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Associative Property
2 + ( 3 + 4) = (2 + 3 ) + 4
6) = (4
Commutative Property
2+5 =5+2
4(6) = 6(4)
Multiplicative Identity
1 7 = 7
Additive Identity
0 + 12 = 12
Distributive Property
2(4 + t) = 8 + 2t
(x –5) 7 = 7x - 35
Order of Operation:
1. Simplify grouped expressions
2. Multiply and Divide (left to right)
3. Add and Subtract (left to right)
Adding Integers:
1. If the signs are the same, ADD
and use the sign of the original
2 +4 =6
-3 + -6 = -9
2. If the signs are different,
SUBTRACT and use the sign
of the term with the larger
absolute value.
Double negatives:
A negative next to a negative is
-(-5) = 5
Multiplying Integers:
1. Multiply the absolute value of
the integers
2. If the original numbers both had
the same sign, the answer is
3. If the original numbers had
different signs, make the answer
-5(4) = -20
(4)(-9) = -36
-8(-9) = 72
Subtracting Integers:
1. Change the problem to addition
2. Solve the addition problem
12 – 5
12 –( - 5)
12 + (-5)
12 + 5
Things that are added or subtracted.
Like Terms:
(two types)
1. Terms that have the same
variable (letter).
6x, 4x, -x, -11x
2. Terms that have no variable
9, -2, 15, -8, 0
Combine Like Terms:
1. Identify terms that are the same.
2. Add together the terms that are
the same.
6x + 2x –5x + 4 –1
 3x + 3