Fiesta Guadalupana”?
10.Who conquered the city of Tenochtitlán?
11.Describe el Ángel and include its location in Mexico City.
12.Describe la Catedral Metropolitana and include its location in Mexico City.
13.Describe la El Zócalo and include its location in Mexico City.
14.Describe el Palacio Nacional and include its location in Mexico City.
15.Describe el Museo del Tempo Mayor and include its location in Mexico City.
16.When is Mexican Independence Day? How is it celebrated?
17.Who were the Aztecs? Where did they live before the arrival of conquistadors?
18.Name and describe two Aztec gods.
19.What’s another name for El Zócalo?
20.Who painted La gran Tenochtitlán?